Begins at infancy age 1 Age 2 use of understanding about 100 words single words 3 23 15 Language development 2 years Rapid increase in vocab No babbaling Poor intelligence 2 3 word sentences Typical Sentences 2 cups Sarah s cup It broke Keisha in bed 3 years Characteristics Vocab of 1 000 words Nearly 100 intelligibility 3 4 word sentences Typical Sentences Will I go Where is doggy That s the book mommy bought me 4 years Characteristics Vocab 1 500 1 600 words Fluent speech 5 6 word sentences Typical sentence I went to Allie s I had cookies 6 years 8 000 words use about 4 000 Cognitive development Vygotsky Piaget mental processes Piaget kids thinking is less abstract than adults base understanding on particular examples they can see or touch use fewer categories or principles Assimilation application of existing mental patterns to new situations see pick of cat then identify in real life Accommodation modification of existing mental patterns to fit new demands Piaget Stages of intellectual development Sensorimotor stage 0 2 years Object permanence Objects continue to exist even when hidden from view
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