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Notes Ch 17 How do we explain other people s behaviors Attribution process of making inferences about the causes of ones own behavior and that of others Example See teacher out say hi and teacher doesn t say hi back Explain behavior why she didn t say hi Internal attribution cause behavior is caused by something about me about teacher o Example not very friendly not approachable External attribution cause behavior was caused by something about the situation o Example head phones sunglasses doesn t see or hear not her personally but surroundings and situation Actor observer bias a tendency to attribute the behavior of others to internal causes while attributing ones own behavior to external causes o Talking about grades on test figuring out why saying something about them as person as to why they didn t do well on test bad student didn t study o One about me though didn t do well not enough sleep excuses o More info because I know what happened don t know more about other person o Mental shortcuts easy to think eh not good student not like why Can be a problem because Fundamental attribution error tendency to attribute the behavior of others to internal causes o Someone cut in front of me because there rude but we should try to think of external like didn t see me o Cut me off bad driver Pro social behavior helping other people Pro social behavior Why Five steps to helping Darley and Latane Walking across campus dizzy sick going to collapse and no phone o Have someone notice event What could go wrong Distracted or in a hurry 1 Call out to someone o Interpreting event as an emergency 1 Pluralistic ignorance they don t think real Emergency don t have to act Think everyone is interpreting event in same way even though not o Assume responsibility for helping somebody has to decide to help May not happen because of 1 Diffusion of responsibility as the of Witness s increases personal responsibility decreases Bunch of people seeing assume someone already helped if I need help I am more likely to get help on deserted highway instead of busy highway because no one would help me on busy because they think others have 2 Single someone out to help you giving them responsibility and calling them out o Knowing how to help 1 Give something specific to do o Deciding to help 1 May not help if lacking competency don t Feel like able to help to help Fix tire 2 Possible risks to them if they help you First aid and mess up good Samaritan law 1 4 me

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Ole Miss PSY 201 - Chapter 17

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