Exam 5 Study Guide Chapter 13 personality pg 494 What is personality and how do the various perspectives in psychology view o Personality is the unique way in which each individual thinks acts and feels throughout life Personality is not to be confused with character value judgments made about a person s morals or ethical behavior or temperament the enduring characteristics with which each person is born with Temperament is biological However Temperament and character are vital parts of personality o Four perspectives on personality The psychodynamic perspective began with the work of Sigmund Freud It focuses on the role of the unconscious mind in the development of personality Also is heavily focused on biological causes of personality differences The behaviorist perspective based on theories of learning Focuses on the effect of the environment on behavior The humanistic perspective first arose as a reaction AGAINST the psychoanalytical and behaviorist perspectives Focuses on the role of each person s conscious life experienced and choices in personality development The trait perspective is concerned with the end result the characteristics themselves How did Freud s historical view of the mind and personality form a basis for psychodynamic theory pg 495 o Freud believed the mind was divided into 3 parts Preconscious information is available but not currently conscious Conscious aware of immediate surroundings and perceptions Unconscious thoughts feelings memories and other information that are not easily or voluntarily brought into consciousness 1 Can be revealed in dreams and Freudian slips of the tongue o Believed personality was divided into 3 parts each existing on 1 or more levels of consciousness The way these three parts of personality develop and interact with each other became the heart of the theory The id If it feels good do it seeking amoral part of personality present at birth animalistic primitive part of the mind a completely unconscious pleasure 1 Contains all of the basic biological drives hunger thirst self preservation and sex 2 Pleasure principle the desire for immediate gratification of needs without regard for the consequences The ego the executive director the part of personality that develops out of a need to deal with reality mostly conscious rational and logical 1 Works on the reality principle the satisfaction of the demands of the id only when negative consequences will not result The superego the moral watchdog as a moral center Develops as a preschool aged child learns the rules customs and expectations of society the part of personality that acts 1 Contains the part of the super ego that produces guilt depending on how acceptable behavior is o The three parts of personality are developed in a series of stages Oral stage weaning and oral fixation feeding independence is Anal stage toilet training and anal fixation physical control is established established i e toilet training frustration tolerance drive regulation is established How did Jung Adler Horney and Erikson modify Freud s theory pg 500 Phallic stage o Jung disagreed with Freud about the unconscious mind He believed there was not only a personal unconscious Jung s name for the unconscious mind as described by Freud but a collective unconscious Jung s name for the memories shared by all member of the human species as well Collective universal collective human memories were called archetypes o Adler o Horney Disagreed with Freud over the importance of sexuality in personality Developed the theory that as young helpless children people all develop feelings of inferiority when comparing themselves to the more powerful superior adults in their world He believed the driving force behind all human endeavors emotions and thoughts was not the seeking of pleasure but the seeking of superiority the defense mechanism of compensation a person makes up for deficiencies in one area by becoming superior in another Also developed a theory that birth order of a child affected personality disagreed with Freud over the difference between males and females and the concept of penis envy She countered it with her concept of womb envy which is when men fell the need to compensate for their lack of childbearing abilities by striving for success in other areas Basic anxiety Neurotic personalities anxiety is created when a child is born into the bigger and more powerful world of older children and adults dealing with relationships in Horney s theories broke away on Freud s emphasis on sex and instead emphasis the personalities typified by maladaptive ways of social relationships that are important at every stage of life o Erikson How does modern psychoanalytic theory differ from that of Freud pg 502 o Current research has found support for the defense mechanisms and the concept of an unconscious mind that can influence conscious behavior but other concepts cannot be scientifically researched How do behaviorists and social cognitive theorists explain personality o Behaviorists personality is nothing more than a set of learned Reponses or habits 1 2 Radical Behaviorism People are in large part blank slates Personality reflects environmental influences and learning Environment learning are important but genetics play a role People are NOT blank slates Personality is only as consistent as its environmental contingencies Thoughts feelings and actions are dependent on their environment but people still show some predictable patterns of relating to their environment 3 Cognitive Behaviorists social learning Expectancies e g thoughts beliefs help form the basis of our personality Thoughts beliefs are important but it is unclear that they are the basis of personality personality may shape thoughts and beliefs o Social cognitive theorist theorist who emphasize the importance of both the influence of other people s behavior and of a person s own expectancies of learning Social cognitive view learning theory that includes cognitive processes such as anticipating judging memory and imitation of models How do humanists such as Carl Rogers explain personality o The humanistic perspective those aspects of personality that make people uniquely human such as subjective feelings and freedom of choice the third force in psychology that focuses on o Carl Rogers proposed that self actualization depends on proper development of the self concept and capabilities Self actualizing tendency the striving to fulfill one s innate capacities Self
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