SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office 39 Allen basement Wednesday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office hours Friday 9 30 11 30 AM SI Exam 3 Review Chapters 8 11 12 17 questions from Ch 8 11 from Ch 11 17 from Ch 12 Disclaimer Due to time constraints it is not possible for me to cover 100 of the exam material You are responsible for knowing the exam information which comes from lectures notes the book and any other materials such as videos provided to you by your instructors 1 A researcher wants to look at political views in various groups She gives a survey to people from 4 different age groups at the same time 20 35 50 and 75 This is an example of research A Longitudinal one person over a long period of time B Cross sectional C Cross sequential studying age related differences between generations and also how an individual changes over time D More than one of the above 2 In elementary school Jill enters a piece of art into a school art contest Her art does not win any awards though some of her friends get trophies and ribbons for their submissions Jill feels as though her work is substandard Which conflict from Erikson s stages of psychosocial development applies here A Trust vs Mistrust birth 1 yr B Intimacy vs Isolation 20s and 30s C Generativity vs Stagnation 40s 50s D Competence Industry vs Inferiority 5 12 Make social comparison as they are faced with academic learning 3 Which of the following is a disorder caused by having an extra chromosome A B C are inherited recessively A Tay Sachs B PKU C Cystic Fibrosis D Downs Syndrome trisomy 21 extra chromosome in the 21st pair 4 Daddy go bye bye is an example of A Telegraphic Speech 1 5 years short simple sentences B Babbling 6 months vowel and consonant sounds C A holophrase one word speech whole phrases in one word milk means I want milk D Cooing 2 months just vowel sounds SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office 39 Allen basement Wednesday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office hours Friday 9 30 11 30 AM 5 A mother leaves her child in a room by himself The child cries when she exits but when the mother returns he seems angry at her still crying and throwing his toys around This is an example of attachment A Secure explores with mom sad when she leaves back to exploring when she comes B Avoidant don t really react to mom being there or not A little bit of exploration C Ambivalent clingy not willing to explore Fussy when mom leaves fussy when mom back comes back D Disorganized disoriented 6 What is not one of the three things people do to reduce cognitive dissonance internal conflict when your beliefs about yourself don t match your actions words I m smart but making bad grades A Change their behavior B Change their attitude C Form a new attitude D Ignore the conflict 7 At times people resort to rigorous exercise schedules or extreme eating habits in order to gain a socially established ideal body type This type of influence is called A Normative social influence more severe social consequences a person wanting to get approval B Informational social influence C Obedience D Compliance 8 Which of the following is not one of the components of attitude formation A Affective what you think about it B Social C Behavioral how your behavior isn influenced by your thought about it D Cognitive your reasoning behind your beliefs thoughts about it 9 Becky is a moderate Democrat She starts visiting an Internet forum for democrats and begins talking with its members on a daily basis about politics After a few months of this she identifies as strongly liberal This is an example of A Social facilitation B Group polarization C Groupthink D Deindividuation 10 Imagine you are the member of a jury for a trial A man is accused of stealing guns from a sporting goods store The defendant was not very well spoken and came from a very poor SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office 39 Allen basement Wednesday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office hours Friday 9 30 11 30 AM background but you listen carefully to the evidence presented and made your decision based on that This is an example of processing Model Elaboration Likelihood Model A Central route basing your opinion on the message only B Peripheral route basing your opinion on the fact that he s poor C Cognitive route D Visual route 11 twins share genetics the same way that siblings do whereas twins are exactly the same genetically A Monozygotic Identical Dizygotic Fraternal B Dizygotic Identical Monozygotic Fraternal C Monozygotic Fraternal Dizygotic Identical D Dizygotic Fraternal Monozygotic Identical 12 A period during fetal development in which certain environmental influences can have a big impact on development is called A Teratogen the bad environmental influences that have a big effect during the critical 13 Which infant reflex causes them to fan their toes out when you stroke their foot period smoking drugs alcohol B Fetus 8 weeks birth C Critical period D Zygote fertilization 2 weeks A Grasping B Moro C Stepping D Babinski E Sucking 14 In which of Piaget s stages of development does a child develop a sense of object permanence A Sensorimotor first stage B Preoperational 2 7 C Concrete operations 7 12 conservation D Formal operations 15 Children aged 2 to 7 often have difficulty seeing the world from anyone s point of view than their own Piaget would refer to this as A Egocentrism B Centration C Conservation SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office 39 Allen basement Wednesday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office hours Friday 9 30 11 30 AM 16 In Vygotsky s theory of learning is when a teacher originally helps a learner then slowly withdraws help as the learner improves A Zone of proximal development what a child can do with the help of a teacher tutor vs what they can do without higher with teacher D Irreversibility B Scaffolding C Metamemory D None of the above 17 In which of Erikson s psychosocial stages of development are individuals challenged to be creative productive and nurturing of the next generation A Ego integrity vs Despair B C D Generativity vs Stagnation 40s and 50s Initiative vs Guilt Industry vs Inferiority 18 A kid in high school thinks that everyone in his class will notice the fact that he sounded dumb when he made that presentation in class This is an example of A Personal fable when teens think they re invincible and can t be harmed super
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