PUR final study guide There is no generally accepted definition of public relations PR is a planned process to influence public opinion through sound character and proper performance based on mutually satisfactory two way communication Help organizations and public mutually adapt to each other Functions research planning communications dialogue and evaluation PR professionals must always engage in a planned process to influence the attitudes and actions of their targets Marsonts RACE 4 step model research action communication evaluation research attitudes about the issue at hand identify action of the client in the public interest communicate that action to gain understanding acceptance and support evaluate the communication to see if opinion has been influenced Performance must precede publicity act first communicate later PR should stand for performance recognition ROSIE research objectives strategies implementation evaluation RPIE research planning implementation evaluation management action PR must serve as an honest broker to management Advice to management must be unfiltered uncensored and unexpurgated Melvin sharpe harmonize long term relationships among individuals and orgs in society Honest communication for credibility Openness and consistency of actions for confidence Fairness of actions for reciprocity and goodwill Continuous 2 way communication to prevent alienation and to build relationships Environmental research and evaluation to determine the actions or adjustments needed for social harmony Functions associated with PR work Writing media relations dealing with press and frontline planning counseling researching publicity marketing communications brochures and shit community relations employee relations consumer relations government affairs investor relations special publics relations minority groups public affairs and issues social media interface Trends in society that have influenced the evolution of PR Global village everyone can witness events from anywhere in real time mcluhan Growth of big institutions heightened public awareness and media sophistication printing press mass communications like print radio and TV cable internet etc increasing incidence of societal change conflict and confrontation minority rights internet blogs etc globalization and growing power of global media public opinion and democratic capitalism dominance of the internet and growth of social media Ancient roots public opinion through persuasion ancient greeks and communication skills where good speakers got leadership positions sophists good at reasoning and rhetoric info as a weapon of war ceasar WWI propaganda catholic church Kendall first user of the news leak Robber barons American industrial revolution men more concerned with making money than the citizens Muckrakers journalists who raked in muck from scandalous operations of Americas business enterprises The jungle meatpacking industry conditions PR professional communicator Communication process of exchanging info imparting ideas and making oneself understood by others Understanding others in return Communication hasn t taken place if there is misunderstanding or disregard Writing speaking listening promoting and counseling Goals to inform persuade motivate build mutual understanding Two step flow theory of communication org beams message to mass media who delivers that message to the masses Concentric circle theory of communication ideas evolve gradually to the public at large moving in circles from great thinkers to disciples and disseminators to lesser people to politically active to politically inert People pick up and accept ideas from leaders How communication is used for direction and control is called cybernetics Pat jacksons communication theories Systematic investigation setting clear strategic goals and identifying key stakeholders Five step process build awareness develop latent readiness form opinions based on knowledge emotion intuition relationships memory triggering event event natural or planned that makes you want to change your behavior intermediate behavior investigate apply desired behavior behavioral change SEMDR communication process Source issues a Message to Receiver who decides what action to take Sources message is Encoded to the receiver and receiver Decodes the encoded message and takes action Silent theories of communication Spiral of silence Neumann communications that work well depend on the silence and nonparticipation of a huge majority The silent majority fears being ostracized so they vote with the majority muddled middle readily influenced by communicators message NEWER THEORIES Constructivism knowledge is constructed not transmitted Concerned with cognitive process that comes before communication Important to have knowledge of receiver beliefs background etc challenge these notions and convert people Coordinated management of meaning based on social interaction When we communicate we construct our own social realities of what is going on and what action is appropriate Try to coordinate the good and bad of others stories to get a mutual outcome Each person is affected by the other Grunig hunt public relations models Press agentry publicity one way communication that beams messages from a source to a receiver with the express intention of winning favorable media attention Public information one way communication to inform Propaganda Two way asymmetric two way communication that allows an org to put out info and get feedback wouldn t change anything but would alter responses to be more affectively persuasive Two way symmetric free and equal communication flow between org and public based on mutual understanding Pr communicator serves as a mediator Semantics study of what words really mean Media is an agenda setter creation of public awareness by media tells us what issues are important Doesn t reflect reality but filter and shape it concentrate on few issues and subjects leads public to think those are more important issues It is hard to move people away from an opinion once they reach it and difficult to make people have a strong opinion anyway Easy to reinforce opinion they already have PR programs designed to persuade people to change their opinions crystallize underdeveloped or uninformed opinions or reinforce existing opinions Public group of people who share a common interest in a specific subject Opinion expression of an attitude on a particular topic Attitudes opinions actions Main
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