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4 1 15 Test 2nd part of 3 12 and 16 and 17 what we cover Finishing 12 and start 16 Trait theories figure out personality rate and aware Trying to describe personality with a small number of key traits or factors Trait stable disposition a person shows in most situations usually helpful generosity We think of them as biological predispositions which means traits are inherited a readiness to behave in certain ways Different traits Cardinal traits personality trait is so basic that all of a persons activities relate to it not a lot of people have entire person is this trait Mother Teresa compassion Central traits core traits that characterize a persons personality mention about 7 central traits when describing someone Harry Potter resourceful clever loyal kind brave stubborn Secondary traits Inconsistent or relatively superficial preferences Favorite food is changing Use traits to describe people s personalities Five factor model The big five says there are 5 universal dimensions of personality Openness open to experience creativity and curiosity Conscientiousness level of organization and work ethic Extraversion level of sociability and enthusiasm measures how intro or extroverted you are Agreeableness level of friendliness and kindness Neuroticism level of calmness and tranquility Use OCEAN TO REMEMBER Table Openness High imaginative and intelligent Low Conventional don t think outside box Conscientiousness High self discipline responsible and achieve more organized Low Spontaneous and less organized Extraversion High more outgoing Low more solitary Agreeableness High more trusting friendly more nurturing more caring Low Competitive cold indifferent self centered or spiteful Reverse compared to others Neuroticism High prone to stress and worry irritable and unhappy Low emotionally stable These traits can rate on each of traits high low or middle but also see do these traits predict behavior the only one that relates to behavior is Conscientiousness if you are then you tend to preform well at work and school Also have fewer car accidents Ch 16 17 Study she explains Stanley Milgrim shocked Cant run study anymore people had seizures and went kind of crazy Not allowed to tell participant you have to stay its unethical No one was really being hurt like they thought Someone in authority telling you have to go on has big role in obedience Role of authority in obedience and after holocaust Nazis said they did it because someone told them too Social Psych

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Ole Miss PSY 201 - Notes

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