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1 Themes on Final Informal Settlements Unplanned settlements and areas where housing is not in compliance with building regulation And also areas where groups of housing units have been constructed on land that the occupants have no legal claim to or occupy illegally Many Names Vary by country and or region Shantytowns Favelas Informal Housing Homeless towns encampments Shack Dwellers Squatter Dwellers or Slum Dwellers Apartheid A former social system in South Africa in which black people and people from other racial groups did not have the same political and economic rights as white people and were forced to live separately from white people Aging Populations Countries with aging population fears are Japan Germany Italy France Spain Canada Nigeria Shrinking Cities Ghost Cities Shrinking cities are dense cities that have experienced notable population loss Emigration migration from a place is a common reason for city shrinkage Detroit and Cleveland Ghost cities cities with massive new buildings not inhabited by any people Settler Colonies Settler colonies are colonies that contain people from other countries Population Growth Although rapid urban growth is predicted in regions of the developing world except Central and South America slow growth and even no growth are anticipated for much of the developing world that is Europe the United States Canada Japan and Australia In modern India Population growth counteracts the reduction of poverty even in a time of economic growth Urbanization patterns in the Middle East The Middle East is Highly Urbanized with 55 of the population living in Cities The Middle East is a region of rapid urbanization therefore one might expect a high degree of modernization urban growth due to natural population increase and rural migration is twice as high as the increase in job opportunities Religion in Middle East and India The primary religion of the Middle East is Islam the primary religion of India is Hinduism The big 3 Middle Eastern cults know as Judaism Christianity and Islam all evolved from each other and are sharing scripts prophets various angels holy places etc In India the three ancient religions Hinduism Buddhism and Jainism are seen as the molders of the India philosophy Sustainable Development Trends New trends zero waste and significantly reduce water and energy consumption companies turning to their facility maintenance distributors to reduce facility operating costs More use of mass transit widespread use of pedestrian and bicycle paths Strong citizen participation Use of photos to indicate urban growth photo analysis TIPS FOR TEST Study map photograph for 2 minutes Form an overall impression of the photograph and then examine individual items Next divide the photo into quadrants and study each section to see what new details become visible Photos showing examples of urban growth indicate that investments were made to construct you might infer from the map photograph HERE ARE EXAMPLES NEXT YOU SHOULD Based on what you have observed above list three things ex Improving transportation roads now go overhead in this city ex Improving telecommunication systems telecom towers are now built high to improve communication in this city ex New overhead walkways linking buildings this city invested in overhead walkways that are a new trend for business ex Administrative structures this city has increased participation and control with its inhabitant by building administrative structures Poverty Poverty Intergenerational poverty social and familial concern Lack of access to basic necessities Sense of hopelessness powerless humiliation and marginalization Lack of proper solid waste o Pollute water supply o Enter into fruits and veggies o Damage to air quality when burned Public health o Inadaquated disposals of urban waste trash spread diseases o Crossing international borders for work increases local pandemic reaching pandemic proportions Living in substandard housing Lack electricity running water and sufficient food and energy sources Contributing factors o Employment in informal sectors o Lack of effective urban networking to find jobs o Low wages of multiple member households o Low rates of literacy o Lack of job skills Irregular and unexpected lossess of water Lack safe fuel sources for heat Constant fear of eviction Loss of income and employment Random violence from gangs and police Injuries from work or reckless driving Rapid hyperurbanization Hyperurbanization Describes what is happening in the worlds most rapidly growing cities Bad effect slnclude as more people compete for space and service it breeds anti social uncaring individuals Large cities wont provide a sense of community People disregard traffic Commit suicide ect Law of the Indies Urban Spatial Models No identify model questions will be on test Urban Spatial model Many of the data sets planners utilize are to improve cities and many of the phenomena is inherently spatial model spatial processes of city and city relationships explicitly Essentialize space to mean distance Spatial modeling cities blocks regions etc is a function of the distance between these two places Urban Spatial Structure A common model of urban spatial structure in Urban Economics is the Monocentric Alsonso Mills Muth model In this model density intensity of land uses is a function of the distance from CBD Central Business District Colonial Impact Colonialism is the establishment exploitation maintenance acquisition and expansion of colony in one territory by a political power from another territory Structural Adjustment Programs Structural Adjustment Programs A structural adjustment program is a plan implemented by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund IMF in a developing nation to try to get their economies to be more productive The goal of such a program is to help the borrowing nation pay off its debts and have a growing economy that will sustain them into the future Environmental Issues in China According to the Worldwatch Institute the water is not safe to drink in many areas of China Industrialization has polluted many lakes and streams resulting in chemical pollution and increased algae blooms Because of poor or no usage of insulation Chinese buildings require twice as much energy to heat or cool as those in similar climates in the US or Europe Heavy industry plants do not operate efficiently or control pollution as adequately as factories in other parts of the world The International

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FSU URS 1006 - Informal Settlements

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