PSYCH Test 2 Objectives Objectives Consciousness 1 Define consciousness a The awareness of the sensations thoughts and feelings being experienced at a given moment notes 2 What is a normal state of consciousness versus an altered state of consciousness Look at p 175 in your text a Normal state of consciousness awareness of everything going on around you and inside your own head at any given moment i Organize behavior ii Waking consciousness thoughts feelings and sensations are clear and organized feel alert b Altered state of consciousness shift in the quality or pattern of mental activity feel less alert of stimulant i Thoughts may become fuzzy and disorganized and you may ii May be in state of extreme alertness as when under influence 3 What is one definition of attention that we discussed How do we know the fate of the unattended material hint dichotic listening tasks a The internal process people use to set priorities for mental functioning n b Dichotic listening two ear tasks n c The brain does not simply filter out what goes on in the unattended message it focuses the spotlight of attention n 4 Briefly describe the stages of sleep n a Stage 1 b Stage 2 c Stage 3 i Lasts few minutes brain slows breathing more regular HR lows easily awakened i Lasts about 20 mins sleep spindles definitely asleep relatively easily awakened i Lasts a few minutes transitional stage between light and deep sleep d Stage 4 Deep Sleep i Lasts 30 40 minutes brain waves change to large slow waves 5 What is REM sleep What are the differences between nightmares and night terrors a REM rapid eye movement n i Lasts few minutes early on ii Increases during the night iii HR increases iv Almost paralyzed b REM Sleep n i Babies have a higher of REM building neural connections ii If awakened during REM 78 90 remember dreams as compared to 10 14 who remember dreams in nonREM sleep Increases after stressful experiences or intense learning periods iii iv Helps memory v May help us to solve problems c Night Terrors n i High arousal appearance of being terrified ii Usually in Stage 4 within 2 3 hours of falling asleep iii Attacks of extreme fear that the victim has while sound asleep d Nightmares see book i Bad or unpleasant dreams ii Occur during REM sleep 6 What happens to people and animals when sleep deprived over extended periods of time Basically what are the effects of sleep deprivation a Fatigue b c d e Slowed performance Impaired concentration Immune suppression Irritability i Accidents 7 Compare and contrast the theories of why we dream Think back to the idea of consciousness and awareness What does it say about the relationship between awareness and consciousness if we can remember our dreams n a Dream Content i Most dreams reflect real life worries hopes desires ii Most involve people and places you know iii Dreams of being nude falling or floating probably derive from our body s lack of motor sensory feedback while dreaming b Why we dream 3 theories i Wish Fulfillment theory Freud 1 Preserve our sanity by allowing us to gratify forbidden or unrealistic wishes 2 Freud hypothesized that material was so threatening or disgusting that it was disguised in dreams 3 Manifest content the surface content of a dream containing dream symbols 4 Latent Content the true unconscious meaning of a dream a Modern psychodynamic theorists a form of a ii Activation Synthesis Hypothesis wish or a fear 1 Dreaming is an unimportant by product of RANDOM stimulation of brain cells a Cerebral cortex tries to make sense of this random stimulation b Creates fragmented story iii Information Processing theory 1 Dreams help us sift through sort and fix in memory our everyday experiences and thoughts a form of thinking during sleep 2 Or you could think of it as mental housecleaning c Consciousness Continuum i High level of awareness controlled processes focused attention high level of concentration ii Automatic processes some awareness but minimal attention required ex daydreaming autopilot iii No Awareness unconscious due to head injury anesthesia 8 What are circadian rhythms How are they related to our sleep cycle coma a Rhythm of Sleep i Circadian Rhythms occur on a 24 hour cycle and includes sleep and wakefulness ii Light triggers suprachiasmatic nucleus to decrease melatonin from pineal gland and increase it at nightfall biological clock b Follow natural Circadian Rhythm i We often disrupt this rhythm Why Consequences ii iii Lack of concentration wear down immune system Jet lag c Repair Restoration Theory i Sleep serves an important recuperative function 1 Physical fatigue 2 Emotional and intellectual demands 3 Brain organizes information and consolidates memories d Evolutionary Circadian Theory i Sleep evolved so humans and animals could conserve energy when not foraging for food or seeking mates when it was dark 1 Serves to keep animals still when predators are active 9 Identify the sleep disorders we discussed and briefly describe the symptoms and effects of each a Insomnia b Narcolepsy c Sleep Apnea i Persistent problems in falling or staying asleep i Uncontrollable sleep attacks ii May lapse directly into REM sleep i Temporary cessations of breathing during sleep and momentary re awakenings d Night Terrors i High arousal appearance of being terrified ii Usually in Stage 4 within 2 3 hours of falling asleep 10 What is hypnosis What are the two theories of hypnosis we discussed a Hypnosis i A trance like state ii Great concentration iii High suggestibility iv Reduced response to outside stimuli b Social Influence Theory c Divided consciousness i Imaginative actor playing a social role i Theory hypnosis is a special state of dissociated divided d Attention is diverted from an aversive odor How i Divided consciousness hypnosis has caused a split in consciousness awareness ii Social influence the subject is so caught up in the hypnotized role that she ignores the odor 11 Are there practical uses for hypnosis If so what are they Explain a Hypnosis can be therapeutic i Self suggestion b Hypnosis can alleviate pain i Lamaze 12 What is substance abuse a Physical Dependence i A physiological need ii Marked by unpleasant withdrawal symptoms b Psychological Dependence i A psychological need ii For example to relieve negative emotions 13 Define withdrawal and tolerance a Tolerance b Withdrawal i Diminishing effect with regular use of the same dose of a drug i Discomfort and distress that follow discontinued use of an addictive drug 14
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