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SYO3100 Summer 2015 Dr Tillman SYO3100 1 st Exam Study Guide The following are topics from the readings and class discussion that may be covered on the first exam You should be able to find information on all of these topics by going over your class notes and your answers to the reading questions that were posted on Black Board You may also find overheads and handouts used in class on Black Board under Handouts Overheads Ask if you have questions Be able to define discuss the following terms and or Sociology the systematic study of human society and social interaction Sociological Perspective stresses the social contexts in which people live and examines how these contexts influence their lives At the center of the sociological perspective is the question of how people are influenced by their society Social Institution a social unit of importance to society that has established roles and rules and fulfills needed functions o Ex The family economy religion the political system the educational Social Construction societies have created the idea of a family o There is no inherent group of people that tends to group together system etc beyond mom child o All societies have families but the term may not mean the same thing for all societies or all subgroups within a society o Meanings may change over time within societies Family Census Definition a group of two people and or more related by birth marriage or adoption AND residing together Household Census Definition all the people who occupy a housing unit house apartment or other group of rooms intended as separate living quarters This definition of households excludes group quarters such as dorms and military barracks Public Family composed of one adult or two adults who are related by marriage partnership or shared parenthood AND who is are taking care of dependents as well as the dependents themselves o This is about taking care of those who can t fend for themselves alone e g children elderly sick Private Family composed of two or more individuals who maintain an intimate relationship that they expect will last indefinitely or in the case of a parent and child until the child reaches adulthood AND who generally live in the same household and pool their incomes and or household labor o This is about sharing intimacy not necessarily sexual in nature and the o Any given collection of people could meet neither one or both public and tasks of living on a daily basis private families Kinship lineage family line Patrilineage a kinship group in which descent is through the father s line SYO3100 Summer 2015 Dr Tillman Matrilineage a kinship group in which descent is through the mother s line Polygamy more than one spouse o Polygyny man has more that one wife o Polyandry woman has more than one husband Monogamy only one spouse Endogamy the custom of marrying only within the limits of a local community clan or tribe Exogamy the custom of marrying outside of a social group family o Prevents incest o More resources and connections alliances Familial Mode of Production a means of production in which the family produces nearly all its own food makes most of its own clothes and with the help of others builds its own dwelling Labor Market Mode of Production a means of production in which people work for pay and thus produce less for their own use at home and sell more on the market Sororate marrying the sister of your deceased wife Levirate marrying the brother of your deceased husband Chaviari head of family unit Affective Individualism the formation of marriage through personal selection based on romantic and sexual attraction instead of custom or for economic and political reasons Separation of Spheres men s sphere being the world of work and more generally the world outside of the home and women s sphere being the home relatives and children Cult of True Womahood a nineteenth century ideology a set of beliefs that stated a true woman was a pious upholder of spiritual values she was pure and was submissive to me Anti Miscegenation Laws laws against marrying across racial ethnic lines o Common until the mid 1960s Bureau of Indian Affairs BIA an agency of the federal government that is responsible for the administration and management of acres of land held by the US for Native Americans o Forced Indian children to attend off reservation schools o Traditional languages and ceremonies were forbidden o Authority of parents and lineages diminished Dawes Allotment Act 1887 authorized the President of the US to survey American Indian land and divide it into allotments for individual Indians Those who accepted allotments and lived separately from the tribe would be granted citizenship o Surplus land given to European homesteaders o Reinforced European notions of family and gender roles Emancipation proclamation 1862 freed all slaves by President Lincoln 13th Amendment abolishes slavery 14th Amendment guarantees equal protection to all citizens SYO3100 Summer 2015 Dr Tillman 15th Amendment bans denial of right to vote based on race religion or creed Civil Rights Act of 1865 prohibited discrimination on basis of race creed or color in all public accomodations Plessy v Ferguson 1896 landmark decision that upheld the constitutionality of state laws that required racial segregation in public facilities under the doctrine of separate but equal o Plessy was 1 8 african American under Louisiana law he was classified as black and must sit in colored car o Allowed for proliferation of Jim Crow laws Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 1848 peace treaty that ended the Mexican o U S conquest of Mexican territory in CA NV UT NM AZ o Mexicans in these areas became American citizens but generally treated Chinese Exclusion Act 1882 prohibited all immigration of Chinese laborers American War as 2nd class citizens no families o Made naturalization of Chinese immigrants illegal Gentleman s Agreement Approx 1900 Japan made sure there was very little or no movements to the US o Greatly limited the number of Japanese immigrants o Mostly men very few families Immigration Act of 1965 opened up immigration to Asian countries on a large scale o Allowed family reunification o 30 of immigrants today are of Asian descent Family Wage a wage one person earns that is enough to support a family o Emergence of this helps with the development of separation of spheres o More women are able to focus on the home and childcare Understand and be able to explain discuss the following topics Defining

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