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Chapter 16 Public Relations Writing Top is the most important Begins w summary lead Adds facts in descending order of importance Done so that story may be edited to fit available space by cutting off the end of the Third Exam The Inverted Pyramid story nothing significant lost o PR does it subjectively The Summary Lead o Who o What o When o Where o Why o How o Answer all in 1st sentence Prit v Electronic Media Leads Hard Lead Print o Simple sentences o Active voice paints a picture o Fewer words o 22 25 words max o Soft Lead Electronic o Simple sentences o Active voice o 18 20 words max people don t retain more than this many words o First 2 3 words are throw away grab people s attention after few words WHAT IS IMPORTANT Always think about the audience Format for the News Release 1 Typed double standard page Professional and common 8 1 2 x 11 inches Organization contact info Embargo date date after which it can be public 8 inches left one page if possible Spacing Paper Identification Release date Margins Length Paragraphs Slug Line 1 2 sentences long more or Suggested Headline Using the Internet Proof reading Copy editor writes the headline journalist writes the story Slim to none that you ll get your story ran but suggested headlines helps Won t be ran if there are errors Need to know how reporter likes to get news Key have to give it ahead of time but not too early to get lost Pendulum Swings 1st fax was a trend then e mails now tweets are popular Media Kits What goes on in organization 2 Pocket folder not gaudy not cute o Bio straight narrative Inventor leader info Straight bullet points Narrative Story o Backgrounder what s going on behind curtains o Feature o Case History o By liner people who will write for them not plagiarism o Memorandum internal rarely in the kit o Pitch letter sell person on idea o Round up article o Fact sheet o Position paper o Standby statement Wall street journal not about particular we know we re getting ready to have trouble this is what we re going to do about it o Speech CEO of leader will be asked to make speech o Other things that may be included Videos links to website items o The whole idea is to get this to the press and answer their potential questions News Conferences 3 o Held where it best suits the media unless the location itself is what is newsworthy o Be mindful of media deadlines o Hold for major events only o If you can get the information to the media in a quicker simpler way e g a news release do it Florida Press Center Built set up for news conference Ex 1978 Investigation in Equine Therapeutic Center Place was the story Exclusives o In general don t use exclusives might tell it wrong you limit yourself you might anger other reporters for using the other reporter o An exception news of limited interest might get coverage if given as an exclusive o If you do Rotate the exclusives with the media don t play favorites Talking off the Record In general don t do it If you must o Establish the rules o Offer the reporter something in return Talking off the Record o In general don t do it o If you must Establish the rules Offer the reporter something in return o Must address HOW LONG you re off the record ex need to tell the employees before the story runs Chapter 19 Crisis Management 4 Managing Crises The Do s and Don ts of a Public Relations Crisis Definition Crisis organization Crisis vs Emergency o Any situation that can affect the well being of an o pick emergency over crisis o Emergency here happening now o Crisis can ruin reputation o Crisis plans can be formed o Ex NASA learned from their mistakes with the Challenger Timeframe of a Crisis 5 stages 1 Shock don t believe it happened 2 Anger you get mad o Attacking Muslims in general after 9 11 in USA 3 Siege mentality Naval Picking o Huge effect on economy b c people stayed home and did nothing 4 Adjustment work with it o Security at airport 5 Adaptation get used to it Types of Crises Fire 5 Explosions Product tampering Tylenol off the Shelves o Lost money o Did the right thing Law suits Environmental damage Exon Product Defects Terrorism o DOMESTIC TERRORISM o ex PETA o groups right here is USA o monkeys and spreading AIDS o ex Spiking the Forest Law Suits o Company stalled CEO didn t head over right away Terrorist will do threaten to do it again you don t know when it will happen again Ramifications of a Crisis Stock devaluation Decrease in consumer confidence Loss of the public trust Note Stock will go down lose business and lose consumers o Ex Gerber Baby you will lose or be out of business if you lose public trust Types of Crisis o Immediate o Emerging o Sustained It s here it s now we re dealing with it You know it s coming and need to prepare alcohol The crisis won t go away 6 Communicating during a Crisis Do not speculate on the cause of the crisis Question What cause it Answer Answer should always be I DON T KNOW regardless if you do know and say you ll get back to them Make your point and repeat it often Establish yourself as the most authoritative source Stay on the record o they want to talk to the CEO you would answer the questions to the problem instead of sending PR if you re a good CEO o NO STORY IS OFF THE RECORD even if they say it s off the record Murder Board ask Practice how you re going to answer potential questions reporters may Characteristics of Today s Reporters Young Inexperienced Not well trained in journalism o Probably not trained at all o Just thrown in to figure it out Skeptical of any public relations effort PR people make more than Press Don t understand organizations and government and how they work 7 Talking to the Media Speak first and often Don t speculate Stay on the record Stay with the facts Be open and concerned not defensive Make your point and repeat it often Don t wage war with the media Establish yourself as the authority Stay calm and be truthful Never lie 8 1 Must relate to the reader must engage the readers attention must concern the reader must be in the readers interest2 Don t be afraid for the draft3 Simplify clarify4 Finally writing must be aimed at a particular audience 4 part formula for writing 2 3 4 5 Absolute Cornerstone of PR Case Histories Follow a Five Part Formula Characteristics of Today s Reporters Communicating During a Crisis Research 1 Present a problem experienced by one company but applicable to many other firms2 They indicate how the dimensions of …

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