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SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office 39 Allen basement Wednesday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office hours Friday 9 30 11 30 AM Psychology 2000 Supplemental Instruction Exam 3 Chapter 11 Warmup According to Kohlberg about 1 5 of the adult population is at the level of morality A Preconventional B Conventional C PostConventional D Preliminary According to Erikson the task of adolescent is to A Find a consistent sense of self B Develop a sense of initiative C Find intimacy with another D Develop a sense of industry Baby Lisa is beginning to learn more about herself When she sees herself in a mirror she smiles and laughs but no longer needs to touch the mirror or look behind it to find the baby that she sees Researchers would say that baby Lisa is developing A Trust vs mistrust B Autonomy vs shame and doubt C Awareness of herself D Her internal identity In which of Piaget s stages would a child be who has just developed the ability to conserve A Sensorimotor B Preoperational C Concrete Operations D Formal Operations Activity 1 From Ch 8 Vygotsky s theory of cognitive development Vygotsky s theory was all about development is children interacting with others learning precedes development while Piaget s focused mainly on how development progresses based on children s interactions with the environment development precedes learning 2 main parts to this theory Scaffolding Scott is a genius at organic chemistry He is helping his friend Ashley who is not as great with organic chemistry with her homework At first Scott has to walk her through the majority of the mechanisms but as Ashley learns she is increasingly able to arrive at the answers with less of Scott s help SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office 39 Allen basement Wednesday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office hours Friday 9 30 11 30 AM ZPD zone of proximal development Presents intelligence as what someone can do instead of what they cannot do Andrew in 6th grade is on a fifth grade reading level but when being tutored one on one his reading level is that of a 6th grader Activity 2 Temperament Styles Come up with an exmaple for each of the temperament styles Temperament how emotionally stable reactive a person is what they are predominately Does heredity play a role in temperament How do we know this Studies on twins show that twins have similar temperaments Shows that heredity plays a big huge role in temperament Easy Difficult Slow to warm up Happy usually pretty normal waking sleeping eating schedule deal pretty well with change puppy comes up to baby and the baby respond well to it Are NOT happy about change sleep wake eat schedules are irregular hand baby over to another person baby freaks out and won t stop crying GRUMPY Less grumpy and more quiet than difficult and have more normal sleep wake eat schedules It s like the middle ground between the other 2 styles SLOW to adapt to change but they eventually do Activity 3 Stressor vs Stress Stressor an event that causes us to experience stress 1 Having to take an exam 2 Fighting with your roommate 3 Getting stuck in traffic Stress Stress Reaction Physical emotional mental behavioral its how we react to the stressor 1 getting overwhelmed 2 punching your pillow get in bad moods whenever you see your roommate 3 you could cry SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office 39 Allen basement Wednesday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office hours Friday 9 30 11 30 AM Activity 4 Causes of Stress Pressure behavior demands that come from an outside source bus is full and you can t fit on it Uncontrollabi lity you don t get to do the decision making Causes of Stress Conflict have to make a decision between two or more factors and can only chose one Approach Approach 2 goals factors both positive Avoidance avoidance have to decide between 2 bad outcomes Double Approach avoidance 2 choices both have positive and negative aspects Fustration something is preventing you from completing your goal Persistence Agression Escape Multiple Approach Avoidance more than 2 choices each with positive and negative asp ects Activity 5 In class scenarios Using the words we just talked about identify the situation Approach avoidance 2 choices one outcome is positive and one is negative 1 Avoidance avoidance 2 Approach approach 3 Approach avoidance 4 Double approach avoidance 5 Multiple approach avoidance 6 Pressure 7 Uncontrollability 8 Frustration persistence aggression escape SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office 39 Allen basement Wednesday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office hours Friday 9 30 11 30 AM Activity 6 Physiology and Stress The ANS located in the PNS controls involuntary muscle movement fight or flight rest and digest is responsible for our stress response This nervous system can furthermore be divided into two portions 1 Sympathetic and 2 Parasympathetic How do these systems relate to stress Sympathetic kicks in first gives you energy parasympathetic kicks in after brings body to normal Hans Selye came up with the General Adaptation Syndrome What purpose does the GAS serve Alarm Stage Sympathetic nervous system is activated Adrenal glands release hormones causes 1 hormone increase 2 blood sugar increase 3 increased heart rate blood flow burst of energy Muscles tense up Resistance Stage Starts when alarm stage ends ends when our stressor ends or when we ve used all of the hormones Norepinephrine is released analgesia temporary pain insensitivity Person feels better worse than alarm stage sympathetic is pretty stable Increased HR 1 Increase in BP blood pressure 2 increased blood flow to muscles Breathing is more frequent and shallow Exhaustion Stage Starts when body s resources are used up When prolonged this stage leads to stress related illness ex high BP or death 1 Levels of sugar 2 energy level When stressor ends what division of the nervous system activates parasympathetic SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office 39 Allen basement Wednesday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office hours Friday 9 30 11 30 AM Activity 7 Psychoimmuniology How does stress affect the immune system in regards to wounds and diseases High stress levels longer healing times for wounds and a higher susceptibility to catching diseases and being sick from them for longer Activity 8 Cognitive Appraisal stressor A bomb threat occurs on campus Primary Appraisal part

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