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I Conquest Begins and Trade Expands 1565 1607 a Spain Stakes Claim to Florida i 2 Pedro Menendez defeats French and wants to establish a network of coastal garrisons 1 For protection and to impress the Indians who would hopefully side with them as a result Plans to build a road between his captial today s Georgia and Zacatecas in Mexico to move silver Jesuit missionaries come in to convert Florida Indians after Menendez marries A Calusa Chief s sister cementing ally ties Runs out of money and loses interest in Florida when he becomes the governor of Cuba 3 4 Indian resistance and European attacks do a lot of Damage to Florida 1 Enslaved Africans owned by Philip II of Spain helped to rebuild St Augustine and build stone forts Franciscan Friars replace the Jesuits and persue Indians outside of St Augustine 1 Philip II mandated Indians that were baptized should live on missions and be hispanized Timucuans Spanish allies 2 Franciscans seeking souls Colonists seeking silver Spanish lead invasions into Peublo inhabited New Mexico 1 2 Juan de Onate sucessfully invaded 1 2 Wanted to make it to the Pacific so that he could facilitate trade His men extorted raped and murdered with East Asia ii iii ii b New Spain into the Southwest i c England enters Eastern North America i ii iii England s economy couldn t create enough jobs Joint stock companies model for financing colonial ventures Francis Drake Captured a Spanish silver fleet in Panama 1 Privateers for England boosted the economy because of the goods they seized until it was halted by James I iv In hopes of establishing a coastal colony that was a safe distance from St Augustine that supported privateering explorers recommended Roanoke d Imports and a Changing Indian Northeast i French merchants specialized in beaver pelts 1 Fur trade ensured that the St Lawrence River remained the main gateway for for European goods into North America a Trade with the Europeans brought change such as i Susquehannacks moved south to be closer to the goods and escape the Iroqouis ii iii iv The Iroquois speaking confederacies operated to secure better access to trade routes Imports made life easier for women Northeast indians become more dependent on goods II European Islands in an Algonquian Ocean 1607 1625 new comers depended on native grown corn and knowledge for the first few years a Tsenacommacah and Virginia i ii Refusal to honor the Indian ways was causing tensions The location of Jamestown offered protection because of the marshy lands safe from Indian land attacks and from Spanish Powhatan decided to incorporate Jamestown into Tsenacommacah 1 Warriors seize John Smith and they staged his iii execution Pocahontas saves him a Intended as a symbolic death of Smith s former identity and the Jamestown leader s rebirth as a chief who led another village that paid him tribute i In the middle of a war John Rolfe falls in love with Pocahontas marries her and she s baptized as Rebecca i Marriage halts war Smith refuses or doesn t understand b b 2 3 House of Burgesses est English America s first representative assembly English Common law a Powhatan dislikes and plans to finish off colony war drags on for ten years New France New Netherland New Indian Northeast i Pierre de Gua recieves monopoly on fur trade Samuel de Champlain charted the coast from Nova Scotia to Cape Cod Champlain founds Quebec City 1 English attack forcing Champlain to surrender Quebec and send Jesuits home returned when England ceded Quebec to France ii iii Dutch est a colony on Hudson 1 2 3 Henry Hudson sailed upriver in search of water route to Asia Dutch found Fort Nassau present day Albany Dutch expand commercial network to both sides of Long Island sound and Delaware Valley by catering to Indians beliefs and learned wampum s spiritual and material value to the Northeast s Indians iv Dutch West India Company awarded a monopoly on commerce between the Americas West Africa and the Netherlands c Pilgrims and Algonquians i Mayflower Compact signed by free adult males promised they would obey all laws enforced by officials whom they chose 1 2 3 The pilgrims who founded Plymouth believed that they could only save themselves by leaving the Anglican Church They worshipped freely in the Netherlands but worried their children would become Dutch or marginalized if they stayed there Eurasian diseases that killed Indians made Plymouth s survival more likely People who had died from disease had buried the corn which the pilgrims ate through the winter Once they began planting corn the surplus strengthened the colony s position strategically and financially III 4 Merchants began exchanging corn for beaver pelts Seeking God Seizing Land Reaping Conflict 1625 to c 1640 Heavy immigration and colonial expansion intensified pressure on Algonquians from New England south to Chesepeake Bay resulting in wars that prompted Indians to think of themselves in new ways a Missionaries and Indians in New France and New Mexico i ii iii Jesuits served as New France s principal emissaries to Indian allies and the colony s most vocal promoters in France Franciscans preached to new groups of Indians on New Mexico s borders while sparring with governors over who should have more power over colonists and Indians Jesuits embarked on two related tasks when they returned to New France in 1632 One was to establish missions among the Montagnais and Hurons the other was to promote their work seek financial support and recruit colonists b Migration and the Expansion of Dutch and English North America c d Dissent in the City Upon a Hill Colonist Algonquian Wars

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LSU HIST 2055 - Conquest Begins and Trade Expands

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