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SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 4 30 6 in Coates 236 Office 39 Allen basement Thursday 4 30 6 in Coates 236 Office hours Wednesday 10 25 AM 12 25 SI Exam 3 Chapter 12 Part 1 1 The response an individual might have to an unpleasant stressor such as losing his job would be called a eustress positive stressors or optimal level b distress response to NEGATIVE stressors c stress appraisal d negative stressors 2 After we have decided that a certain event is a stressor we must decide how we will deal with it and what resources are available for coping with the stressor This process is called a primary appraisal b secondary appraisal c stress related decision d hassle related decision 3 The Type A behavior pattern is a significant predictor of A mental illness B coronary heart disease C cancer D respiratory illnesses 4 Which of the following would a child in Piaget s preoperational stage of cognitive development be unable to do a mentally represent an object b play make believe c see the world from someone else s perspective egocentrism is seeing the world from one s own perspective d use symbolic thought 5 Vygotsky s idea that children develop cognitively when someone else helps them by asking leading questions and providing examples is called a scaffolding b centration c conservation d metamemory 6 The first noticeable signs of language development in infants is a babbling comes after cooing b cooing c telegraphic speech d holophrases SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 4 30 6 in Coates 236 Office 39 Allen basement Thursday 4 30 6 in Coates 236 Office hours Wednesday 10 25 AM 12 25 Activity 1 Discuss how personality type and our perception of stress affects our overall stress levels noting how this correlates with coronary heart disease Type A ambitious hard working high levels of anger leads to Coronary heart disease easily annoyed NICK SABAN Type B pretty chill less competitive driven than A don t get angry easily RECREATIONAL T BALL COACH Type C Internalize anger and stress which impacts immune system hard time expressing feelings Seem happy on outside stressed on inside YOUR MIDDLE SCHOOL SOCCER COACH Hardy Stress is a good thing see a reason for it so it lacks the anger that type A have strong sense of control over lives LES MILES people who see stress as bad are more negatively affected by stress optimist are more healthy go to the doctor more likely to change bad habits Activity 2 Social Influence Component 1 Conformity changing your behavior to fit everybody else s behavior Ex On your first day at LSU You wear a dress When you realie most wear oversized tshirts you do the same Asch s Study Subjects had to judge length of lines Consisently wrong answers were given about 1 3 of the time Asch s Conclusions Conditions to increase conformity 1 Group Size up to 4 people 2 Group is unanimous 3 Group observing when behavior isn t private conformity likehood is higher because social pressure is elevated 4 Culture 5 incompetence low self esteem insecurity Normative Social Influence a person wants to get approval severe consequences if not followed football player wants to get to practice early so his team coaches aren t mad if he gets there late they have to run suicides severe consequence vs Informative Social Influence group provides valueable info not as severe consequences Your friends are all going to SI so even though you were thinking about not going you go since you know you ll benefit Conformity changing your behavior to fit everybody else s behavior Ex On your first day at LSU You wear a dress When you realie most wear oversized tshirts you do the same Asch s Study Subjects had to judge length of lines Consisently wrong answers were given about 1 3 of the time Asch s Conclusions Conditions to increase conformity 1 Group Size up to 4 people 2 Group is unanimous3 Group observing when behavior isn t private conformity likehood is higher because social pressure is elevated4 Culture 5 incompetence low self esteem insecurity Normative Social Influence a person wants to get approval severe consequences if not followed football player wants to get to practice early so his team coaches aren t mad if he gets there late they have to run suicides severe consequence vsInformative Social Influence group provides valueable info not as severe consequences Your friends are all going to SI so even though you were thinking about not going you go since you know you ll benefit SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 4 30 6 in Coates 236 Office 39 Allen basement Thursday 4 30 6 in Coates 236 Office hours Wednesday 10 25 AM 12 25 Activity 3 Social Influence Component 2 Come up with an example for each of the following techniques The following Techniques are all types of COMPLIANCE which is when people change their behavior or do something they wouldn t normally do because a person group is asking them to Foot in the door technique Door in the face technique Lowball technique That s not all technique Asking someone to help you out with one question then after they agree asking them for help with the whole exam review Asking your friend to watch your dog while your at work then after they say yes asking them to take your dog to the vet Asking your dad to borrow the car for the day when he says no asking him to borrow it for an hour Getting asked to buy a dog at the dog shelter and when you say no being asked to sign a petition to save the dogs Spontaneously buying a pet and not realizing how much responsibility time or money goes into it Shopping online it seems cheaper than in store at first then you get hit with shipping handling packaging fees Agreeing to take a five minute survey and it taking 20 minutes persuader makes an offer and adds something to the offer before the person has made a decision Buying something from an infomercial and them saying before you buy we ll throw in xyz for only 5 99 Asking your friend to buy you an icee she s hesitant so you say that you ll pay her back and reimburse her for gas Activity 4 Social Influence Component 3 Obedience Someone changes their behavior because an authority figure tells them to SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 4 30 6 in Coates 236 Office 39 Allen basement Thursday 4 30 6 in Coates 236 Office hours Wednesday 10 25 AM 12 25 Milgram s study focused on the effects of authority on obedience Learner Feedback Experiement At varying levels

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