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1 Mythology Midterm 2 Study Guide Tuesday September 29 2015 Ovid Lived March 20 AD 17 18 came from good family on Italian farm Had good education sent to Rome when he was 12 13 years old learned to be a good public speaker rhetoric Wanted to be a poet but his father said NO by 40s he was Rome s greatest poet Themes in works 1 Mythology 2 Love upbeat 3 Power Abuse of power and punishment 4 Love goes wrong In Metamorphoses Sent into Exile by Augustus 8 moved to Romis Romania 2 Poem Ars Amatoria Art of Love of offended him how to win women implies extra marital sex 3 Said Ovid make a mistake vague Ovid knew something embarrassing about the emperor Ages of Man Golden Age Garden of Eden period of Greek Mythology Saturn Kronos King Ends when Zeus Overthrows Kronos Silver Age People are babies until they are 100 years old War people fought HostageAt the end of war the losing side sent people to the victors land and were treated like guests If the losing side revolted or made trouble they were killed Tuesday September 29 2015 2 Bronze Age War like often at war evil necessity Iron Age Ancient Greece Rome Worst in Human History war famine plague Metamorphoses by Ovid Publius Ovidius Naso Metamorphoses transformation Written in Latin no invocation to Muses CREATION p 5 Chaos a bunch of separate individual Atoms L21 the god who is nature laws of Nature made things happen unlike Hesiod 800 BC 500 different understandings even with scienti c primitiveness Zeus disguises himself as normal person to see home people are treating each other goes to see Lycaon king to test his xenia hospitality Lycaon kills cuts up and cooks his hostage and serves him to Zeus Zeus punishes Lycaon by turning him into a wolf blood thirsty killer The Flood Genesis Noah s Ark Deucalion Pyrrha Zeus sends ood trying to kill human race Deucalion Pyrrha survive on raft rest on Minor god Themis and pray to her Throw bones of Mother over shoulder Themis Earth Mother Bones rocks Greek Gods Anthropomorphic Roman Gods spirits in charge of ocean sky In around 700 Greece was overpopulated and sent colonies to Southern Italy Romans could tell the colonists were clever and slowly dropped their idea of the gods being spirits and adopted Greek Gods their stories myths 3 Tuesday September 29 2015 Zeus Father Kronos Rheia Zeus Poseiden Hades Hera Hestia Demeter Hades and Hestia didn t make the cut to be Olympian Gods Rocks thrown over Pyrrha s shoulder women Rocks thrown over Deucalion s shoulder men Olympian Gods Zeus Jupiter Jove god of sky prophecy associated with storms bolt eagle middle aged man with beard King of Gods inspired people to create law protector of kings Most powerful others fear him Wisest Swallowed Metis Always having an affair and rapes many mortal women Athena Apollo Artemis Hermes Hephaetus Area Dionysus Aphordite Zeus Mnemosyne Muses Zeus Themis 3 Fates Zeus and Io Isis cow s head Zeus rapes Io while a cloud hovers above them so Hera won t see or get suspicious Hera comes down Zeus turns Io into a cow to try to hide but she can see through it Hera asks for the cow Zeus agrees and gets Argus a giant with 100 eyes to guard it and not let it rest Io sees her father and draws her name in the dirt with her hoof Zeus gets Hermes to disguise himself as a Shepard who sings Argus a lullaby cutting off his head when eyes are asleep Zeus admits to Hera what he did and He transforms Io back It was common and acceptable to have an affair with women for men not for women It was meant to be discrete in order to not CLOTHO spins never ending yarn LACHESIS measures yarn for birth ATROPOS cuts yarn for deathThemes Abuse of Power Rape Gods have their own laws separate from us Hera punishes victim not Zeus because she can t Tuesday September 29 2015 4 Zeus Callisto Callisto late teen who takes a vow of Chastity with group under teaching of Artemis Diana Zeus disguises himself as Artemis and rapes Callisto when she embraces him She gets pregnant tells Artemis she was raped and is kicked out Son Arcas Hera turns Callisto into a bear 15 year old Arcas goes bear hunting and aims his bow at her Zeus turns Arcas into a bear and puts them in the sky as constellations Europa Phoenician Princess Zeus disguises himself as a white bull Europa pets the bull and jumps on wanting to ride it He swims with her to the Island of Crete and Rapes her Hera doesn t punish her Baucis Philemon Very poor old couple who still offer hospitality dinner and place to sleep Hermes and Zeus disguise themselves couple notice the wine pitcher never empties they gure they must be gods Decide to kill their goose for better meal but they say no need Zeus asks for and grants their wishes to be priest and priestess of temple to die at the same time When they die they turn into Oak and Linden trees Hera Juno Eileithyia Goddess of Childbirth Zeus Hera Hephaestus God of Craftsmanship ugly god has limp 1 So ugly Hera throw him off Mt O Hebe Goddess of Youth Cup bearer but replaced by Ganymede Ares God of War death Goddess of Earth and Human Fertility looked after women pictured with peacock Argus Ursa Major Callisto Ursa Minor Arcas 5 Athena Minerva Patron Goddess of Athens Tuesday September 29 2015 Goddess of Wisdom Warfare opportunity for heroism Also Women s arts spinning and weaving Portrayed as young holding spear or shield warriors helmet dressed for war Birth Zeus has headache splits open head and Athene emerges Pallas Athena may be virgin Athena and Arachne Arachne brags about being the best weaver even better than Athena Athena disguises herself as old woman urges her to stop and pray for forgiveness Denies Athena reveals herself and Arachne challenges her to a weaving contest Athena s shows all the good things about gods Arachne s shows the bad things Tapestries are equal Athena is furious and turns Arachne into a spider Artemis Diana god of Fertility plenty of game animals to hunt connections with moon depicted with quiver of arrows bow deer or hunting dog tunic to the knees Niobe mortal descendant of god Had 14 children she is very proud of and brags about God Leto Latona is being worshipped festival her 2 children Artemis Apollo Leto orders them to kill all of Niobe s children Niobe turns into a rock mountain Actaeon goes hunting with friends but gets separated sees Artemis naked is turned into a deer he is chased and killed by his own dogs Parthenon Temple in Athens for AthenaPatron Goddess of Athens Poseidon gave horses and saltwater spring Athena gave

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