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Study Guide for Final REL 3170 Fall 2015 1 2 3 What is just war theory largely Christian philosophy that attempts to reconcile three things 1 taking human life is seriously wrong 2 states have a duty to defend their citizens and defend justice and 3 protecting innocent human life and defending important moral values sometimes requires willingness to use force and violence It is considered the realistic approach Relies on the principles of promoting just social order and doing no harm List and describe the Catholic Bishops version of just war jus ad bellum right to war criteria 1 Just cause self defense protection of the innocent etc 2 Competent Authority political leader with political system not corrupt 3 Comparative Justice acknowledge the possibility that they may be wrong 4 Right intention to correct a wrong to bring peace 5 Last resort all peaceful and viable alternatives have been seriously tried and exhausted 6 Probability of success arms shouldn t be used in a futile case 7 Proportionality fighting a fair war in which you re gaining the same more than you re losing List and describe the jus in bello law of war criteria How those fighting armed conflict should act 1 Distinction have legitimate military targets there should be obvious distinction between who is being fought obviously not innocent civilians 2 Proportionality like above the harm caused to civilians civilian property is not excessive in relation to the military advantage anticipated by an attack on a legitimate military objective 3 Military necessity meant to limit excessive and unnecessary death and destruction 4 Fair treatment of prisoners of war 5 No malum in se Combatants may not use weapons or other methods of warfare that are considered evil such as mass rape forcing enemy combatants to fight against their own side or using weapons whose effects cannot be controlled What does Johnson mean when he says that just war thinking must be disciplined Johnson believes we need to go back to historical tradition because current just war theory is based on poor moral reasoning Describe Walzer s concept of supreme emergency that is explained in the Johnson article It s permissible to act against our values in order to preserve them In extreme cases Describe the four types of pacifism 1 Deonotological pacifism is right even if ineffective 2 Consequentialist Pagmatic Pacifism is right because it is effective 3 Redemptive witness Pacifism is both right and effective coupled with theological positions or human nature 4 Technological Nuclear modern war is not justifiable How does Martin Luther King distinguish just from unjust laws Just law is in harmony with moral law Unjust laws should be disobeyed Unjust laws are inflicted by the majority onto the minority What does King identify as the four basic steps of a nonviolent campaign 1 Determine if injustice exists 2 Negotiation 3 Self purification 4 Direct action What just war criteria does Obama discuss Right to war jus ad bellum he discusses just cause and last resort also self defense For law of war jus in bello he discusses distinction and proportionality 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 How does Obama try to balance realism and idealism in his speech Ideal is long lasting peace but not realistic We should use MLK and Gandhi as ideals and influences to limit war but realistically war is part of human nature 11 Why does Obama think that holy wars are never just No need for restraint in a holy war Holy wars also go against faith themselves going against the law of love 12 13 14 Describe the three meanings of jihad 1 Struggle with Heart Aligning your heart with God s will 2 Struggle with Tongue Spreading the message of Islam and islamic values 3 Struggle with Sword extending the boundaries of Islam through force Note Spreading Islam w force does not mean converting everyone but rather having everyone respect the authority of Islam List and describe the four conditions under which Sunnis justify jihad Meaning the armed struggle 1 Just cause such as the disrespect of Muslim authority 2 Declaration of intentions as Muslim state 3 Appropriate leadership meaning a non corrupt government is initiating war 4 Right intent to bring peace to spread Islamic word not using force unproportionally How are the jus in bello criteria interpreted in Islam 1 Distinction know who you re fighting and who you re leaving alone know that women and children even those Christian and Jewish are innocent and murder is wrong 2 Proportionality use only necessary force with equal force 15 What kind of war is a defa according to Islam A defensive war Fought when threatened This is the only war acceptable to fight as a Shiite 16 17 18 19 List three reasons why societies have limited sexual behaviors 1 To maintain family 2 Sex opens one up to physical psychological vulnerability 3 To prevent consequences such as disease or overpopulation List three reasons why religious traditions have limited sexual behaviors 1 Trivializes God s power in the sense of playing God the ability to procreate is in line with God s ability to make human life 2 Sexuality and sin are associated through original sin 3 Maintaining gender roles and what it means to be men and women is important List and describe May s four theories of sex 1 Sex as demonic sex is inherently evil as it is abuse able Transcendent evil 2 Sex as divine sex is the closest thing to heaven on earth salvation it is up there in greatness with god Transcendent good 3 Sex as casual sex is desire driven and about short term pleasure Trivial good 4 Sex as nuisance sex is petty annoying and one would rather not Burdensome Minor evil How does Soble describe three different appeals to natural law in sexual ethics Interpretations of natural law can lead to differing sexual ethics 1 Aquinas the most natural best sex is heterosexual created for the purpose of procreation this appeal dismisses homosexuality and masturbation 2 Nagel Sex is natural and moral when it acknowledges mutual recognition of arousal 3 Guidorf Sex is natural and can be solely for pleasure as proved by the existence of the clitoris 20 List Cahill s five norms of Christian sexual ethics 1 Procreation 2 Heterosexual 3 Monogamous 4 Pleasurable 5 Love based 21 What are St Augustine s three purposes of marriage 1 To procreate children he is against birth control 2 Promote fidelity monogamy 3 Sacramental bond of marriage he is against divorce 22 What are the three goods of sexuality in the Lutheran document 1

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