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Introduction a Start off with the definition of Alzheimer s b Share how my grandmother being diagnosed influenced my interest in Alzheimer s and what I can do to make a difference in finding a cure or raising money for the or a Thesis Alzheimer s is a deadly disease that attacks one s brain and no cure has been discovered yet even though numerous organizations have been trying to solve the is ganization Statement of Central Idea sue of this deadly disease b Body A What is Alzheimer s 1 Alzheimer s disease is a progressive degenerative disorder that attacks the brain s nerve cells or neurons resulting in loss of memory thinking and language skills and behavioral changes Fuschillo 2015 2 There are three stages of Alzheimer s Mild Moderate Severe a Mild Alzheimer s which is characterized by memory lapses and increasing trouble with planning or organizing a Mild Alzheimer s symptoms Lava 2011 b Moderate Alzheimer s which is forgetting details forgetting times and the date forgetting how to complete simple tasks b Moderate Alzheimer s symptoms Robinson Saisan and Segal 2015 c Severe Alzheimer s involves symptoms of having a hard time talking or com municating and forgetting names and confusing faces with others c Severe Alzheimer s symptoms Hessel 2013 d Who is affected by Alzheimer s and what are the risk factors a Older individuals are affected by this disease as well as family and friends of people who have this disease because it takes a toll on every ones life who either has Alzheimer s or knows someone who does b Risk Factors High blood pressure diabetes stroke heart disease and high cholesterol White 2015 B How did I make Alzheimer s apart of my life even though it does not affect me 1 Personal Connection a Grandfather died of cancer and my grandparents were inseparable b Grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer s I did research and found out about the Walk to End Alzheimer s I started a team and raised two thousand dollars c d Conclusion 1 Summary 2 For the future help a Although there is no cure for Alzheimer s and the patients with this disease have symptoms such as poor social interactions and memory loss Alzheimer s has detri mental and long term effects on people and the patients loved ones as well a Unfortunately there is no cure for Alzheimer s but hopefully we can find a cure one day and raise enough money for organizations to help patients expenses for receiving References trieved February 16 2015 About the Alzheimer s Association Walk to End Alzheimer s n d Charles J Fuschillo Jr Re Alzheimer s Foundation of America n d Neil Lava Retrieved February 16 2015 Alzheimer s Disease Fact Sheet n d Lawrence Robinson Joanna Saisan and Jeanne Segal Re trieved February 16 2015 Alzheimer s Disease n d Sue Hessel Retrieved February 16 2015 Alzheimer s Severe Stage Alzheimer s Association n d Sarah White Retrieved February 16 2015

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