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PSY P 101 Watson Chapter 5 Learning making an association between two stimuli making an association between a behavior and a consequence Learning de nition A systematic relatively permanent change in behavior through experience Associative Learning Making a connection between 2 events Process of learning thees associations Conditioning 1 Classical Conditioning 2 Operant Conditioning Process of learning thees associations Conditioning Classical Conditioning PAVLOV Involuntary Responses studied digestive system of animals won nobel peace prize accidentally discovered classical conditioning through his work on salivation with dogs investigated the phenomenon of this de ned learned and unlearned responses re exes I US unconditioned stimulus a stimulus that triggers a natural response ex food II UR unconditioned response a naturally occurring re exive response to the US stimulus ex III NS neutral stimulus a stimulus that has not been paired with the US and that would normally not IV CS conditioned stimulus a stimulus that has not been paired with the US and that would normally V CR conditioned response a learned response to a previously neutral stimulus NS but is now a salivation elicits a response ex bell not elicits a response ex bell conditioned stimulus CS ex salivation Acquisition we have learned to make those connections contiguity US CS close in time contingency CS as a reliable indicator of US bell reliably rings only when food is shown Generalize stimulus similar to CS elicits response similar to CR Discriminate process of learning to respond only to some stimuli Little Albert Study conditioned to fear white things identi ed as Douglas Merritte died at age 6 one pairing is not usually enough it has to be over many times usually PSY P 101 Watson Chapter 5 Learning Conditioning in Humans Phobias explaining eliminating fears Taste aversion can work with chemo patients Breaking Habits Superstitious Behavior Learned helplessness counterconditioning changing the relationship between a CS and its CR aversive conditioning involves repeated pairings of a stimulus with a very unpleasant stimulus Pavlov s Legacy Classical Conditioning is one way all species can learn learning can be studied objectively it provides a scienti c model Operant Conditioning De nition form of associative learning in which the consequences change probability of behavior explains voluntary behaviors B F Skinner Thorndike s Law of Effect 1898 Mechanisms of learning are the same for all creatures Operant Behavior behavior conditioning used puzzle box put animal in box and placed something they wanted outside of the box controlled conditions to study operant conditioning Operant lever press by rat Consequence food contingency also important here The Skinner Box 1938 Shaping Rewarding approximations of desired behaviors Training to move incrementally someones behavior to where we want it to be Principles of Reinforcement increases probability of behavior I Positive Reinforcement Presentation of something pleasant Consequence is presented and dependent tied to speci c behavior The behavior becomes more likely to axis because and only because the consequence is presented dependent on behavior II Negative Reinforcement Punishment decreases probability of behavior 1 Positive Punishment 2 Negative Punishment present of something unpleasant getting a speeding ticket removal or something pleasant being grounded when you miss your curfew PSY P 101 Watson Chapter 5 Learning Two Types of Reinforcers I Primary food water sex II Secondary Reinforcer grades pay check Interval Schedules I Ratio II Ratio AMOUNT NUMBER Fixed Ratio Interval Reinforcement after a set number of behaviors Ex sales manufacturing game point Variable Ratio Reinforcement after an Unpredictable number of behaviors Slot machines lottery tickets Interval TIME Fixed Interval Variable Interval rewarding behavior after xed amount of time passes studying for tests running for re election rewarding after variable amount of time passes pop quizzes shing Operant Conditioning Timing Immediate vs Delayed Reinforcement Immediate vs Delayed Punishment Immediate Reinforcement vs Delayed Punishment Waiting for delayed but more highly valued reinforcers Immediate more effective but delayed can have effect Immediate consequences usually win Applied Behavior Analysis behavior modi cation use of operant conditioning principles to change human behavior Punishment DOES NOT WORK IN THE LONG RUN Special Cases of Negative Reinforcement Avoidance learning Learned helplessness a mental state that arises in an organism that believes punishment is inescapable Learn to do certain things to avoid negative consequences The organism stops trying even when success can be obtained PSY P 101 Watson Chapter 5 Learning Bandura s Observational Learning Also called imitation or modeling Learning when behavior is observed and imitated monkey see monkey do Vicarious Reinforcement Punishment Cognitive Factors in Learning Purposive Behavior Tolman 1 Behavior is goal directed 2 Expectancy Learning and Information we expect something when a certain event happens 3 Latent Implicit Learning Unreinforced learning not immediately re ected in behavior Insight Learning K hler Problem solving in which sudden insight or understanding occurs Thinking outside the box Studies of Apes Stick Problem Box Problem Biological Constraints in Learning Structure of an organism s body Permits certain kinds of learning Inhibits other kinds of learning Instinctive Drift PSY P 101 Watson Chapter 5 Learning Tendency of animals to revert to instinctive behavior that interferes with learning Preparedness Species speci c biological predisposition to learn in certain ways but not others Learning Mindset our beliefs about ability dictate goals What we think we can learn What we do learn 1 Fixed Mindset Belief that qualities cannot change 2 Growth Mindset Belief that qualities can change improve through effort Strategies for Developing a Growth Mindset Understand that your intelligence and thinking skills are not xed but can change Become passionate about learning and stretch your mind in challenging situations Think about the growth mindsets of people you admire Get organized and disciplined

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