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PSYC 2000 EXAM 1 STUDY GUIDE COMPLETE Chapter 1 An Introduction to Psychology Psychology the scientific study of mental processes mind and behavior Avoiding our opinions of why people behave like they do tarthadine Cognitive mental process Empiricism knowledge comes from direct experience science Empirical question Are males more violent than females We can test this question by Empirical observation objective evidence gathered through direct observation 1st must find operational definition make checklist of what we are looking for Decide what behavior is aggressive Beliefs are different between different people Use empiricism as a tool to gather information Common sense statements they contradict each other Nature vs Nurture Combination of both born with something but depends on environment from there Mind Mental Processes the contents and processes of subjective experience sensations thoughts and emotions Different interpretations subjective Behavior observable actions performed by a person or animal 2 types o Voluntary usually preceded by some kind of mental process ex Highjumping o Involuntary basically reflexes automatic predicting stimulus Dichotomies in Psychology entities Mind Body dichotomy Is the mind and body the same thing or are they different o Dualists mind and body are distinct but interacting entities Mind nonphysical Body physical Socrates and Plato o Monists mind and body are different aspects of the same thing Aristotle used empiricism data collection o Today the mind is nothing more than the activity of the brain chemical rxns Nature vs Nurture o John Locke tabula rosa human develops through experience nurture Born with clean slate Knowledge is acquired through experience o Jean Jacques Rousseau heredity forms the human nature Born with all the knowledge you need What today psychologists do Clinical and Counseling Psychology The healing profession o Clinics mental hospitals o Clinical Psychologists diagnosis and treatment of psychological problems Depression anxiety eating disorders o Counseling Psychologists helps people deal with naturally arising issues Drug issue family problems o Psychiatrist physician who focuses on mental disorders Need PhD and MD can prescribe medicine o Social Worker teaches clients to use social service systems Have MSW masters of social work o Psychiatric Nurse provides psychotherapy and works with medical doctors Applied Psychology o Better living through psychology o Conducts research to solve practical problems o Social Psychology jury selection o Work Psychology how to deal with work stress o Human factors psychologists improve products for more efficient use o Academic psychology research and teaching o Research Psychology tries to discover the basic principles of mind and behavior o Developmental Psychology how thinking and behaving develop with age o Cognitive Psych higher mental process such as thinking and memory Early Days Beginning to map mental process and behavior Psychology has a long past and short history Only until recently do we study it as a science o Wilhelm Wundt Leipzig Germany 1879 father of modern day psychology o Schools of Thought what and how a phenomenon is studied o Structuralism how basic elements sensations and feelings formed mental structure Introspection looking within o Edward Titchener USA Harvard termed phrase structuralism o Functionalism emphasized the purpose of immediate experience o Founder William James applied Darwin s theory to mental characteristics o Gestalt Psychology emphasized the overall patterns perceptual units of thoughts or experience o Founder Max Wertheimer Germany o Psychodynamic Theory continual push and pull interaction among conscious and unconscious forces o Founder Sigmund Freud Vienna Austria was actually a neurologist Child absorbs morals from society and their parents and incorporates into personality Dreams are trying to make their way into consciousness We are slaves to our own minds Children having sexual desires for their parents o Behaviorism how a specific stimulus evokes a specific response o Antecedent what s happening Behavioral response what you are gonna do Consequence punishment the ABC s of behavior o Behaviorism is interested in things that you can observe o Founder J B Watson John Hopkins Environment means everything nurture determines your behavior Downplayed heredity and genetics You have no free will o Humanism emphasizes the unique qualities of humans especially their freedom and their potential for personal growth o More optimistic o Humans have more will creative o Founder Abraham Maslow self actualization and Carl Rogers self centered o Cognitive Psychology attempts to characterize how information is stored and operated therapy on internally o Focuses on mental processes o Computers o No one founder into the brain o No one founder Women in Psychology o Evolutionary Psychology certain cognitive strategies are naturally selected thus built Mary Calkins 1863 1930 studied under William James father of functionalism o 1st woman to be president of APA o Went to Harvard but was considered a hearer they wouldn t let her graduate b c she was a woman made her go to Ratcliff Margaret Washburn 1st woman to receive a PhD in psychology Leta Hollingsworth pioneer work on adolescent development studied gifted women African Americans in Psychology Francis Cecil Sumner 1920 1st African American to earn a PhD Inez Beverly Prosser 1933 1st African American woman to receive PhD Chapter 2 The Tools of Psychological Research A woman clinical psychologist walking down the street she was thinking of bad thoughts and had bad emotions they ended up disappearing She realized she was moving her eyes back and forth so she thought that they had gotten rid of her troubles Studies lots of people and realized that the eye thing helped process called EMDR trained others to do this Critical Thinking the process of assessing claims and making judgments on the basis of well supported evidence Thinking Critically about Psychology or anything else 1 What am I being asked to believe or accept 2 What evidence is available to support the assertion 3 Are there any alternative ways of interpreting the evidence 4 What additional evidence would help to evaluate the alternatives 5 What conclusions are more reasonable In psychology we always go for the simpler answers Critical Thinking and Scientific Research Hypothesis a specific testable proposition about a phenomenon Operational

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LSU PSYC 2000 - Chapter 1: An Introduction to Psychology

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