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Bourgeois Ashley Central High School Dual Enrollment Vocabulary Modules 20 26 MODULE 20 1 Learning Retaining new information 2 Associative learning The process of acquiring new and relatively enduring information or behaviors Learning in a cause and effect way or that something follows another An example of associative learning would be singing a song that you know by heart You associate the words of one line with the words to come in the song Therefore you can easily continue singing because you know what comes next because of association 3 Stimulus Something that triggers a response An example of a stimulus would be with my cat Andy and his treats When we needed to find him we d shake a bag of treats and call his name therefore he d come running and get his treat We have done this so much that now every time someone in my family picks up a plastic bag Andy comes running and jumps on the nearest chair to retrieve his treat that he thinks he will get 4 Cognitive learning Learning by observing the world around you An example of cognitive learning would be how my cat learns from my dog I ve had my cat Andy since he was a kitten and I ve also had two small dogs for a while now He has watched the two dogs eat their food so much that even though he has his own food he can get to he has learning to eat and drink out of their bowls now This is cognitive learning because he has been watching others to learn this new way 5 Classical conditioning Learning by linking one situation to its response 6 Behaviorism Only studies people s reactions and actions A type of learning in which one learns to link two or more stimuli and anticipate events The view that psychology 1 should be an objective science that 2 studies behavior without reference to mental processes Most research psychologists today agree with 1 but not with 2 1 Behavior that occurs as an automatic response to some stimulus In classical conditioning a stimulus that elicits no response before conditioning In classical conditioning an unlearned naturally occurring response such as salivation to an unconditioned stimulus US such as food in the mouth In classical conditioning a stimulus that unconditionally naturally and automatically triggers Bourgeois Ashley Central High School Dual Enrollment 7 Respondent behavior Happens as a response to stimulus 8 Neural stimulus NS No response before conditioning 9 Unconditioned response UR Natural response to an US 10 Unconditioned stimulus US Naturally triggers an UR a response UR 11 Conditioned response CR Learned response to CS stimulus CS 12 Conditioned stimulus CS In classical conditioning a learned response to a previously neutral but now conditioned Triggers CR after association with US In classical conditioning an originally irrelevant stimulus that after association with an unconditioned stimulus US comes to trigger a conditioned response CR 13 Acquisition Links neutral stimulus to US to become CS In classical conditioning the initial stage when none links a neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus so that the neutral stimulus begins triggering the conditioned response In operant conditioning the strengthening of a reinforced response 2 Bourgeois Ashley Central High School Dual Enrollment 14 Higher order conditioning When a new NS becomes a new CS A procedure in which the conditioned stimulus in one conditioning experience is paired with a new neutral stimulus creating a second often weaker conditioned stimulus For example an animal that has learned that a tone predicts food might then learn that a light predicts the tons and begin responding to the light alone Also called second order conditioning 15 Extinction CR disappears when CS no longer is paired with a US The diminishing of a conditioned response occurs in classical conditioning when an unconditioned stimulus US does not follow a conditioned stimulus CS occurs in operant conditioning when a response is no longer reinforced 16 Spontaneous recovery Reappearance of previously extinct CR The reappearance after a pause of an extinguished conditioned response 17 Generalization When stimuli similar to CS can trigger a similar CR The tendency once a response has been conditioned for stimuli similar to the conditioned stimulus to elicit similar responses 18 Discrimination Recognizing differences between CS and those that don t signal an US In classical conditioning the learned ability to distinguish between a conditioned stimulus and stimuli that do not signal an unconditioned stimulus MODULE 21 19 Learning Retaining new information 20 Associative learning The process of acquiring new and relatively enduring information or behaviors Learning in a cause and effect way or that something follows another An example of associative learning would be singing a song that you know by heart You associate the words of one line with the words to come in the song Therefore you can easily continue singing because you know what comes next because of association 3 Bourgeois Ashley Central High School Dual Enrollment 21 Stimulus Something that triggers a response 22 Operant conditioning Learning by repetition followed by a punisher 23 Law of effect An example of a stimulus would be with my cat Andy and his treats When we needed to find him we d shake a bag of treats and call his name therefore he d come running and get his treat We have done this so much that now every time someone in my family picks up a plastic bag Andy comes running and jumps on the nearest chair to retrieve his treat that he thinks he will get A type of learning in which behavior is strengthened if followed by a reinforcer or diminished if Favorable outcomes more likely actions unfavorable outcomes less likely actions Thorndike s principle that behaviors followed by favorable consequences become more likely and that behaviors followed by unfavorable consequences become less likely 24 Operant chamber AKA Skinner box that animals press to get a reward out of In operant conditioning research a chamber also known as a Skinner box containing a bar or key that an animal can manipulate to obtain a food or water reinforce attached devices record the animal s rate of bar pressing or key pecking 25 Reinforcement Repetitive action in order to learn a behavior In operant conditioning any event that strengthens the behavior it follows 26 Shaping Guiding someone or something to learn the behavior that is desired for them An example of shaping would be in sports In golf golf students start

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