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MHR 3200 Exam 1 3 55 pm Introduction Course Overview Introductory Lecture Disciplines contributing to Organizational Behavior Three basic levels within the organization Context of strategy Cultural phenomena related to importance of OB Derailers Insensitivity to others Poor working relations Authoritarianism Inability to change and adapt Inability to build or lead a team Strategy and Strategic Organizational Behavior Human Relations movement win philosophy in the workplace Mary Parker Follett 1920s started looking at interactions between ppl looked into a win Elton Mayo Hawthorne studies 1927 1932 what s the best condition to increase productivity Published book about findings The Human Problems of an Industrial Civilization Collective bargaining legalized in 1935 unions management looking for other ways to manage the workforce McGregor s Theory X vs Y Theory X People dislike work and avoid it whenever possible people need to be coerced to work people require close supervision at all times people prefer to be directed Theory Y Work is seen as a natural activity much like play or rest given objectives people can be very self directed people become committed to objectives with some reward people can be given responsibility and they will strive for the best Strategic management overview Is critical to an organization s success addresses the competitive challenges faced by an organization a plan for integrating goals tactics and actions into a meaningful whole has two primary elements strategy formulation and strategy implementation Strategy formulation model elements etc Vision Mission Goals Strategic Plan External Analysis think about competition concerns profits plus sides and downsides Internal Analysis Think about what do we have as a company and what do we need to do as a company strengths and weaknesses SWOT analysis commonly used tool Strategy implementation model elements etc Galbraith s Star Model Focuses on 5 critical elements of organization functioning o Strategy Structure Systems Processes Metrics and Rewards People Must Think of these 5 things IN ORDER o All elements need to be aligned for organization to succeed Design structure around the organization not the people Linking strategy and human resource management There needs to be linkage between the strategic plan and what you do with your people Strategic Plan Human Capital Needs skills behavior culture HC practices HC capability and HC Actions firm performance Strategic issues related to human resource management e g mergers acquisitions offshoring etc Mergers and Acquisitions cultural fit leadership team Offshoring sending business outside of your native country Outsourcing sending business to someone other than your company don t send something that is a strategic drive to your company Downsizing RIF reduction in force Rightsizing positive view of downsizing still reducing workforce Business Process Outsourcing Organizational Culture and Socialization Organizational culture The set of shared taken for granted implicit assumptions that a group holds that determines how it perceives thinks about and reacts to its various environments OR the values shared by associates in an organization OR what it s like to be a member of this organization Values are for the most part stable Values drive attitudes attitudes drive behavior 5 primary characteristics 1 They are broad concepts or beliefs 2 They relate to desirable end states behaviors situations etc 3 They apply across most all situations 4 They influence attitudes and behaviors 5 They can be ordered by relative importance 4 Primary Functions of culture 1 Give members an organizational identity send of belonging how to behave etc 2 Facilitate collective commitment Shared purpose objectives goal based behavior 3 Promote social system stability systems processes for dealing with change managing conflict etc 4 Promote understanding of the organization shapes behavior gives members a clear line of sight between what they do and business goals success Espoused vs enacted values Espoused Stated desired the values that the organization states that it believes in e g mission statements presentations etc Enacted what employees say the reality the values that the organization members perceive to be valued by the organization need to walk the walk not just talk the talk Ways to assess culture stories myths heroes symbols symbolic acts language rites artifacts surveys Ways to change and influence culture Formal statements vision mission values etc design of physical space work environment slogans language criteria for rewards recognition stories specific behaviors activities metrics outcomes that the organization tracks organizational structure systems processes leader behavior modeling reactions during crisis etc Person culture fit concept and implications Espoused values individual values enacted values espoused states o Best fit and greatest success occurs when all are aligned Organizational socialization the process by which a person learns the values norms and required behaviors which permit him her to participate as a member of the organization OR the impact of the organization on the individual How do people learn about the culture Phase 1 Anticipatory Socialization occurs before an individual joins an organization Phase 2 Encounter Phase employees come to learn what the organization is really like Onboarding programs help employees to integrate assimilate and transition to new jobs by making them familiar with corporate policies procedures and culture by clarifying work role expectations and responsibilities Phase 3 Change and Acquisition phase requires employees to master important tasks and roles and to adjust to their work group s values and norms Socialization tactics Collective vs individual o Grouping newcomers and exposing them to common set of experience versus treating each newcomer individually Formal vs informal Sequential vs random Fixed vs variable Serial vs disjunctive no role model o Segregating a newcomer from regular organization members versus not clearly distinguishing a new member from older members o Sequential refers to a fixed progression of steps that culminate in the new role versus an ambiguous or dynamic progression o Fixed provides timetable for the assumption of a role whereas variable does not o Serial new member is socialized by an experienced member Disjunctive disjunctive large variety in socialization techniques in organizations Types of

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OSU BUSMHR 3200 - Exam 1

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