Urban of relating to characteristic of or constituting a city Rural of or relating to the country country people or life or agriculture Megalopolis once a series of discrete towns interspersed with countryside is now one vast megalopolis A expanding city Conurbation a large area consisting of cities or towns that have grown so that there is very little room between them Continuous network of urban communities Megacity a city having a populatio n of one million or more World City world center a city generally considered to be an important node in the global economic system City large important town government by a mayor and board of alderman or councilmen LDC less developed country MDC more developed country Agrarian Civilizations A society that depends on an agricultural economy and which is therefore settled as opposed to hunter gathering Walled Cities The Middle Period Mercantilism Urbanization Rise of the Middle Class Early forms of globalization trade routes Colonialism Shrinking City Shrinking cities are dense cities that have experienced notable population loss Emigration migration from a place is a common reason for city shrinkage Detroit and Cleveland Globalization Westernization westernization taking on characteristics of western culture similar to globalization in that the dominant culture at the time expands to other countries 3 waves of globalization Friedman Colonial City 2 types Dual City Primate City Rank size Rule Cholera Tenements Industrial Revolution Only after the industrial revolution which began around 1750 did significant urbanization occur The large scale of manufacturing of the industrial revolution began in the English midlands in the mid 1700s and spread to Belgium france and Germany and hungary by 1870 New factoires mills and structure of cities led to massive immigtation of rural workers Th industrial revolution heralded development of the central business district with its offices and central headquarters By 1800s industrial towns in english midlands and Scotland grew to 100 000 inhabitants and proportion living in cities grew 30 Capital City Capital cities as the headquarters of government functions are the head cities every country has one Seat of political power Center of legislative decision locus of national sovereign Preindustrial City The term preindustrial city traditional city identifies a city that was founded and grew before the arrival of industrialization in the 19th and 10th century there is no longer a purely preindustrial city in existence Remanents of traditional city include central markets pedestrian quarters narrow streets intimidating arcitecure Industrial City has an economy based on the production of manufactured goods sometimes light industrial products and sometimes heavy industrial items invention of steam engine made larger factories XXXXXXXXX Socialist City Cities that evolved under the communist socialist regimes in the former Soviet Union China East Europe N Korea Vietnam Cuba have given us the concept of the socialist city Communism was characterized by massive government involvement in the economy coupled with the absence of private land ownership and free markets Communism product distinct cities in form function and internal spatial structure today only north korea and cuba maintain social city New Town The phenomenon of the 20th century the term refers to a comphrehensively planned urban community built from scratch with the intent of becoming as self contained as possible by encouraging the development of an economic base and a full range of urban servies and facilities Why Need help crowding in cities Provide good living environment create national capital Began in Britain then Europe then USA Form of new towns include pod like housing tracts self contained employee base But most town find them difficult to maintaine Types suburban ring Virgina new captials brasilia economic growth poles Ciudade GUyana Green City In the rich world there are organizations that promote green city development by planting treesm installing bicyles lanes placing mass transit proposals on public ballets closing street use to vehicles renewable energy recycling Example of grassroots empowerment are legion like grameen bank in bangledash Sustainable cities Cities with commitments to conservation recycling and sustainable economies and with environment ethics that is the idea that societies shold make wise use of resources for future generations to develop an ethic of recycling and reuse UN s sustainable cities programme SCP operates in mostly captials China chile Egypt Ghana ect Sustainability Sustainalbily occurs when the 3E s agree or work together In other words when the concerns of all 3 E s are met Environment Economy Equity Environment renewable resources placed by natural process to conserve them Economy maintain trade control growth provide jobs Equity strong social capital adequate housing transportation environment justice Brundtland Commission the Brundtland Commission s mission is to unite countries to pursue sustainable development together The Chairman of the Commission Gro Harlem Brundtland he Brundtland Commission officially dissolved in December 1987 after releasing Our Common Future also known as the Brundtland Report in October 1987 a document which coined and defined the meaning of the term Sustainable Development Our Common Future won the University of Louisville Grawemeyer Awardin 1991 1 Basic Economic activities Non basic Basic economic functions are widespread while non basic economic functions cater to certain regions Basic economic functions international trade exporting farming for more than your own city Non basic economic activities city infrastructure funded by city farming for only locals baby sitting Primary secondary tertiary Primary is retrieval of raw material mining fishing farming secondary is manufacturing with primary goods building retail stores grocery store tertiary is the service and trade sector no new product is produced advising babysitting trade import export quarternary zones XXXXXXXXXXXXXx Causation the action of causing something for example the cause and effect of future urban planning and creating Concentric Zone Model Based on human ecology theories done by Burgess and applied on Chicago it was the first to give the explanation of distribution of social groups within urban areas This concentric ring model depicts urban land usage in concentric rings theCentral Business District or CBD
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