Exam 3 Study Guide Lectures 7 9 10 and Chapters 7 9 10 You are responsible for Topics to focus on Survey most of these questions will be short answer questions o Advantages disadvantages and guidelines for Self administered surveys Advantages more reliable answers for sensitive questions when the sur vey is not in person but when it is online or a paper questions can be longer more complicated ask questions that require your records because they can take their time to get them least expensive and easiest to com plete either drop them off and pick them up mail them and then pick them up or drop them off and ask them to mail answers in Disadvantages automatically delete or throw them away cant read no one helps them to clarify the questions so there could be confusion Mail surveys mailed surveys can include pictures and are the cheapest method you can use a delivery sequence file 98 of peoples addresses are in it and no one really knows about it useful for a sampling frame use a moral appeal giving them a reason why their opinion matters that makes them feel important could send a warning letter to make sure the person lives there number all surveys that way you can send it again to those people who did not respond helps by 15 20 home delivery go to the persons house and tell them they want them to take the survey next week well send the survey please do it ect Electronic surveys Always biased because there wont be poor people without computers impossible to randomize usually has link or attachment to the survey make it as personal as possible and will probably have to contact them several times use incentives like gift cards Face to face surveys Not usually a national sample usually local small sample big government orga nizations can afford to send interviewers nationwide rarely used more flexibility with timing higher response rate most expensive method and takes the longest Advantages flexibility avoid item non response control order of questions con trol interviewer situation high response rate collect supplementary information Disadvantages higher cost interviewer effects flexibility lack of anonymity speed Role of the interviewer appearance and demeanor are important must be pleasant and have appropriate clothes must be familiar with the questions Computer as sisted self interviewing CASI when the researcher gives the person a computer to use for sensitive questions Computer assisted personal interviewing CAPI when the researcher uses a computer to record answers read questions makes the interviewer faster and re duces the possibility of error Telephone surveys once they answer the first few questions they probably won t hang up start with easy yes no questions then ask open ended questions dying phenomenon because of called ID and cell phones response rates are low about 40 samples are more biased young people rarely have land lines intro is very important auto dialer computer calls numbers until someone answers TACASI a computer does the entire survey cheap Advantages of telephone surveys moderate cost speed higher response rate than mail quality success with open ended questions success with avoiding item non response Disadvantages reluctance to discuss sensitive topics more break offs less supplemental information sampling bias because of the method telephones hard to get people to participate o Random digit dialing and knowledge networks Random digit dialing started in the 1970 s but by the 1990 s numbers lowered for telephone surveys Company that recruits people and pays for your internet if you do a certain amount of surveys each month recruit people though random digit dialing o Survey questions Response categories exclusive and mutually exhaustive attitude questions must include neutral and I don t know categories Closed ended vs open ended make sure that a person can fit into one and only one category no overlap close ended is when there is answer choices provided open ended is when they have to fill in the answer on their own Likert scale strongly agree agree neutral disagree strongly disagree I don t know o Tailored design method assuming the person thinks that reward they will get will outweigh the time effort of the survey 3 fundamental considerations focus on reducing 4 sources of survey error devel oping a set of survey procedures that encourage participation developing survey procedures that build positive social exchange Social exchange theory more likely to respond when rewards outweigh the costs requires trust create the illusion that the survey is very beneficial by sending a pre no tice maybe with 5 tailor your survey to the particular population you are surveying and tailor the survey to differences within the populations you are surveying features of the survey that can be tailored o survey mode o sample o contacts o incentives o additional materials o questionnaire o individual questions Four sources of survey error Coverage error not all people are included within the survey usually happens with use of certain types of surveys Sampling error precision is limited happens when you only survey a certain section of people Non response error not getting all the individuals to respond to the sur Measurement error poor question wording or design confusing answer vey request not doing it is therefore inaccurate Sources of Data know examples o Secondary data data collected for specific studies and published for others to use done by any type of researcher and readily available online for anyone Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research ICPSR data from thousands of studies one for research projects or research studies data collected by social science researchers from all over the world National Archive of Criminal Justice Data NACJD established by the BJS in cooperation with the ICPSR contains the NYS data The National Youth Sur vey responses from 1 725 youths interviewed nine times from 1975 2004 also includes surveys on criminal justice topics by national polling firms the NCVS from 1972 to the present periodic censuses of juvenile detention and correctional facilities a study of thefts in New York ect o Agency records can be used for explanatory studies applied studies but agency records and published statistics are most commonly used in descriptive or exploratory studies courts police corrections department ect published statistics published by census bureau FBI federal bureau of prisons the BJS the NCVS ect focuses on aggregates the
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