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Psychology Exam 2 Review Guide Attention and Memory Filter Theory Maintains that attention is selective 2 groups hear the o How have researchers studied this concept sentence They Two groups hear the sentence They threw stones at the bank yesterday in their right ear But each individual group hears a different word in their left ear When asked what independent variable they couldn t tell what the word was but when asked to explain the sentence they gave two different explanations 1 group thought of bank as a river bank while the other group thought of a money bank What was the point of attention task When you have to perform a task your focus is directly towards that but you miss stuff that s right in front of you When the bear crossed the screen and you don t see him When you need to perform a task your attention narrows to be able to focus In this case we miss something clearly within our visual field This effect is known as INATTENTIONAL BLINDNESS o Examples of when this concept might occur in the real world listening to a class lecture you don t pay attention to background sounds When What was the point of the Whodunnit example presented in class unable to compare the current state to an earlier state A change in visual stimulus accompanied by a visual disturbance goes unnoticed You are When the visual landscape changed in that video we watched o Example in class Models of Memory o Information Processing Model Encoding information is acquired and processed into neural code Storage information is stored in the brain Retrieval information is retrieved when it is needed Atkinson and Shiffrin s Model and bring it back to our short term memory to use currently Its saying that we can retrieve our long term Actvely process information and manipulate that o Working Memory information We don t enlarge capacity of learning memory information o Levels of Processing Model There s different depths of processing Maintenance Memorizing by repetition short term memorization o Long term memory Elaborative You really learn it you learn in for the long term Different types o Explicit Info can be called upon and declared Episodic Memories about personal experiences Semantic Trivia questions o Implicit Memories we are not consciously aware of playing an instrument o Prospective Remembering to remember something What is memory consolidation and re consolidation o Consolidation When your short term memories are immediately turned into long term memories o Re consolidation Pull a memory out of memory long term and re use it working memory and then put it back into long term After it goes back to the long term it is changed a little due to recent experiences How do concepts from the Assignment articles relate to attention and Describe the case studies of Clive Wearing videos from class and H M in memory your textbook o Clive Wearing Person with the worst case of amnesia o H M Dude lost long term memory when surgeons removed part of his brain to help with his epilepsy o Both people had memory lost one was from amnesia one was from surgery o Types of Amnesias Retrograde You lose your past memories Anterograde You lose the ability to form new memories What are the seven sins of Memory o Transience Reduced memory over time forgetting the plot of a movie o Blocking Inability to remember needed information Failing to remember the name of a person you meet on the street o Absent Mindedness Reduced memory due to failing to pay attention losing your keys o Persistence The recalling of unwanted memories that we want to forget remembering an embarrassing moment o Misattribution Assigning a memory to a wrong source Falsely thinking someone is famous because they are well known o Biased Influence of current knowledge from our memory for passed events Remembering past attitudes as similar to current attitudes even though they have changed o Suggestibility Altering a memory because of misleading information Developing false memories for an event that didn t happen Draw connections between attention and memory to how they might apply to law o Eyewitnesses must pay sufficient attention to relevant details being that crimes occur without warning and happen quickly Consider multiple factors when considering eye witnesses memory ethnicity biased confidence doesn t equal accuracy lying misleading information can distort memory Learning Many learning principles came from which school of thought o Behaviorism Freudian came before it Classical Conditioning o Example Adaptive response when a dog salivates when a door opens in hopes that there will be food Has to be conditioned Unconditioned stimulus is food Neutral stimulus is food Unconditioned response is dog salivating Conditioned stimulus is door opening Conditioned response is to salivate Operant conditioning o Reinforcements and Punishments Positive stimulus being added Negative stimulus being removed Reinforcement Increased behavior Punishment Decreased behavior o Reinforcement Schedules Positive Reinforcement Ill give you ice cream if you clean your room Positive Punishment Ill hit you if you talk back to me Negative Reinforcement Take away chore if their room Negative Punishment Take away the TV if you talk is clean back Continuous Predictably given every single time behavior occurs allowance Partial You don t always get an award when you do something of praise A on test no reward Fixed Reinforcers are being used in a regular predictable manner Variable Reinforcers are delivered in an irregular fashion Ratio Based on the number of times a behavior is performed Interval Based on time duration Fixed Ratio Buy 7 coffees get one free Fixed Interval After every hour you get paid Variable Ratio Gambling sometimes you win Variable interval email retrieval based on time Using positive reinforcement praise to gradually shape new o Shaping periods behaviors Latent Learning o Observational Learning Acquisition of a behavior after exposure of the behaviors Bandura s Bobo Doll study

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