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Exam 1 study guide Strategy and Strategic Organizational Behavior Human Relations movement McGregor s Theory X vs Y Strategic management overview Strategy formulation model elements etc Strategy implementation model elements etc Linking strategy and human resource management Strategic issues related to human resource management e g mergers acquisitions offshoring etc McGregor s theory vs theory x o Theory x people are lazy People hate work cannot be trusted to do good work and look to avoid responsibility Close supervision of the work place is needed o Theory y people are NOT lazy People can be self motivated when it comes to work A reward increases motivation People are ambitious and accept responsibility Individual human capital and social capital o Individual human capital Personal traits such as confidence honesty motivation etc o Social capital Strategic management Shared goals for the company cooperation o Addresses the competitive challenges faced by the organization o Plan for integrating many parts into a meaningful whole o Two parts formulation and implementation Formulation External analysis o Opportunities and threats Internal analysis o Strengths and weaknesses SWOT Implementation Star model o Strengths weaknesses opportunities threats o Strategy people structure metrics and rewards systems and processes Organizational Culture and Socialization Organizational culture primary functions etc Values and culture Espoused vs enacted values Ways to assess culture Ways to change and influence culture Person culture fit concept and implications Organizational socialization definition phases etc Socialization tactics 4 primary functions of cultures o Give members an organizational identity o Facilitate collective commitment Shared purpose o Promote social system stability o Promote understanding of the organization 5 primary characteristics of values o Broad concepts o Relate to desirable end states o Apply to most situations o Influence attitudes and behaviors o Ordered by relative importance Espoused values the values that the organization states that it believes in Enacted values the values that organization members perceive to be valued by the organization o The difference between the two is bad Indicators of cultural problems o Lack of shared views o More focus on problems than opportunities o Finger pointing o Lack of trust o Lack of confidence o Significant turnover o Performance issues Organizational socialization the process by which a person learns the values norms and required behaviors which permit him her to participate as a member of the organization o The impact of the organization on the individual o Three phases Anticipatory socialization prior to joining organization Encounter initial entry period into the organization Chase and acquisition variable Seen first hand o Socialization tactics Collective vs individual Sequential vs random Formal vs informal Fixed vs variable Serial vs disjunctive Investiture vs divestiture Global Organizational Behavior Societal culture influence on organizational behavior Ethnocentrism and related issues Hofstede s model and dimensions GLOBE model of cultural differences Other cultural differences high vs low context time orientation etc Expatriates use issues success factors reasons for failure etc Global leadership attributes Ethnocentrism belief that one s native country culture language and behavior are superior to that of others Cultures can be characterized using 5 basic dimensions o Power distance o Individualism collectivism o Masculinity femininity o Uncertainty avoidance o Short term vs long term orientation GLOBE cultural dimensions o Power distance extent to which power is distributed equally or not o Uncertainty avoidance extent of comfort with uncertainty o Institutional collectivism extent to which societal rewards are a o In group collectivism extent of individual s focus on group family o Gender egalitarianism extent of gender discrimination o Assertiveness extent of confrontation attempt to control in o Future orientation extent of focus on the future vs the present o Performance orientation extent to which performance is rewarded o Humane orientation extent to which kindness generosity etc is focus relationships rewarded High context cultures situational and non verbal cues carry meaning o China japan Korea Mexico Saudi Arabia Low context cultures meaning based on verbal and written communication o U S Canada a lot of Europe Expatriates a person temporarily or permanently residing in a country other than that of their citizenship studying working abroad Global leadership attributes o Leader attributes universally liked Trustworthy dynamic motivational decisive intelligent dependable plans ahead excellence oriented team builder encouraging o Universally disliked Bad traits o Like dislike dependent on culture Subdued intragroup conflict avoider cunning sensitive provocateur self effacing Social Perception and Individual Differences Social information processing model Different types of rating biases errors etc e g self serving bias halo error etc Attribution theory including the three factors elements of the model etc Different types of rating biases errors etc e g self serving bias halo error etc Attribution theory including the three factors elements of the model etc Self esteem self efficacy learned helplessness self monitoring etc Big 5 personality dimensions model Major mental abilities model 7 mental abilities Locus of control Intelligence IQ Emotional intelligence EQ concept model model elements etc Emotional contagion Myers Briggs Type Indicator Diversity vs inclusion Diversity model Organizational socialization Environmental stimuli information interpretation categorization memory judgments and decisions Biases o Fundamental attribution bias only looking at their personality o Self serving bias doing it for one s self o Halo error pitchfork error judging based off a single straight of a general impression Halo positive judgment Pitchfork negative judgment o Leniency error impression affects performance ratings Positive impression leads to positive performance ratings o Severity error rating is off because the severity of something said is not understood o Central tendency error most employs are rated as average Attribution theory an attribution is made as to whether actions and or behaviors resulted from internal factors or external factors o Three dimensions in Kelley s Attribution Theory Consensus is

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OSU BUSMHR 3200 - Exam 1

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