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Study Guide ANSWER KEY This is the preliminary study guide for Test 3 All of the questions included here come from the study questions for the readings that I have been posting throughout the semester I have taken out many of those questions so that you have a manageable amount of questions to study All of the questions that you encounter on the test will be taken from this study guide there will not be any questions on the test that are not included in this document For this test you will not have any multiple choice questions The test will have three True False questions and three Fill In The Blank questions For the short answer questions you will again have two sections one for short answer 2 to 4 sentences and one for the not so short answer questions 5 to 7 sentences The short answer section will have six questions and you will pick four to answer The not so short answer section will have eight questions and you will pick five to answer Fill in the blank questions 1 According to the Harm principle a government may justifiably pass laws that interfere with the liberty of individuals in order to prohibit individuals from causing harm to other individuals or to society 3 According to the principle of legal paternalism a government may justifiably pass laws that interfere with the liberty of individuals in order to protect individuals from harming themselves 4 A Fundamental Right is a non derivative right protecting a fundamental interest 5 A Derivative Right is a right we have which derives from a fundamental right 6 A Fundamental Interest is integrally related to a person s chance of living a good life whatever her particular interests desires and beliefs happen to be 7 Inherently Dangerous Objects are objects whose nature or design is sufficient to justify our prediction that they will cause harm independent of any empirical evidence 11 According to the Interest theory of rights to have a right is just to have a legally protected interest 12 According to the Choice theory of rights the whole point of rights is to have a legally protected choice 13 Paternalism is at odds with the Choice theory of rights 14 On Strong Paternalism one appeals to some objective good when proposing laws 15 On Weak Paternalism one appeals to actual interests of the agent 16 Hardin prefers the Lifeboat metaphor over the Spaceship earth metaphor 17 Corvino focuses on two types of argument against homosexuality those which focus on its being Unnatural and those which focus on its being harmful 18 Corvino focuses on two types of argument against homosexuality those which focus on its being unnatural and those which focus on its being Unnatural True False questions 1 LaFollette thinks that the right to own a gun is a fundamental right 2 Cars are inherently dangerous 3 Guns are inherently dangerous True False True False True False True False user True False other than the user 4 Huemer argues that recreational drug use should not be prohibited 5 Huemer thinks that prohibition of drug use is justified in virtue of the harm it does to the 6 Huemer thinks that prohibition of drug use is justified in virtue of the harm it does to people True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False True False 7 Huemer thinks that drug use constitutes the exercise of one of our rights 8 Goodin claims that paternalism conflicts with the choice theory of rights 9 Singer thinks that we are not obligated to donate to aid agencies 10 Singer thinks that we should give all of our money away to charity 11 Singer accepts moral relativism 12 Singer thinks that if it turns out that we have not harmed the people living in poverty then we do not have an obligation to help them 13 Hardin prefers the Spaceship Earth metaphor over the Lifeboat metaphor 14 Hardin thinks we should follow the we are our brother s keeper ideal 15 Hardin thinks we should follow the ideal of from each according to his abilities to each according to his needs 16 Corvino thinks that since homosexual people are born with homosexual tendencies it is permissible for them to act on these tendencies 17 Corvino thinks that when people claim that homosexuality is unnatural it is always clear 18 Corvino does not try to defend homosexuality from arguments for the claim that it is wrong True False what it means True False True False Short answer questions two examples Harm Principle of laws that it could justify Give 1 What is the a States that a government may justifiably pass laws that interfere with the liberty of individuals in order to prohibit individuals from causing harm to other individuals or society Legal Paternalism 2 What is the principle of two examples of laws that it could justify Give a States that a government may justifiably pass laws that interfere with the liberty of individuals in order 3 What is a fundamental interest fundamental right Give an example What is a a Fundamental right is a non derivative right protecting a fundamental interest b Fundamental interest is integrally related to a persons chance of living a good life whether their i Making murder illegal ii Drunk driving laws iii Some gun laws to protect them from harming themselves i Seat belt laws ii Motorcycle helmet laws iii Drug laws sometimes desires interests and beliefs happen to be i Freedom of speech ii Freedom of religion iii Freedom of association iv Right of non interference 4 What does it mean to say that something is inherently dangerous Are guns inherently dangerous Why or why not a Objects whose nature or design is sufficient to justify our prediction that they will cause harm independent of any empirical evidence b Yes guns are inherently dangerous Guns are designed to cause harm They are improved by improving their ability to harm LaFollette s armchair argument for the claim that if gun ownership is 5 State and explain widespread crime will decrease its Armchari Argument 2 a P1 People are less likely to commit serious crimes if they think there is a chance they will be killed or injured while trying to do so P2 If gun ownership is widespread people will know there is such a chance P3 When criminals try to rob or assault an armed person the victim is more likely to foil the crime C If gun ownership is widespread crime will decrease LaFollette explains that because more people own guns there is a better chance that the victim of a crime will own a gun Criminals will know this and be much more hesitant because there if a

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FSU PHI 2630 - Study Guide

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