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Presentation Questions 1 How does the Family Medical Leave act fail to account for diversity in families 1 Failure to recognize caregivers are not always kin 2 Father allotted leave time 3 Mother allotted leave time 4 None of the above 2 What is Physician Assisted Suicide 1 An option that gives individuals the right to suicide by state law if they have a terminal illness as well as a prognosis of 6 months to live or less 2 Patients killed by a physician to save another patient s life 3 Patients killed by a physician because they did not like their patients 4 An option that gives individuals the right to suicide by state law if they have a 3 What is the concerned camp view of the FMLA 1 They support the act and believe individuals should be able to take off as terminal illness much time as they need 2 They do not support it and think individuals should not take any time off 3 They support it and think 12 weeks is enough 4 They support it and think they should only take 6 weeks off 4 Does the impatient viewpoint acknowledge the change and growth of Physician Assisted suicide on diversity in society 1 Yes 2 No diversity in society is not taken into consideration 3 No the sanguine camp does 4 No the concerned camp does 5 Which camp believes families should be able to take off as much time as they want in FMLA Impatient 1 2 Concerned 3 Satisfied 4 None 1 Relativism 2 Religion 3 Pluralism 6 What term means to embrace multiple belief systems 7 Physician Assisted Suicide is legal in five US States Which state is the most recent one 8 This camp would say that FMLA favors women and does not take into account multiple 4 Individualism to legalize it 1 Florida 2 Colorado 3 California 4 Mississippi family forms 1 Concerned 2 Impatient 3 Satisfied 4 Theory of Paradox end their life due to illness 1 Sanguine 2 Concerned 3 4 None of the Above Impatient 1 Concerned Camp 2 Satisfied Camp 3 Impatient Camp 4 Conservative Camp 1 Concerned Camp 2 Satisfied Camp 3 4 Liberal Camp Impatient Camp 9 Which camp would say that it would be a person s ultimate decision if they choose to 10 Which camp states that physician assisted suicide does not take into consideration the feelings of the patient s loved ones 11 Which camp believes that FMLA does not take into account the complex relationships that people have and states that there is not one universal definition of family 12 How doe the sanguine camp view physician assisted suicide 1 Believes changes in society are insufficient and must progress more 2 Believes it should always be the individual s choice 3 Accepting of PAS because they believe changes are signs that we are making progress as a society 4 Believes it is always a family choice 13 Where is Physician Assisted Suicide NOT Legal 14 What state was the first to legalize Physician Assisted Suicide 15 Which is the best viewpoint of the concerned camp in regards to the FMLA 1 12 Weeks off work is way too long 2 Only having 12 weeks off work is not enough time for the child 3 FMLA policies are perfect and do not need any changes 4 None of the Above 16 Which state was the first to legalize Physician Assisted Suicide 1 Oregon 2 Washington 3 Florida 4 California 1 California 2 New York 3 Oregon 4 North Dakota 1 Delaware 2 Missouri 3 Florida 4 Oregon 17 All of these are views of the sanguine camp regarding PAS except 1 The patient has the ultimate decision about their quality of life 2 Loved ones may feel powerless or the financial aspect may be sparked for people who are faced w deciding on PAS 3 The legality of the policy will be a comfort to the individual and their family due to protection of the law and opportunity to choose when they die 4 Changes are signs that we are making progress as a society and becoming more adaptable 18 Which of these views on FMLA reflect the concerned camp 1 There is an issue that the FMLA does not address relationships with fictive kin therefore society isn t progressing 2 Policy needs to take into account multiple family forms to change from normative families 3 Paid benefits bring more power to women in their motherhood 4 12 weeks off work is not enough time to create secure attachment between mother and child so individuals should take as much time as needed 19 Which camp would favor the most governmental support for FMLA 20 According to the concerned camp how many weeks are NOT enough off for FMLA 1 Sanguine 2 Impatient 3 Concerned 4 Know Nothing 1 15 weeks 2 2 weeks one year and 2 weeks another year 3 4 weeks 4 12 weeks 21 Which states FAILED to legalize PAS 1 California 2 FSU is the best 3 Michigan 4 Both A and B 22 The impatient worldview views PAS as 1 a positive change 2 a negative change 3 overly accepted 4 completely unacknowledged 23 The concerned camp has which of the following beliefs regarding FMLA 1 A concern with maternal employment 2 12 weeks off work is insufficient 3 FMLA s 12 week leave may result in delayed childbearing 4 All of the above 24 Which camp emphasizes a sense of autonomy when it comes to PAS decisions 25 Which camp would say that there are too many eligibility requirements for FMLA 1 Concerned 2 Sanguine 3 Impatient 4 Theory of Paradox 1 Sanguine 2 Concerned 3 Impatient 4 Supreme Court 1 Oregon 2 Florida 3 Washington 4 California 1 1500 2 600 3 1250 4 8000 1 12 weeks 2 10 weeks 3 6 weeks 4 15 weeks their quality of life 1 Concerned Camp 2 Sanguine Camp 3 Impatient Camp 4 None of the Above 1 Concerned 2 Compliant 3 Satisfied 4 Impatient 1 Concerned 2 Satisfied 3 Impatient 4 None of the Above 26 Which state was the first state to legalize PAS 27 How many hours does an employee need to work to be eligible for FMLA 28 How many weeks of unpaid leave does a person get with FMLA 29 This viewpoint believes individuals are entitled to make their own decisions affecting 30 Which camp thinks FMLA isn t a strong enough response from the government to address growing numbers of women in the workforce 31 Which camp would be the most supporting of FMLA 32 How does the concerned camp feel about the FMLA 1 Finds that FMLA is not strong enough response from the government 2 Promotes personal commitment to family 3 Pushes for increased rights and expanded roles for women 4 No universal definition for family 33 Which of these would the sanguine camp agree with in the sense of PAS 1 Sense of autonomy 2 Loved ones may feel powerless 3 Relativism and Pluralism 4 All if the Above that supports these commitments 1 Personal commitment …

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