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Labels for the most important elements in a theory COMM402 Exam 1 Study Guide Concept What is a concept Combined as such o X leads to Y o X increases Y o X decreases Y Variables on that variable Variables vs Non variables Values attribute or category or quantity of a variable an individual s score o Variable measurable version of a concept construct that can take on two or more values anything that varies o Non variable can not be broken down into smaller parts does not vary ex gender is a variable but female is a non variable Independent variables vs Dependent Variables o Independent variable that has the causal influence on outcome variables Dependent outcome variable its values depend on the independent variables Levels of Measurements Numerical Categorical discrete continuous How much information is given Nominal used for consistent but arbitrarily defined coding scheme Ordinal Interval Ratio cannot be coded arbitrarily because these scales contain information about the rank order meaning of different responses the rank order must be preserved in the values used for coding responses Concept is multidimensional if it has more than one aspect to it that are each free to vary somewhat independently Elements of a concept ex Concept is education dimensions are school learning home Different facets of a complex construct sometimes called factors Differences in dimensions may underlie what appear to be Dimensions What are dimensions discrete categories Theoretical or conceptual definition Conveys the meaning we attach to the concept and may suggest indicators of it Operational definition Operationalization complete and explicit information about how to measure a concept defining indicators Survey the actual text of a survey question and the type of response it solicits open ended multiple choice scaled response Experiment Manipulated Variables IV the two or more different conditions that the participants are exposed to in order to test and effect Measured Variables DV and Controls Questionnaire questions surveys Measurements from computers or tools such as stop watches scales rulers Physiological measurements such as heart rate EEG fMRI etc Observational data coded Content variables specific code scheme developed to Content analysis identify classify content Non content variables measured as in experiments and Know how to draw interpret path models including models with more than three variables Theoretical statements surveys Hypothesis Assumption Proposition Hypothesis Be able to identify different types of hypotheses and write hypotheses from path models charts Difference Hypothesis Information says X affects Y group A is higher lower different than group B Name the groups instead of the variables Categorical variables Relationship Hypothesis When the hypothesis clearly states if something increases something decreases directionality provided You know the two variables are positively or negatively related to each other Directional Hypothesis Non directional Hypothesis Stating in what direction the difference is ex the higher your GPA the higher your income after school Causality Covariation a relationship must exist Time order changes in the independent variable must come before changes in the dependent variable Ruling out spurious relationships alternation explanations must be ruled out Linkages hypothesis should be associated with two types of linkages between concepts variables Theoretical Operational for a higher level relationship Theoretical logical explanation of why the concepts should be related to one another why the hypothesis ought to be true Operational measurement of how the variables are related to one another empirically hard data Forms of relationships Direction of relationship Positive vs Negative Positive as values of one variable increase the other increases Negative as values of one variable increases the other decreases Coefficients Be able to identify on a graph and interpret in terms of variables effects values Slope how steep or shallow the line on the graph is Constant where the variable crosses the Y axis initial value Parallel lines vs Non parallel lines not a coefficient but an element of chart interpretation absence or presence of an interaction between the independent variable and the 3rd variable Slope relationship between X and Y Distance between lines relationship between Z and Y Why is it important to introduce a 3rd variable Specifies contingent condition Showing the operation of intervening variables or prior variables Specifies the operating component of a global concept value Global variables variables that behave in their own way Outcomes of introducing 3rd variables types of 3rd variable relationships Be able to identify draw on path models and charts Explanation 3rd variable accounts for the original relationship causes both DV and original IV Internal replication 3rd variable is tested as a control and turns out not to be important Interpretation relationship between IV and DV is actually due to an intervening variable mediation Interaction Moderation relationship between one variable and another is dependent upon the value or level of a 3rd variable moderation or it depends Additivity 3rd variable and the IV both independently affect the DV and do not interact

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UMD COMM 402 - Exam 1

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