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SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office 39 Allen basement Wednesday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office hours Friday 9 30 11 30 AM Psychology 2000 Supplemental Instruction Exam 2 Chapter 5 part 2 Warmup 1 Judy would sometimes discipline her puppy by swatting its nose with a rolled up newspaper One day she brought the newspaper into the house still rolled up and her puppy ran from her in fear By pairing the rolled paper with the swat Judy s puppy had developed a n response to the rolled up paper A generalized B conditioned A conditioned response is a response that has been learned through association Originally the rolled up newspaper did not cause a response of fear in the puppy but after repeated pairings with a swat it now causes the fear response 2 Ever sinceshe was scared by a dog as a young child Angelica has been afraid of all dogs The fact that she is not only afraid of the original dog but all types of dogs is an example of 13 Kenra has a new pet cat and decides to modify her cat s behavior by administering pleasant and unpleasant consequences after her cat s behaviors Kenra is using the principles of C unconditioned D discriminative A distinction B spontaneous recovery C stimulus discrimination D stimulus generalization A observational learning b operant conditioning c classical conditioning d insight learning Activity 1 Thinking Activity Operant Conditioning and Behavior Modification In operant conditioning involuntary behavior is learned voluntary Learned behavior is based on the reinforcement Thorndike s Law of Effect o If a response is followed by a pleasurable consequence it will will not tend to will o If a response is followed by a pleasurable consequence it generally will be repeated not be repeated follows Punishment any event object that preludes less likely response more for it to happen again a response and makes the o Is the response more or less likely to occur again More likely SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office 39 Allen basement Wednesday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office hours Friday 9 30 11 30 AM What are some issues involved with punishment Immediate effect of suppressing behavior explains negative reinforcement for parent o Does not teach appropriate behavior o Avoidance escape anxiety o Models aggression o Teaches discrimination amongst students Reinforcement when the consequence of an event is pleasant unpleasant o Is the response more or less likely to occur again More likely Positive You are adding Negative You are removing or avoiding Four Ways to Modify Behavior Reinforcement Something valued or desired Positive Reinforcement Punishment Something unpleasant Punishment by Application Example getting a gold star for good behavior Cat gets a treat when it goes to the bathroom Something unpleasant Example Getting a spanking getting put in jail speeding ticket Something valued or desired Negative reinforcement Punishment by removal Example avoiding a ticket by stopping at a red light taking an aspirin for a headache because negative thing is being removed cleaning house to get rid of mess drinking coffee to combat caffeine headache drug withdrawal Example losing a privilege like going to Jazz Fest with friends b c Jazzfest is fun and don t want it taken away time out being grounded SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office 39 Allen basement Wednesday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office hours Friday 9 30 11 30 AM Activity 3 Application Activity Work through the following scenarios to determine if the person is being negatively reinforced or punished The first one has been completed as an example for you Behavior Consequence Is something good or bad taken Will the behavior increase or decrease Taking an aspirin for a Headache goes headache away Running a red light Driver s license is taken away Cleaning your room so that you are no longer You are no longer grounded grounded Drinking coffee in the morning when you are very tired You no longer feel bad tired you curfew friend Getting in a fight with a Your friend will not talk to you anymore Fastening your seatbelt The buzzer stops when the buzzer is making a noise away bad Good Bad good good bad Punishment decrease Is this negative reinforcement or punishment negative reinforcement negative reinforcement negative reinforcement increase increase increase Punishment decrease negative reinforcement increase Staying out past your Your parents ground Punishment decrease Driving your car until it You can t drive your good Punishment decrease runs out of gas car anymore Your boyfriend nags you until you take him out to dinner The nagging stops bad negative reinforcement increase SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office 39 Allen basement Wednesday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office hours Friday 9 30 11 30 AM Activity 2 MANCRUSHMONDAY Three very important people helped develop the Cognitive Learning Theory We will organize their accomplishments into a flowchart Cognitive Learning Theory Focuses on the role of cognitive processes aka thought processes on learning Cognitive Learning Theory 3 People developed the theories s fundamental ideas Tolman worked with RATS in a maze Kohler worked with CHIMPS and set up a problem situation Seligman originally tried to use classical conditioning to study escape and avoidance dog 1 Expiment suggested that animals form a COGNITIVE map of the maze s physical layout From the 2nd rat we see that PERFORMANCE is not due to REINFORCEMENT Chimp first showed signs of a TRIAL AND ERROR approach later experienced SUDDEN INSIGHT into solving the problem getting the banana Discovered animals did nothing to help themselves get out of a stressful situation This demonstrates LEARNED HELPLESNESS Insight being able to understand the relationships between different parts of a problem helps the solution come about quickly Definition failing to act to escape caused by a past history of repeated failures from this we get LATENT LEARNING LEARNING CAN OCCUR WITHOUT REINFORCEMENT AND LATER EFFECT BEHAVIOR Cognitive Learning Theory 3 People developed the theories s fundamental ideasTolman worked with RATS in a mazeExpiment suggested that animals form a COGNITIVE map of the maze s physical layoutFrom the 2nd rat we see that PERFORMANCE is not due to REINFORCEMENTfrom this we get LATENT LEARNING LEARNING CAN OCCUR WITHOUT REINFORCEMENT AND LATER EFFECT BEHAVIOR

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LSU PSYC 2000 - Exam 2

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