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Ch 12 continued Freud unconscious Psychosexual Oral stage Anal stage age 1 3 Potty train Id eliminate whenever and wherever Superego no only certain places and certain times attention shifting to elimination of waste Fixations type of potty training we go through If kids are leant or over indulgent lead to anal expulsive personality disorderly destructive cruel or messy Harsh potty training or too strict lead to anal retentive personality stubborn stingy orderly and compulsively clean Phallic stage age 3 6 kids are figuring out they have genitals There is difference between boys and girls Increased sexual interest pretty or handsome Attraction to parent of opposite sex Males Oedipus conflict which is when they have interest in mom and are jealous towards dad Afraid of castration Resolution Marry someone like your mom Females Electra conflict girls develop feelings for father moms in the way Longer to resolve for girls because don t have to fear castration Resolution Marry someone like your dad Latency stage age 6 contiunes till puberty Psychosexual develop on hold nothing happening Age 6 worry about friends and school Genital stage starts at puberty which is biologically determined and everything starts working and starting up Unresolved issues started up again Goal learn to have responsible social sexual relationships Stage ends when we develop mature stage capacity for love and realization of full adult sexuality Too much focus on males Focuses on urges to much Childhood effects adulthood Feeding toilet training as critical for personality development 1st theory with stages Humanistic Theory Personality development is based on how you think about yourself Self theory Carl Rogers humanistic psychologist Self Continuously evolving conception of ones personal identity How you think about yourself and develop over lifespan Other peoples view of me Self image Total subjective perception of ones body and personality My view of me Ideal self Our ideal self is the person we would like to be job behavior Incongruence Self image great student but keep making bad grades Can cause incongruence which is the 3 parts above aren t matching up Distort experience to change blame on professor or not take the blame could also deny More incongruence we have we become more confused vulnerable dissatisfied or mal adjusted and farther away from our self and image Develop these ideas from other people they influence who we want to be they give us standards for what is good and bad for us to do and think From other people we get those standards then develop into conditions of worth which are internal standards used to judge the value of ones thoughts actions feelings or experiences math grade need a only can make b lead to incongruence continuously Organismic Valuing to achieve our self all the time Natural undistorted full body reaction to an experience how do u actually feel about that b

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Ole Miss PSY 201 - Psychosexual

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