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PSYC 100 GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY EXAM 3 STUDY GUIDE I strongly suggest that you first organize your notes examples reading reviews application of psychology assignments and do it well before the exam date Then use this study guide as a last step in studying Remember this is only a guide Material not listed here may still appear on the exam Anything presented in class or the textbook is fair game The reading review questions and learning the definitions are the first step You must at least know what the terms even mean However memorization alone will NOT be enough Use examples from class and the textbook to help you understand the definitions When you use the examples instead of just the word forward definitions you are developing the ability to see a new example and ask yourself Which other example does this new one sound like most You will be more successful if you have a goal focused on understanding and applying your knowledge Use the i Clicker questions class discussions and application assignment questions to guide how you should be thinking about the material Now that we re on our second exam remember that all exams are semi cumulative The exam will focus on new content but some material especially foundational material i e Chapters 1 3 will be repeated It is worth your time to make sure you consistently understand research methodology did you make that organizational graphic I suggested previously Happy Studying EMOTION MOTIVATION Compare and contrast emotions and moods o Moods immediate responses to environmental events or internal thoughts Ex When someone tells you your outfit is on fleek you feel happy o Emotions general state without an identifiable trigger Ex A day when you are irritable but don t know why What are the two primary categories of emotions o Primary emotions emotions that are innate evolutionarily adaptive and universal Fear anger disgust happiness surprise and contempt o Secondary emotions blends of primary emotions Remorse guilt submission shame love bitterness and jealousy In what ways do emotions help us be adaptive o Cognitive functions As emotions change and adapt to our environment culture etc we can better react and participate in every day society and social encounters o Somatic Marker Theory most self regulatory actions and decisions are influenced by bodily reactions o Two videos from class about patients of Damasio What were the key ideas from these videos Choosing a risky deck vs a safe deck Before a normal person picks from the risky deck the physiological arousal comes before choosing Patients with prefrontal damage don t have the anticipatory arousal Case studies Decision making and emotions go hand in hand People with the impairments could talk about the pros and cons of something but they could never make a decision because they don t have emotional connections to these things Most of what we know about the brain s functioning is derived from what kind of study designs It helps them to see what areas of the brain activate when the people make certain decisions using their emotions The problem is that they are case studies so you cannot generalize it to the whole population What areas of the brain are most relevant in these contexts The frontal lobe is the most relevant because when it is damaged it disrupts communication to other parts of the brain The amygdala is for the emotional significance of objects The insula receives and interprets somasensory signals What kinds of behavioral impairments show up in these video examples o Communicate emotions They often lack certain emotions For example in the card example their brains did not have arousal in anticipating the risky deck In the example of the people who could not make decisions have incomplete synaptic connections so they cannot come to a decision Strengthen interpersonal relationships o Roles of guilt embarrassment and blushing o Guilt strengthens social bonds and discourages people from doing things that harm their relationships restores social bonds o Embarrassment occurs after violating a social norm rectifies awkwardness and o Blushing occurs when people believe others view them negatively and communicates a realization of interpersonal errors Three Main Theories of Emotion o James Lange Theory of Emotion people perceive specific patterns of bodily responses and as a result of that perception they feel emotion There is a stimulus that threatens you bear you have physiological arousal heart racing hands shaking because of this you have fear o Cannon Bard Theory of Emotion information about emotional stimuli is sent simultaneously to the cortex and the body and results in emotional experience and bodily reactions The mind is quick to experience while the body is much slower Emotional stimuli is sent to the mind and body separately Stimulus bear produces the physiological arousal and the emotion fear simultaneously but independently o Two Factor Theory of Emotion a label applied to physiological arousal results in the experience of an emotions stimulus leads to arousal to arousal and you label where the arousal is coming from and the cognitive label produces the emotion o What research findings support each of these theories Tip Refer to the graphic I created in class to help you compare and contrast the Tip Always read the Scientific Thinking and What to Believe boxes in your theories chapters What is motivation A process that energizes guides and maintains behavior towards a goal What are the factors that produce motivation Incentives What were some of the disadvantages of using Behaviorist principles in trying to explain more complex human behaviors They generalized too much The behaviorist principles were very simplistic and failed to adequately explain complex behaviors Yerkes Dodson Law The psychological principle that performance on challenging tasks increases with arousal up to a moderate level After that additional arousal impairs performance o Examples of this law in real life If you have low arousal you are not motivated to study for a test and will therefore have poor performance If you have too much arousal you will have so much anxiety that it will cause you to perform poorly Extrinsic vs intrinsic motivation Intrinsic motivation is motivation to perform an activity because of the value or pleasure associated with that activity rather than for an apparent external goal or purpose Extrinsic motivation is motivation to perform an activity because of the external goals

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