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KF Chapter 1 Needed People Centered Managers and Workplaces Organization behavior OB an interdisciplinary field dedicated to better understanding and managing people at work Three basic levels individual group organizational Evolution of managing people 1 The human relations movement and the contingency approach 2 The age of human and social capital 3 The emerging field of positive organizational behavior 4 The e business revolution and implications for OB and managing people 1 The Human Relations Movement Prior to 1930 employees were viewed and treated as inputs into the production process 1935 unions legalized management collective bargaining The Hawthorne Legacy Workplace factors were manipulated eg lighting and temperature rest breaks length of work day pay and supervisory style and worker performance was measured Not entirely accurate because of great depression Showed that data driven research can guide managerial actions Also demonstrated that employee performance can be improved by attending to individual needs supportive supervision and group dynamics The Writings of Mayo and Follett Elton Mayo 1933 Australian born and headed the Harvard researchers at Hawthorne o Advised managers to attend to employees emotional needs in his book The Human Problems of an Industrial Civilization Mary Parker Follett 1920s female management consultant o Saw employees as complex bundles of attitudes beliefs and needs o Told managers to motivate job performance instead of merely demanding it a pull rather than a push strategy o She built a logical bridge between political democracy and a cooperative spirit in the work place McGregor s Theory Y Douglas McGreogor 1960 Wrote a book entitled The Human side of Enterprise which became an important philosophical base for modern view of people at work Theory Y behaviors positively influenced virtual team member trust cooperation and technology adaption Theory X assumptions were pessimistic and negative and according to him typical of managers traditional perceived employees Theory Y a modern and positive set of assumptions about people at work Theory X Most people dislike work they avoid it when they can Most people must be coerced and threatened with punishment before they will work People require close direction when they are working Most people actually prefer to be directed They tend to avoid responsibility and exhibit little ambition They are interested only in security Dislike work require close supervision are primarily interested in security Theory Y doing so Work is a natural activity like play or rest People are capable of self direction and self control if they are committed to objectives People generally become committed to organizational objectives if they are rewarded for The typical employee can learn to accept and seek responsibility The typical member of the general population has imagination ingenuity and creativity Capable of self direction seeking responsibility and being creative The Contingency Approach to Management Grew from awareness that OB theories cannot be applied in all situations Contingency Approach calls for using management concepts and techniques in a situation appropriate manner instead of trying to rely on one best way 2 The Age of Human and Social Capital Human Capital the productive potential of an individual s knowledge and action individual Ex Warren Buffet grooming someone to be the next CEO Social Capital productive potential resulting from strong relationships goodwill trust and cooperative effort social units friends family company group club nation Ex hiring mostly through employee referrals Ex hiring someone with connections that can attract investors Strategic Assumption People Individually and collectively are the key to organizational success Organizational learning shared knowledge between IHC and SC Social Capital Individual Human Capital Intelligence abilities knowledge Vision dreams aspirations Technical and social skills Confidence self esteem Initiative entrepreneurship Adaptability flexibility Readiness to learn Creativity Enthusiasm Motivation commitment Persistence Ethical standards courage Honesty Emotional Maturity Shared Visions goals Shared values Trust Mutual respect goodwill Friendship support groups Mentoring positive role modeling Participation empowerment Connections sources Networks affiliations Cooperation collaboration Teamwork Functional conflict Philanthropy volunteering Assertive communication not aggressive Human capital involves individual characteristics and abilities Social capital involves social relationships HC job relevant training your company s product service knowledge work based development opportunities mentor learning activities outside work second language SC Internal relationships with coworkers in another office external relationships with suppliers How to build capital Human capital can be specific to your job knowledge of company s products services or more generic certification to sell financial products Social capital can be internal or external to your current organization Types of Human Capital Examples and Purposes 1 Training 2 Work based development opportunities 3 Learning activities outside of work Types of Social Capital 4 Career Planning 1 Internal 2 External Software certification to gain knowledge and skills to improve performance in current job Job rotation shadowing and cross functional project teams to build your knowledge and your relationships Fluency gained in a second language to increase opportunities within and outside of current employment Opportunities identified inside or outside of your current place of employment and assess your strengths and weaknesses Mentoring relationship to provide guidance and opportunities Membership in company softball team to build relationships outside of your work area Conference attendance to meet people at other companies and learn of other job opportunities Join local industry specific organizations to identify new customers business development 3 The Emerging Area of Positive Organizational Behavior Positive Psychology Movement Moving away from what is wrong with people and focusing on human strengths to possibly prevent mental and behavioral problems Positive Organizational Behavior POB the study and application of positively oriented human resource strengths and psychological capacities that can be measured developed and effectively managed for performance improvement in today s workplace Luthans

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OSU BUSMHR 3200 - Organization behavior

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