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CHD Study Guide Exam 2 10 27 2015 Families as a Legitimate Focus of Public Policy Chapter 7 History of the Family Policy Field from 1970 1990 identify major events and attitudes towards family policy during this time Senate subcommittee on the State of American Families first time for family in policy Walter Mondale o 1973 Family Impact Seminars formal written statements Family Impact Statements that assess the impact of government policies and programs on family well being developed to study whether family impact statements were the best approach for prioritizing families in policy decisions White House conference on Families Intended to grant families legitimacy in policy but became politically contentious Gilbert Steiner Declares family policy futile and just a fad Theodora Ooms All talk of family in policy and research circles became distinctly unfashionable and the pendulum swung back once again to single issue and single constituency research and advocacy o 1908 o 1981 o 1984 o The 1980s Decade of Disregard After the failures of the early 1980s family policy was essentially ignored until the early 1990s The resurgence of families as a legitimate area of policy is due primarily to changes in the values and priorities of the American people Differing views of Jefferson and Adams on the role of government and identify how these differences persist in modern family policy o Jefferson States rights small government reduced spending people as inherently good government scope and spending people as inherently selfish Strong centralized government increased o Adams Students should be able to explain the 4 ways philanthropy can shape public policy o 1 Creating momentum for programs and policy o 2 Focusing on research and data collection o 3 Focusing on practice in academic and policymaking o 4 Addressing barriers to social economic and racial communities disparities Be familiar with examples of how philanthropy has effectively impacted family policy o Annie E Casey Kids Count program o W K Kellog Foundation s American Healing Initiative American values about family and American support for Family Programs o Only 43 of Americans believe the government should help the poor and needy if it means going deeper into debt 2012 All time low o Partisan Divide family needs in policy disagreement on the need to respond to o Support exists for specific policies Funding for childcare paid FMLA and universal access o Child free movement argues against policies for children on the basis of discrimination Appose push for change on childcare and tax credits or to sick days deductions o Most Americans see parenting as a family responsibility not a government one BUT see government as responsible for providing conditions for parents to be effective o Many worry that government policies may lend support to one family form over another Four trends in family policy from 1990 2010 o 1990 family policy started growing at the national level o Increased spending on children and families again o Major legislation targeted families adoption child support education and planning EITC FMLA food stamps marriage SSI and welfare o Increased spending on over 80 means tested programs o In 2013 10 of federal expenditures were spent on programs for children and families 41 on the elderly and disabled and 20 on defense Major legislation from 1990 2010 affecting families o Child Development Block Grant 1990 George W Bush Expanded the EITC improving access to low income families and increasing credit for families with infants Provides full year funding for Head Start 22 5 billion to improve child care Subsidizes child care for families through vouchers Creates safety and licensing requirements for child care centers Funds research on childcare and early child development Reauthorized in 1996 and 2014 o PRWORA Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act 1996 Bill Clinton Reinvented the US Welfare system shift from entitlement to work support Replaced Aid to Families with Dependent Children and Job Opportunities and Basic Skills Training programs with Temporary Assistance for Needy Families TANF Created time limited benefits must begin work within 2 years and limited to 5 years of benefits Single parents are required to participate in work activities for at least 30 hours per week Two parents families are required 35 to 55 hours per week Encouraged marriage and two parent families through increased subsidies for these families Increasing child support enforcement Devolved program many states added additional requirements or exceptions Reauthorized in 2005 for another 5 years in 2010 was not reauthorized Instead short term extensions for permission to fund the program instability o Revised Elementary Secondary Education Act 2001 George W Bush AKA No Child Left Behind Goals Reduce testing gap Create accountability for school systems Increase education quality Implement scientifically based research practices in the classroom parent involvement programs and professional development activities for those students that are not encouraged or expected to attend college Support early literacy program Emphasis on reading language arts mathematics and science achievement as core academic subjects Authorizes federal funding for annual standardized school testing Requires schools to demonstrate Adequate Yearly Progress for students enstates escalating corrective actions for repeated failure to achieve AYP Devolution of policy states set AYP goals Requires schools to grant access to students to military recruiters Provides limited adjustments for economically disadvantaged students and families o Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act 2010 Barack Obama AKA Obamacare Goals Improve access to healthcare in the US Extend existing health insurance coverage for students and seniors Reduce lifetime healthcare costs Create a patient s bill of rights Expanded Medicaid to people under 65 earning 133 of Created federal home visiting program for medically at the poverty level risk children Extended dependent coverage to age 26 Required break time for breastfeeding for 12 months after childbirth provides separate room other than bathroom for breastfeeding mothers Banned insurance exclusion of children with preexisting conditions can t increase starting rates either Banned lifetime coverage caps Out of pockets costs are capped at 5950 individual year and 11900 family year for new plans Prohibiting cancelation by insurers except for fraud

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