3 25 15 Preoperational stage 2 7 years Intuitive thought thinking that makes little or no use of reasoning and logic moon following boy short hair girl long hair Egocentric thought self centered thought that fails to consider the view points of others Cant transform objects mental inability to change shape or form of substance and perceive that its volume is the same water in glasses Concrete Operational stage 7 11 years Reversibility mentally reverse thoughts understand 1 2 3 and 2 1 3 amount of kids in family Conservation weight mass and volume of matter remains unchanged or is conserved even when the shape or appearance of object changes able to think logically Formal operation stage 11 and up Sensorimotor Plays with pieces and puts in mouth Play game but makes up own rules cant understand instruction Understand basic instructions and plays by rules has trouble with hypothetical transactions Can play like any adult Preoperational Concrete operational stage Formal operation stage Abstract thought think more on abstract principles such as democracy or honor or justice Less egocentric hypothetical what if doubles advocate not everyone reaches it
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