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EXAM 3 STUDY GUIDE covers chapters 7 8 and 9 Characteristics of the 1st question on a survey o Should be interesting attention grabbing and easy to answer o Simple easy o Never used an open ended question o Avoid longer questions b c of longer answer categories Strengths and weaknesses of surveys in general Different survey modes o Know their unique strengths weaknesses Mail Surveys Strengths cheap don t have to rely on memory can include visual pictures advance cash incentive Weaknesses low response rates cant control place where survey is being taken no interviewer to clarify questions Telephone Surveys Strengths MOST EFFECTIVE quick cheap high response rates can use computer to ask for contingency questions CATI Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing TACASI Telephone Audio Computer Assisted Self Interviewing Weaknesses expensive potential for interviewer bias declining response rates b c numbers are disconnected o Random digit dialing 70 of the numbers don t exist Strengths HIGHEST RESPONSE RATES longest questionnaires Face to Face Surveys can use pictures Weaknesses MOST EXPENSIVE threat of interviewer bias is the highest least likely to get sensitive info CASI Computer Assisted Self Interviewing CASI Audio Computer Assisted Self Interviewing o Very expensive Computer Surveys 2 Forms 1 Email 2 Internet Strengths inexpensive impersonal fast results video audio aids Weaknesses 30 of the people don t have internet cant use probability sampling low response rates o Unstandardized presentation of questions lack of technical uniformity Which is the best mode to obtain sensitive data Which is the worst mode o Best Internet o Worst Face to Face interviews What is one way you can increase response rates to sensitive questions using face to face survey designs CASI Computer Assisted Self Interviewing ACASI Audio Computer Assisted Self Interviewing Tailor Design Method o What is it Method that states the likelihood of obtaining answers was greatest if the researcher focused on reducing costs increasing benefits and giving a lot of trust Used interesting questions that were easy to answer showed how answering the survey questions help others o What is its purpose Prestige bias Increase response rates for mail surveys o The tendency for respondents to answer in a way that make them feel better o Dealing with prestige bias make the questionnaire as private as possible Know the guidelines for constructing questions on a survey o Avoid jargon slang and abbreviations Target vocab of respondents Don t use indefinite words o Avoid emotional language o Avoid Prestige bias o Avoid double barreled questions Make each question about one topic Don t ask to identify a relationship o Avoid leading questions Do not associate statements with prestigious people or groups One that leads the respondent to choose one response over another due to wording o Avoid asking questions that are beyond the respondents capabilities Don t ask a question the respondent may not agree with o Avoid negative items o Avid unbalanced response categories positive attributes which is uneven o Don t fit too much on one page Ex excellent good superior awesome good okay eh 5 out of the 7 are Know the percentages for response rates what is a poor very good response rate o Mail o Phone Poor less than 50 Very good 70 o Computer Poor less than 80 Very good more than 80 Poor less than 30 Very good more than 30 o Face to Face Poor less than 80 Very good more than 85 Closed vs open ended questions on surveys o What is the difference Open ended questions will solicit additional information for the inquirer while closed ended questions can be answered with either yes or no o Know the strengths and weaknesses of using each Open Ended Questions Strengths rich detailed information allows respondent to freely answer without limiting their responses Weaknesses difficulty in coding responses respondents skip these questions Closed Ended Questions Strengths easily coded making data analysis easier uniformity of responses Weaknesses May leave out important answers Modern ethnography what is it o Subjects point of view o Moving from observation to meaning o Study of common sense knowledge Commonalities among qualitative methods o Context is important Same behavior can have different meanings hand gestures o Case Studies Small number of cases wide range of information look for patterns in Grounded theory lives actions and words o Start with a general research question o Open to change o Theory evolves through observation o When you ground the theory into your observation Qualitative paradigms o Grounded Theory See above o Naturalism Social reality is out there and you have to find it Popularized by Chicago School o Ethnomethodology Everyone interprets reality differently Reality is socially constructed Must make sense of interpretations 4 research strategies of qualitative research 1 Case Studies In depth inquiry about an individual group or family How and why questions 2 Field Study A study of the field Organization community school family Observation of interaction 3 Ethnography Cultural immersion Can occur over years 4 Case History Reconstruction of past event o How or why did it occur in specific detail Different roles of observing in qualitative research o Full participants Not seen at all as a researcher Full participation and engagement o Participants as observer observing and conducting research o Observer as participant Researcher participates with the group but makes it known that he is also Primary motivation goal is to observe and do research really don t You engage with the subjects and tell them what s going on but not participate at all participate o Complete observer The watcher the ninja role Subjects don t know you re watching them and do not participate and don t let them know yore doing research Sponsors informants and gaining access to criminal subcultures and formal organizations o Need someone who can introduce you to the population of interest o Sponsor o Informant anybody that knows the population introduces you to the criminal world Validity concerns with qualitative research If they know you are watching them they will change for what you want o Hawthorne Effect Try to please o Loss of trust o Emotional involvement o Halo effect others overgeneralize o Going native longer researcher When you take 1 or 2 qualities that you really like and try to find it in Goes undercover to be the researcher but comes too close so now

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