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CCJ 4700 Final Exam Review Lecture 9 Qualified Interviewing Field Observation Introduction to Qualitative Interviews o Qualitative interview where the interviewer has a general plan of inquiry including topics an interaction between interviewer and respondent Perhaps not in a particular order Purposeful conversation Allows more complex processes the hows of human perspective Appropriate Topics for Qualitative Interviewing o Especially well suited for exploratory research Often the sole way of gathering data in Criminal Justice studies o Allows understanding of perspectives o First hand accounts lived experience o Used to understand people s roles identities o Group of interest often part of scene Kinds of Qualitative Interviews o Interview Schedule areas to discuss structure may have predetermined questions or topical The 3 kinds of Interview Schedules Structured and answer sets most common consists of predetermined questions o Standardize interview so that responses will be comparable o Advantages Information for particular purpose Can often be quantified o Disadvantages Lack of depth Often stiff exchanges in conversation Limited ability to explore interesting answers Semi structured themes that emerge during interview standardized questions but allows exploration of o Unscheduled probes spontaneous questions relevant to dialogue o Benefit Produces more standardized answers WHILE Unstructured retaining natural spontaneity less rigid best for exploratory where theory is generated o Most open style Provides depth and natural interaction o 2 Approaches Conversations informal chat with organic conversation flow traditionally used during participant observation Interview Guide still flows freely literally a guide list of topical areas to cover but o Focus Group Interviews CCJ 4700 Final Exam Review Shows how opinions form in everyday life 6 12 people brought together for guided group discussion Used to generate hypotheses or used with other types of data 2 Types together for research have a previous existing connection individuals selected according to some criteria brought Natural Artificial Gaining Access to Participants need to identify as a researcher make a formal request determine if you are an insider outsider o Establish Your Role o Formal Organizations receive formal approval 4 steps sponsor letter phone call meeting o Informal Subcultures might hang out as well required if researcher is an outsider o Encouraging Participation compensation for access participation often gain access using sponsor or hang out where subjects Conducting Qualitative Interviews o In person on phone online survey face to face most common o Reflexivity refers to subjectivity and meaning given to information Self reflexivity critically conscious of you and your feelings how you connect with participants o Rapport Good to find commonalities to have good communication o Types of Interviewing Active dynamic two sided social exchange Horizons of meaning boundaries of how you see things become visible with collaborative interaction Answers determine the next question Interactive non verbal communication interviewer and participants end receive messages through Researcher as actor director choreographer Conducting Focus Group Interviews o Involves combining good interview skills while navigating interactions and natural artificial physical arrangement length of monitoring group members o Plan Design Considerations interview structure participants may be upset by speaking of certain information no way to ensure confidentiality due to other participants in study o Groupthink o Dominant Group Member o Generating data on Stigmatized Topics need for harmony to minimize conflict takes over group of course Recording Data o Logging Record transcribed interviews notes field notes memoing Field notes need to be written promptly when still fresh in mind Memoing writing about research process and subjectivity 3 kinds Operational steps took in research process Coding document how data was coded Final Exam Review CCJ 4700 Data Analysis Analytic ways to explore relationship in data o Analyzing non numerical qualitative data allows researchers to support claims data managed through tables charts visual o Data Management Reduction on what they ve found displays o Making Sense of Data Data reduction putting aside irrelevant seeming information Thinking units framework for making sense of stories meaning practice episode encounter lifestyle roles relationship group organizations analysis of patterns themes and common categories o Grounded Theory discovered in data Identifying Codes Themes o Coding assigns meaning to the data o Process of organizing raw data into neat categories o Open Coding explore all possible meanings before assigning conceptual o Microanalysis o Data will have high level themes low level categories going deeper in data challenging original reference frame definition Tools for Analysis Interpretation o 3 levels of presenting qualitative data 1 Qualitative Description letting data speak for themselves minimal commentary participants present own accounts day in life critical points degree of certainty moving beyond what can be explained with a 2 Analysis 3 Qualitative Interpretation expand beyond purely descriptive o All can be used Quality Rigor in Qualitative Interviewing o Must consider reliability validity of data o Should have field notes memos Audit Trail Negative Cases Member Checks contradict emerging themes other researchers read and verify accuracy of work Stability of result interpret consistency Transferability when working hypothesis can be transferred from one context to another Neutrality rather than objectivity or inter subjective agreement Introduction to Field Research o Field research encompasses direct observation asking questions o Yield qualitative AND quantitative o Often no precise hypothesis to test o Makes sense out of ongoing process that can t be predicted CCJ 4700 Final Exam Review o Initial observations tentative general conclusions suggesting further observation make observations revise conclusions Topics For Field Research o Comprehensive perspective and enhance validity go directly to phenomenon o Good for topics best observed in natural setting o Ethnography Roles of the Observer focus on detail and accurate description rather than explanation true identity purpose not known to subjects participate o Participant as Observer o Complete Participant fully participates in

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FSU CCJ 4700 - Lecture 9: Qualified Interviewing & Field Observation

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