PUR3000 Study Guide for Final Exam The Inverted Pyramid Begins with the summary lead Adds facts in a descending order of importance Done so that the story may be edited to fit available space by cutting off the end of the story nothing of significance lost PR writer writes from perspective of inside looking out Journalist write from outside looking in Summary Lead Fact 1 Fact 2 Fact 3 Facts in descending order of importance The Summary Lead 6 questions ideally in 1 sentence so know all of the facts Who What Where When How Why In news releases most of the time the question What is most important Print Versus Electronic Media Leads Hard Lead Print o Simple sentences o Active voice things happening now Example John threw the ball o 22 25 words maximum Soft Lead electronics o Simple sentences o Active voice o 18 20 words maximum o First 2 3 words are thrown away because must assume people don t hear them or aren t listening Example from class o Who Alpha Phi Sorority o Why Raise Awareness for women s heart health o When October 21 Saturday o What Red Dress Auction Gala o How Auction Format for the News Release Identification Spacing typed double standard page Paper Release date embargo date date after which okay to run story Margins Paragraphs Slug line more or or 30 meaning this is the end Length one page of paper usually o Code tells reporter editor I m done or there is more to it to read at bottom of page Suggested headline o Good way to get attention Timing need to know deadlines get stuff to them right on time Using the Internet updated quicker than newspaper all day long Proof reading no substitute Example Lady opened PR business had pastel purple paper with butterfly stamp on it people will throw this out because no credibility Media Kits Bio straight and narrative Backgrounder background info Feature Case history By liner written by one signed by another Memorandum o Internal Pitch letter sales letter to reporter Round up article about class of companies instead of 1 particular Fact sheet Position paper argue your point Standby statement write when you know your company is about to get in trouble Speech News Conferences newsworthy Held where its best suits the media unless the location itself is what is Be mindful of media deadlines Hold for major events only If you can get the information to the media in a quicker simpler way e q a news release do it o Example The Horse Facility example in class In general don t use exclusives An exception news of limited interest might get coverage if given as an o Rotate the exclusives with the media don t play favorites High visual story given to television Lots of information given to newspaper Exclusives exclusive If you do Talking off the Record In general don t do it If you must o Establish the rules o Offer the reporter something in return Reporters don t like to talk off the record because like to attribute Managing Crisis The Do s and Don ts of a public relations crisis Definition Crisis any situation that can affect the well being of an organization Crisis vs emergency Emergency fire alarm goes off during exam Crisis example something blows up Siege mentality Capooning people quit going out aren t spending their money Timeframe of a Crisis Shock Anger Adjustment Adaptation Types of Crisis Fire Explosions Product tampering Environmental damage Law suits Product defects Terrorism Law suits PR handles bad news CEO handles good news Ramifications of a Crisis Stock devaluation Decrease in consumer confidence Loss of the public trust Types of Crisis Immediate crisis that is here now we are in the middle of it 1 2 Emerging we can see it coming 3 Sustained won t go away a Example Exxon and BP issues Communicating during a Crisis Do not speculate on the cause of the crisis o If don t know the cause of a crisis say you don t know do not guess or say what you think might of happened Make your point and repeat it often rehearse your talking points Establish yourself as the most authoritative source Stay on the record Tell all tell the truth tell it quickly Characteristics of Today s Reporters young inexperienced not well trained in journalism don t understand organizations and government and how they work skeptical of any public relations effort Final Exam only 25 questions 2 chapters on syllabus on writing and crisis questions from lectures and book 8 30am on Friday Exam is optional and can not hurt your grade if like grade average from first 2 tests do not need to take the final Book Notes Chapter 15 Public Relations Writing Page 312 practice relations Communication that is effective writing and speaking is the essence of the Writing for a reader differs dramatically from writing for a listener A reader can scan material study printed words dart ahead and then review passages for better understanding Online readers are impatient Writing for listeners gets only one opportunity to hear and comprehend a message If message is missed the first time there s usually no second chance The News Release Page 317 319 A news release may be written as a document of record to state an organization s official position to influence a publication to write favorably about the material discussed Professor Linda Morton s five newsworthy topics for news releases o Impact a major announcement that affects an organization its o Oddity an unusual occurrence or milestone such as the one millionth community or even society customer being signed on o Conflict a significant dispute or controversy such as a labor disagreement or rejection of a popular proposal o Known principal the greater the title of the individual making the announcement president versus vice president the greater the chance of the release being used o Proximity how localized the release is or how timely it is relative to the news of the day Most news releases never see the light of print Less than 10 of all news releases were published News Release News Value Page 319 In general news releases ought to include the following elements o Have a well defined reason for sending the release o Focus on one central subject in each release o Make certain the subject is newsworthy in the context of the organization industry and community o Include facts about the product service or issue being discussed o Prove the facts factually with no puff no bluff no hyperbole News Release Content Page 320 To be newsworthy news releases must be objective All comments and editorial remarks must be attributed to
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