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2 18 15 Goals Learning 1 Define associative learning 2 Define classical conditioning 3 And describe how it works 4 Define operant conditioning 5 Describe and reinforcement 6 Describe and punishment 7 Describe schedules if reinforcement continuous and partial Definition relatively permanent change in behavior that can be attributed to experience Types of learning Associative forming associations among stimuli and responses red light stop pizza happy or hungry o Classical conditioning when a stimulus that doesn t produce a response is linked with one that does 1 Ice cream truck song song with ice o Operant conditioning learning based on consequences of responding learn to do things that are rewarded and not to do when punished 1 Ticket punished for speeding Stop cream doing OPERANT AFTER RESPONSE AFTER CLASSICAL Cognitive higher level learning involving thinking knowing understanding and anticipation how to order or make pizza Classical Conditioning Unconditioned stimulus US stimulus that produces a response automatically eye doctor shoot puff of air in eye Unconditioned response UR response from US reflex Blink for puff of air Neutral Stimulus NS doesn t produce response eye doctor stare at pic before puff pic is NS Becomes Conditioned Stimulus CS stimulus that evokes response bc it has repeatedly been paired with unconditioned stimulus every time see that pic you blink learn Conditioned Response CR learned response from by the conditioned stimulus Pavlovs study Dog meat powder measure saliva Bell no meat then saliva Before conditioning Bell is NS Meat Powder is US Salivation is UR During conditioning Bell is CS Meat Powder is US Salivation is UR After conditioning Bell is CS Salivation is CR Another example Dogs scratching and fleas Your dog has fleas US Start treating house for fleas UR Your dog scratches itself NS Your dog has fleas US Start treating house for fleas UR Your dog scratches itself CS You start treating house for fleas CR

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Ole Miss PSY 201 - Lecture notes

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