Primates Kinds 1 Prosimians 2 New World Monkey 3 Old World Monkey 4 Apes Taxonomy Proposed Changes 1 Name Changes in Primate Suborders Traditional Prosimii Anthropoidea Proposed Strepsirrhini Haplorrhini This would move Tarsiers currently with lemurs would be moved closer to apes 2 Reclassification of The Great Apes Family Names Traditional Pongidae Hominidae Proposed All Hominidae different subfamilies and tribes Primate Studies Descriptive 1920 s 1930 s 1940 s o Mostly going out and recording straight observations Observational o Long term observation some interaction Jane Goodall with chimps Diane Fossey with mountain gorillas Theoretical mainly 1970 s to modern time Sociobiological theory looks at relationship between genes and behavior Socioecology looks at relationship between environment and behavior Primate Characteristics Relative to Other Mammals Limbs and Locomotion o Erect posture o Hands and feet Prehensile able to grasp One digit is opposable Nails instead of claws Enhanced sensory abilities in fingertips and toes o Flexible limb structure Enables multiple ways of moving around Leaping Quadrupedalism Brachiation swinging from arms bipedalism Senses and the Brain o Increased reliance on vision Color vision Stereoscopic vision depth perception Manifested skeletally in eye position front of skull o Decreased reliance on smell Manifested skeletally in size of snout or lack of one Smaller olfactory center in brain o Encephalized larger brain relative to the size of the body Maturation Learning and Behavior o K Selected vs R Selected give birth to only a few offspring at a time Offspring are born immature needing more parental care Longer maturation period Longer gestation period o Arboreal vs Terrestrial most often found in the trees o Diurnal vs Nocturnal o Flexible learned behavior Easily adapt Much of their behavior is learned during maturation Social creatures Arboreal Hypothesis suggests the reason there is this suite of characteristics in primates is because primates adapted to life in an arboreal environment Diastema a larger than usual space between two teeth Sometimes allows for closing of the mouth in animals with larger teeth Dental Characteristics Heterodont different kinds of teeth Incisors Canines Premolars Molars Primate Dental Characteristics Dental Formula NWM 2 1 3 3 Maximilla 2 1 3 3 mandible OWM Apes Humans 2 1 2 3 2 1 2 3 Primate Terms Sexual Dimorphism differences between males and females of the same species in size shape and coloration o Ex Cardinals peacocks gorilla size Primate Geographic Population New World North Central and South America Old World Asia Europe and Africa Prosimians Prosimian Characteristics primitive Have more general mammalian characteristics than other primates least specialized Post orbital bar instead of completely enclosed eye orbit Dental comb dental specialization at the mandibular incisors in which the incisors project anteriorly o Used for grooming eating o Only in Prosimians o not all Prosimians have a dental comb but if it has a dental comb it is a Prosimian rectangle square relationship Grooming claw elongated specialized digit o For grooming eating o not all Prosimians have a grooming claw but if it has a grooming claw it is a Prosimian rectangle square relationship a found only on Madagascar in their natural habitat i mouse lemur ii Sifakas Zaboomafoo a Use vocalizations rely more on this than sight or smell 1 Lemurs Smaller bodied 2 Lorises Tarsiers i Bush babies ii Slow Lorises In transition Show a blend of characteristics similar to both Prosimians and other primates Nocturnal Southeastern Asia Tiny tiny creatures But can leap about 10 feet PROSIMIANS Smaller Bodied Longer Snout Dental Comb sometimes Grooming Claw sometimes Post Orbital Bar Shorter Gestation Maturation ANTHROPOIDS monkeys apes Larger Shorter Snout No Dental Comb No Grooming Claw Enclosed Eye Orbital Longer Gestation Maturation New World Monkeys NWM platyrrhines Geography in New World Central South America Size o Smaller bodied o Much variation o Often bigger than Prosimians smaller than OWM on average o Some have prehensile tails no OWM has a Dental Formula o 2 1 3 3 o 2 1 3 3 Nasal Region o Wider Septum o More laterally facing nostrils Tails prehensile tail General o Behaviorally more arboreal than terrestrial o No dietary specializations insects fruit Examples Buffy Headed Marmoset Golden Lion Tamarins catarrhines Geography Old World Africa Southeast Asia South Pacific islands Size White Throated Capuchin Howler Monkeys Old World Monkeys OWM o Much variation o Larger than NWM o Smaller than Apes Dental Formula o 2 1 2 3 o 2 1 2 3 Nasal Region o Narrower Septum o Elongated nostrils o Inferiorly oriented Tails o Not General prehensile o Smaller OWM are more arboreal o Larger are more terrestrial o Have a wide diet insects fruits not meat o Ischial Callosities hardened area of skin around the ass 2 Groups o Cheek Pouch Monkeys cercopithecinae Mandrills Baboons o Leaf Eaters colobinae Colobus monkeys Proboscis monkeys Apes Geography Old World central Africa Southeast Asia South Pacific islands Size o Much variation o Largest Dental Formula o 2 1 2 3 o 2 1 2 3 Nasal Region o Same as OWM Tails o No tails Broader chest torso Primarily terrestrial 2 Groups Smaller snouts o Lesser Apes Gibbons Siamangs True brachiators Skeletal specializations o Modifications in shoulder o Elongated curved fingers o Reduced thumbs Vocalizations songs Species Pair specific Pairs will sing in tandem Attract mate Maintain pair s bond Revealing location finding each other Marking territory o Greater Apes Orangutans Chimpanzees Bonobos Gorillas Larger More terrestrial Orangutans Gorillas In the South Pacific Silverback Silver hair on the back of the adult male Gorilla Often refers to the leader as well Groups of gorillas are formed with one adult male and several females o Male offspring leave as they reach maturity Chimpanzees Most closely related to humans DNA wise Very strong Very aggressive Very intelligent Bonobos Once known as pygmy chimps for their slightly smaller stature and close resemblance to chimps Use sex for EVERYTHING o Recreation o Social bonding o Diffuse tension o When they find a bunch of food But they are a more peaceful group so it must be working out well shrug Endangered Primates Conservation Efforts o Education awareness o Ecotourism Legislation Proceeds go to a particular conservation effort o Laws passed to minimize trade of living animals
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