COMM107 Chapter 5 The Self and perception Intrapersonal communication communication that takes place in your head such as analyzing a situation Self talk saying things in your head before engaging in conversation o Imagined Interactions Mentally picturing a situation playing out o Digital communication information that has been encoded by digital processing Self Concept o Your idea or picture of yourself o Self esteem Physical Moral ethical Family Social How one perceives his her body Relates to your evaluation of your belief system How one is treated by his or her parents Evaluations of yourself in social situations o 7 Common signs of having a weak sense of one s self Sensitivity to criticism Hypercritical attitude Inappropriate response to flattery People who don t feel good about themselves often have trouble feeling good about anyone else Tendency towards blaming Feelings of persecution Negative feelings about competition Low self esteem people avoid competition Tendency toward seclusion and timidity o Confronting Negative Self Thoughts and Beliefs Psychological vultures attacks a person s weakness Intelligence Creativity Family Relationship of situations These vultures and putdowns result in people avoiding these types Cognitive Processing how we deal with information in relationship to our values attitudes and beliefs o Cognitive dissonance The state of having inconsistent thoughts beliefs or attitudes esp as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change Perceptions your feeling about other people The Self o Types Real self is what you think of yourself when you are being most honest about your interests thoughts emotions and needs Ideal self is who you would like to be Public self is the self you let others know o Theory of self Spiritual Material Social Physical o Understanding yourself Johari Window prospective Styles Helps to understand oneself through an intrapersonal o 1 Good listeners and fairly shy often considered introverts o 2 This person listens however you ll realize that they don t talk much They are also introverts o 3 people that give a greta deal of information but don t like to receive it They tend to be all about themselves o 4 people in between Need Drives Affecting Communication Reflexive actions are those which are instinctive o Survival o Pleasure Seeking o Security o Territoriality over at yours When security is absent you feel a lack of control This motivates verbal or nonverbal communication Ex when you eat at a friends house it is different than having them Communication Apprehension many people call it shyness o Shy people tend to avoid the very skills which they need to hone o The Effects of Communication Apprehension This can cause people to do poorly in discussion based classes or fail to advance in job positions because of an inability to outwardly communicate o Help for Communication Apprehension Skill training such as learning to use friendly body language Systematic desensitization People are taught to recognize the apprehension and control the tension Cognitive Modification First identify your own negative thoughts and substituting them with positive thoughts Drug Therapy The Role of Culture on Self Communication o Aspects of Culture that affect the self Self Credentialing Self Humbling Societies In cultures that stress self credentialing verbal mode emphasis is placed on boasting In Self humbling cultures people lower oneself via modest talk o EX Native Americans Doing or Being orientation to Life Doing orientation o People that are achievement orientation Being orientation o People strive for their individual goals however they don t use accomplishments as a measure of self worth or value Attitudes towards others High context Low context Communication Low context is the conveying of ideas through very explicit messages High context is conveyed through indirect language
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