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I Spanish Florida Spanish Empire outlasts British Empire s hold on America A Gold o Mezo America o Europeans Need gold or silver to pay Asians for silk o Unfortunate that Spanish find the gold because they re operating in an Old Medieval Form project wealth publically and project power They don t learn to go beyond being ostentatious The British and French on the other hand are forced to come up with other ways to acquire wealth Capitalism Design new economic mechanisms that will outlast the Spanish Creation of Joint Stock companies helps innovate corporate structure B Too bad for Spanish o They don t realize they need to be progressing C Spanish strategies D Catholicism o Missionaries that arrive aren t armed o Paternalism is felt toward the native peoples o People are enticed to come into Missionaries because they ll be safe and protected etc o Counterreformation is being led by Spanish Effort of Catholics to take back what Protestants are taking E Florida and New Mexico II British North America A Strategy of the underdog o They don t have resources so they start as criminals Pirates On the one hand glory for England on the other criminal who should be hung is criminal Their work is sanctioned until it is too obvious that their work o Spanish ships are an easy target because they re returning home full of gold silver etc B Black Legend o Deviant stories focused on Catholicism C Caribbean Sugar o Want to replicate what the Portugese were successful at D Companies o Licensed by the crown joint stock Smart move by the crown Charter to control a specific piece of territory III French and Dutch North America A Catch up playing catch up to Spanish and British Invest a lot of time and effort in conversion o o Dutch are mostly protestant and less interested in conversion o Do their best to get along with Indians but are in competition with British Indians would toggle between them E Northern difference F Use of goods G Chesapeake o Furs B French Catholics than the French C See Saw politics IV New World Empires A Which God s B Terra Nullius o Term taken from Roman empire about land use identifies ownership of land by use If Europeans don t see it as agriculture then they see the land For Europeans nomadic lifestyles are seen as primative as unoccupied C Early suburbs D Private property E Law Use law as a system of conquest Rights are maintained Property established Indians don t have law because no written language Textbook Check pg 48 Colonists on the Margins By then more Indians with direct and steady access to European goods used them as their manufacturers intended Seeing tools have been used in certain ways o Missionaries observing and explorers observing o Dependency

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LSU HIST 2055 - Spanish Florida

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