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Overview What kind of people do successful organizations need Do organizations maximize value creation Expectations of employees Organizational Behavior vs Human Resource Management Org Behavior Culture Motivation Leadership 3 Levels Individual Group Organizational MRH Recruitment Training Compensation Organizations are groups of people with formal roles Strategy HR Movement Increase in books and stuff about ethics in the workplace o McGregor s Theory Y Theory Y vs Theory X Theory X Theory Y Work is natural People dislike work Workers require close supervision Contingency Approach calls for using management concepts and techniques in a situation appropriate manner instead of trying to rely on one best way Workers like completing objectives Human Capital qualities of people that bring value Individual HC vs Social HC Individual personality intelligence etc Social teamwork cooperation etc Strategy Vision Mission Goals Strategic Plan External Analysis Internal Analysis Star Model All must be aligned Ex Cirque du Soleil HRM is difficult when Mergers Downsizing Outsourcing Elements of Compensation Identification of different pay elements Culture Four Primary functions of a culture 1 Give members an identity 2 Facilitate Collective Commitment 3 Promote Social System 4 Promote knowledge of the organization Values Concepts beliefs Apply across all most situations Two kinds of Values 1 Espoused Values The values that are stated Ex Mission Statements List of core beliefs 2 Enacted Values Values that members perceive Ex Reality actions of people walk the walk vs talk the talk Individual Enacted and Espoused values interplay Employees who are a culture fit will be more committed motivated Ways to Understand a Culture Stories about the past Myths over dramatic stories about events Heroes Symbols Symbolic Acts Language Rites Artifacts Surveys data speech that carries message ceremonies How to Measure Culture IAOPTAS o Innovation o Attention to Detail o Outcome Orientation o People Orientation o Team Orientation o Aggressiveness o Stability Organizational Socialization Anticipatory Socialization Encounter Change and Acquisition Feelings prior to joining Initial Entry When actions are consistent with org Differences in Socialization CFSVDI Collective vs Individual focus on the group or individual accomplishments Formal vs Informal presence of hierarchies and roles Sequential vs Random given steps to reach a goal vs being left to figure out on your own Fixed vs Variable ex how long what it takes to be promoted Fixed steps procedure Serial vs Disjunctive serial old members groom newcomers Disj new members figure it out themselves Investiture vs Divestiture Investiture orgs use and encourage people s differences Divest orgs try to assimilate everyone to be alike Global Organizational Behavior Ethnocentricism Belief that one s native country culture language and behavior are superior Hofstede s Cultural Dimensions PIMUS how comfortable they are with having authority unequal power Power Distance Individualism vs Collectivism Masculinity vs Femininity Uncertainty Avoidance Short Term vs Long Term Orientation Masc competitive more harsh Fem relationships emotions etc willingness to take risks Comfort with the unknown goal setting for near or distant future Gender Egalitarianism extent of gender discrimination role inequality Future Orientation level of focus on the future Performance Orientation is performance rewarded Humane Orientation extent to which kindness generosity etc are rewarded Others Time Orientation Social Customs Taboos Use of Space Social Perception Types of Biases Fundamental Attribution Error assuming someone made a decision due to their character and not their situation ex This guy cut me off because he s an asshole not because he s in a hurry Self Serving Bias reason for performance is caused by internal vs external causes I got a good grade because I m smart I got a bad grade because the teacher sucked when someone s organization character brand influences the way you perceive o ex Halo Effect their character o ex This guy is from my hometown I really liked his interview Pitchfork or Horns Error opposite of halo Attribution Theory did internal or external factors cause this behavior Based off of Consensus is behavior similar to those around them High Situational External Distinctiveness is behavior similar to that in other situations High External Consistency in a similar situation is their behavior the same High Internal Diversity vs Inclusion Diversity Simply the differences between people Inclusion how organization uses those differences to benefit Self Efficacy how likely am I to be successful at this task Self Esteem what is my self worth Emotional Stability how good am I at remaining relaxed and not experience negative emotions Locus of Control were my successes based off my skills or external factors The Big 5 Judging Personality EACEO being outgoing trusting cooperative etc 1 Extraversion 2 Agreeableness 3 Conscientiousness Dependable responsible persistent 4 Emotional Stability 5 Openness to Experience Types of Intelligence Linguistic intelligence with language and speech Logical Musical Bodily Kinesthetic good coordination Spatial recognize patterns Interpersonal working well with others Intrapersonal knowing yourself well Naturalist Personal Competence Self Awareness Social Competence Social Awareness Emotional Contagion tendency for two people to become emotionally alike Ex Being around assholes will also make you an asshole Myers Briggs Test Describes preferences rather than skills Four Dimensions Extraversion vs Introversion o Ext being alone is draining o Int being social is draining Sensing vs Intuition o Sens taking in info using 5 senses o Intu having a feeling about something Thinking vs Feeling o Think doing what is logical makes the most sense i e the head o Feeling doing what you feel is right i e the heart Judgment vs Perception o J organized and structured life o P spontaneous and flexible Social Styles Recruiting Sources of Recruiting Internal Other Organizations i e Boeing would recruit from NASA Google from IBM Direct Applicants Advertising and Internet ex Monster com Colleges External Recruiters recruiting agencies Contingency paid fee vs Retained upfront fee Costs of Poor Selection Financial Cultural Personal other Selection Systems and how to measure one Reliability gives consistent scores each time Measured in Correlation 0 1 Validity measures what

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OSU BUSMHR 3200 - Organizational Behavior

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Exam 3

Exam 3

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Exam 2

Exam 2

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1

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Exam 3

Exam 3

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Exam 1

Exam 1

7 pages

Exam 1

Exam 1

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Exam 1

Exam 1

24 pages



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Exam 3

Exam 3

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Exam 4

Exam 4

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Exam 3

Exam 3

9 pages

Exam 1

Exam 1

13 pages



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Chapter 1

Chapter 1

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Exam 2

Exam 2

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Exam 1

Exam 1

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