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In Class Notes Test 4 Psychological Disorders Part 1 What is Normal psychopathology scientific study or mental emotional and behavioral disorders can operationalize in a variety of ways statistical abnormality social nonconformity very high or low scores on some dimension Ex IQ Anxiety Depression Personality disobeying or ignoring public standards for acceptability being eccentric is not necessarily crazy too strictly following social norms can be bad Factors to consider situational context cultural relativity crying spells sleeping all day uninterested in socializing loss of ap petite symptoms depression grief judgments are made relative to one s cultural values Ex hearing voices in our cultural schizophrenia in another cultural could be divine voices respectable subjective distress personal feelings of pain unhappiness Core Feature is it maladaptive behavior causing more problems than it is solving is their condition making life worse for them Classifying Psychological Disorders Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM 5 5th Edition designates lists of observable symptoms for a particular disorder categorical system places things in categories it is a presents or absence of a particular symptoms you ei ther have it or you don t descriptive not much emphasis placed on etiology the cause a theoretical causes difficult to investigate utility function problem with diagnosis labeling stigma makes people think negative things about themselves Rosehnhan Study took undergrad students and they went to a psychiatric hospi tal to admit themselves they were hearing voices they went in and got diagnosed then they said they didn t hear them anymore they will always have that diagnosis thought psychiatric hospitals were dehumanizing people no visitors a place for people in society that we do not understand or just simply do not want around Mood Disorders characterized by strong disturbances in emotion characterized by emotional extremes depressive disorders 9 5 of the US population meet the criteria for mood disorders symptoms sadness despondency hopelessness fatigue worthless ness sleeping eating changes major depressive disorder over two week period 5 or more of the following depressed sad mood anhedonia lost of interest in things that used to be fun change in eating appetite weight sleep motor activity depressed people move slowly fatigue self worth concentration thoughts of death Between 10 25 of women and 5 12 of men have had this usually hits you in the mid 20s dysthymia Bipolar disorders when you are depressed or sad your whole life symptoms have depressive symptoms but also must include mania loud energetic elevated hyperactive grandiose Biopolar I disorder at least 1 week of three or more inflated self esteem or grandiosity decreased need for sleep more talkative pressured speech flight of ideas racing thoughts distractibility increased goal directed activity excessive involvement in pleasurable activities called a manic episode people don t really want treatment Biopolar II Disorder milder symptoms hypomania cyclothymia have periods of increased hyper behavior Seasonal Affective Disorder people s mood changes depending on the time of the year Causes of Mood Disorders biological factors related to serotonin and dopamine if someone in your family was depressed you are more likely to have depres sion hormones post partum happens after childbirth Anxiety Disorders Anxiety feelings of apprehension dread uneasiness adaptive and normal for most people Considered a disorder if it s so intense it interferes with daily life used to be called nervous breakdown Adjustment disorder when you do not adjust well to a change in your life emotional disturbance related to common life experiences Generalized Anxiety Disorder GAD chronic anxiety worrying physiological symptoms restlessness fatigue etc 3 1 of Americans usually starts in early 30s ore women than men tough to treat but CBT is effective Panic Disorder anxiety attacks chest pain nausea irregular breathing tunnel vision fainting racing heart sweating shaking sympathetic nervous system arousal can be diagnosed with or without agoraphobia fear of the marketplace don t like going out into public especially around a lot of people often do not leave their home because they think something bad will happen This is NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT Phobias intense fear even if irrational classify them into specific social animals environment blood injection injury situational other fear of public situations scrutiny embarrassment Obsessive Compulsive Disorder obsessions intrusive thoughts images impulses increase anxiety difficult to ignore or suppress most commonly about harm insight into irrational nature behaviors that are rigidly engaged in to decrease anxiety or prevent a feared event compulsions washing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder checking counting hoarding number aversion exposure to a traumatic event ex combat violence automobile accidents natural disasters intense horror fear helplessness re experiencing flashbacks dreams avoidance emotional numbing hyper arousal symptoms less than a month is acute stress disorder longer is PTSD Causes of Anxiety Disorder same combination was we ve seen heredity and environment if your family has an anxiety disorder than you are more likely to have one environment if you experienced something young it will effect you Behavioral Cognitively avoidance learning distorted thoughts avoid the situation that makes you feel anxious Psychotic and Delusional Disorders psychosis loss of contact with shared views of reality core features delusions hallucinations common features holding false beliefs that they think are true imaginary sensations most commonly hearing voices disordered verbal communication word salad loose associations Biological cases of psychotic features dementia loss of brain function that occurs with certain diseases affecting memory thinking language judgment and behavior Alzheimer s Disease a type of dementia exposure to toxicity mad hatter dye hats in chemical sealed with mercury Delusional Disorders defining feature deeply holding false beliefs but no accompanying hallucinations thought mood disorders or flattening of affect don t get really happy or sad just blah blunt emotions beliefs are either bizarre or non bizarre subtypes based on content erotomanic thinking someone is in love with you obsessed with you stalking you Grandiose when you think you are the shit but you are not

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Ole Miss PSY 201 - Psychological Disorders Part 1

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