Exam 1 Study Guide Topics 1 5 Topic 1 Definition of Learning Unconditioned Behavior Definition of Learning o Learning is a relatively enduring change in the potential to engage in a particular behavior resulting from experience with environmental events specifically related to behavior Endurance time ranges Example conditioned taste aversion is a long term endurance Behaviorally silent learning It is possible to learn even if not showing a change in behavior In order to assess set up optimal conditions Behavior can change for reasons other than learning Physiological state hunger etc Anything in your body brain endocrine system Motivation emotional state Change in stimulus environment Maturation or development Can cause instance behavior changes Gaining physical abilities you couldn t do before Impulse control Structure of Unconditioned Behavior Reflexes o Reflex Simplest unit of unconditioned behavior Very tiny behaviors or physiologic responses But can be conditioned for example salivary reflex Extinctive Involuntary Examples Suckling rooting Needed to eat Rooting happens when touch stimulus to cheek and they turn with an open mouth Developed for non human primates to hang onto Grasp mom Shows whether or not there s a nervous system Patellar reflex issue Blinking Important to protect eyes Hydrates front of eye Blinks when something tries to come in Can vary between people Pharyngeal gag Jerking away from pain Complex behavior Modal Action Patterns o Modal Action Patterns Sequence of behavioral responses Collection of reflexes organized together Can be reflex behaviors or non reflex behaviors Species specific Courtship and mating rituals Unlearned response instinctive to sign stimulus o Sign stimulus Initiates the modal action behavior Species specific Can be visual audial olfactory etc Ex female stickleback fish get silver color during mating season visual o Stickleback Mating Ritual Appears Zig Zag dance Courts Leads Follows Shows nest entrance Enter nest Trembles Spawns Fertilizes examples o Turkey Quails Same ritual every single time as with other specie Sign stimulus is something visual regarding the female neck head area Evidence shown in field experiment where male s approach response was observed Male were shown a live body model body head neck only and body only no response to body only o Humans Modal Action Patterns Smile and wave greeting Smile is a human thing showing teeth in other animals bad Eyebrow raise Yawning o Signs of infancy youth Cuteness promotes nurturing and care babies require a lot Head large in proportion to body Protruding forehead large in proportion to the size of Large ears eyes below midline of the head Small nose Round protruding cheeks face o Supra normal sign stimuli Stimuli that elicit modal action pattern but are not found in nature Elicits an even greater response than the natural stimulus version Examples Herring gulls Satin bowerbirds Peck red spot on parents beak to beg for food However artificial red stick causes more this is a natural red spot pecking Decorate their bower with blue things Not much blue in nature besides berries So go through human trash in search for Much greater response much more success Wouldn t be successful without supra normal feathers etc more blue stimulus Humans Cosmetics makeup red lip dark eyelashes Common across many cultures Summary o Unconditioned behavior 1 Reflex 2 Modal action pattern o Sign stimulus including supra normal stimuli Topic 2 Types of Learning 3 Types of Learning 1 Single Stimulus o Learning about one single stimulus o Pinpointing a particular stimulus that you re being exposed to over and over again continuously or periodically Usually happens over short periods of time Example stimuli in classroom You stop responding to or stop noticing the o Habituation o Sensitization stimulus after exposed to it for a while Getting use to something Filters out unimportant things around us You start responding more to it Often happens with annoying disturbing stimuli Important for survival Example fire alarm Note Sometimes the same stimulus can elicit either type of learning habituation or sensitization depending on the situation 2 Associative Pavlovian Classical o Multiple stimuli paired together somewhat close in time Stimulus stimulus association You don t do anything to make the stimulus happen they just occur o Helps to predict what will happen next Can protect us prepare us Example see dark clouds predict it will rain Example conditioned taste aversion seek shelter Useful evolutionary mechanism to learn what Respond with nausea vomiting UCS to the is good and what is bad toxic taste CS same response in future o Unconditioned stimulus Need to have this in order to have associative You respond to this with no learning required learning emotional o In humans a lot of associative learning may be Example Relationship song good or bad Odor is very strong at evoking emotional memory response depending on situation 3 Instrumental Operant Conditioning o Behavioral response operant consequence o Reward or punishment o Reward increases behavior punishment decreases o Must reward or punish correctly in order to get the behavior appropriate response Questions Examples 1 Mary met her math study group last every week at Starbucks last semester Now when she goes to Starbucks she thinks of her study group friends o Pavlovian conditioning 2 When Bill first moved to NYC he was up all night due to the constant traffic noise coming through his bedroom window Six months later he no longer notices it at all o Single stimulus learning 3 Every Sunday afternoon Jim visits his grandmother and they have tea and cake One Thursday he stopped by her house unexpectedly After a few minutes he realized that he had a strong craving for cake o Pavlovian conditioning 4 Christine wants her daughter Sally to learn good manners so Christine praises Sally when Sally remembers to say please and thank you correctly o Instrumental Conditioning Topic 3 Single Stimulus Learning First FAQ o Why are rats and pigeons better at learning than other animals They aren t They are simply better in the laboratory because they are domesticated and bred to be lab animals o Are there some animals that cannot be trained Misbehavior Applying principles in an unspecies like way isn t a good of animals idea Need to condition them by what the species is capable of Habituation Procedure o Habituation Starts with a startle response then decreases over time
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