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Chapter 1 3 Study Guide Ch 1 Key Terms and People Act of Supremacy passed by Parliament which abolished papal authority over England and made King Henry VIII head of the Church of England Astrolabes along with quadrants helped to determine latitude Atlantic Slave Trade launched by Portuguese mariners at first they raided for slaves then they began to buy slaves from captors slaves were the only form of private revenue producing property that legal systems widely recognized Atlantic World During the 1400 s Europeans developed technologies that would help them to cross the Atlantic and return this allowed them to acquire new wealth and allies in Asia and parts of Africa enslaved Africans how plantation culture began to spread colonies off Africa s coast Giovanni Caboto an Italian who wanted the support from monarchs in Spain and Portugal in order to sponsor a voyage to Asia He moved to England got the support of Henry VII and crossed the ocean in 1497 He explored Labrador and Newfoundland then returned telling stories that he must be close to Asia The next year he set out with 5 vessels but only one made it back without Caboto John Calvin a theologian based in Geneva believed that God had already determined who would be saved or damned He thought ministers and church elders should oversee church affairs and local officials should uphold orthodoxy Calvinism teachings based on theologian John Calvin believed that God had already determined who would be saved or damned He thought ministers and church elders should oversee church affairs and local officials should uphold orthodoxy Jacques Cartier entered the Gulf of St Lawrence seeking precious metals gems and a passage to the Pacific He encountered Iroquoian speakers from the village of Stadacona and took two of them to go back to France and learn French Church of England English Christian Church headed by King Henry VIII after his break from papal authority Columbian Exchange The historic move of people plants and animals culture and pathogens between the Americas and the rest of the world that began during the time of Columbus Christopher Columbus studied geography sold books and made maps He moved to Spain and got Ferdinand and Isabel to support him and they ended up giving him more than half the money for the voyage He had three ships and 90 men under his command Francisco de Coronado A Spanish conqueror who led a group from Mexico to present day Kansas Hernan Cortes leader of a Spanish expedition to Mexico persuaded the leaders of Tlaxcala to join him against the Mexica Elizabeth I Henry VIII s daughter who put in place a religious moderation that satisfied most English but alienated a minority who sought to purge England of Catholicism Encomiendas system whereby the Spanish government granted land villages and indigenous people to its military leaders who conquered land in the Americas Epic of Deganawidah Iroquois legend that explained the establishment of the Great League of Peace between Indian nations Feitoria Portuguese name for a fortified trading post early examples of which were first established in Africa in the 15th century during the early years of Atlantic slave trade Ferdinand of Aragon his marriage to Isabel of Castile united two principle Christian Kingdoms Iberian Peninsula and western European expansions Franciscans A Roman Catholic Religious Order active in establishing Spanish missions in Southwestern North America in the 18th and 19th century Henry VIII was made the head of the church of England when the Act of Supremacy was passed Huguenots the followers of Calvinism England Scotland the Netherlands Germany and France Huron a union of several tribes of several tribes of Huron people formed to establish peaceful relations and trade Iroquois League Also known as the Great League of Peace A confederation formed c 1400 and originally composed of five Iroquoian speaking peoples of today s Upstate New York Seneca Cayuga Onondaga Oneida and Mohawk Isabel of Castile Married to Ferdinand of Aragon Jesuits Society of Jesus A Catholic male religious order founded in Spain in 1534 that was active in winning converts over seas Kachinas in pueblo culture ancestral beings believed to bring rain and communal harmony Bartolome de las Casas A Montesinos Disciple a priest and former Cuban encomendero a harsh critic of abuse of Indians but he never questioned Spain s right to rule the Americas Martin Luther a monk who challenged the propriety and ability of church officials to confer forgiveness of sins and salvation to others He professed that only personal faith could save one s soul Malintzin a native Nahua woman from the Gulf Coast of Mexico who figured importantly in the Spanish conquest of Mexico by acting as the translator and advisor to Hernan Cortes leader of a Spanish Expedition Mississippian societies Name given to Indian societies of the Mississippi Valley formed around 700 CE and peaking between 1100 and 1300 Mourning wars Skirmishes associated with Eastern North American Indians to avenge the death of relatives by capturing or killing members of neighboring tribes Phillip II of Spain appointed Menendez governor of Florida and subsidized his expedition of 800 soldiers mariners and colonists Privateers prowled the Caribbean in search of ships that were carrying gold and silver and raided Spanish settlements these were mostly Huguenots Protestantism A Christian Reform movement that arose in Europe during the 1500s and denied the authority of the Catholic Church Martin Luther Puritans followed the teachings of John Calvin Reconquista Expansion of western European Christian Nations during the 1400s into Muslim settlements on the Iberian Peninsula St Augustine Florida First Spanish Settlement in North America San Miguel de Gualdape the first European settlement in today s mainland United States Treaty of Tordesillas Spain and Portugal divided the world between them This ended up with the America s but not Brazil on the Spanish side 1494 BE ABLE TO ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS Reviewing the Chapter In what ways did environmental changes shape Indian life before 1565 1 2 Europeans conquered Mexico Central America and a lot of South America by 1565 They didn t conquer North America North of Mexico Why 3 Why did the textbook authors feel the need to include a whole chapter about time before 1565 in a textbook for a U S History class Use specific examples 4 What explains the conquest of Mexica 5 Europeans became very interested

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LSU HIST 2055 - Study Guide

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