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Thursday August 28 2014 Psychology and Its History can t see this stuff Goals of Psychology o 1 Describe Psychology The scientific study of behavior and mental processes o 1 Behavior Any action walk talk laugh spit anything you can physically do o 2 Mental Processes Perceptions thoughts feelings latent constructs you o 2 Explain o 3 Predict o 4 Control Describe everything around the behavior and the behavior itself where when behavior occurs Why behavior is occurring I think I know why it s occurring this is when it will occur again I know if I manipulate something I can change the behavior Wilheim Wundt Father of Psychology o 2 Reasons Edward Titchener First attempt to bring objectivity measurement in psychology Founded the first experimental psychology laboratory o Some work involved objective introspection idea that he was teaching people to observe what is going on in their mind and describe it in very technical ways under controlled conditions o He was the first to argue that the mind could be examined both scientifically and objectively o Student of Wundt o Translated many of Wundt s works into English o Structuralism Study consciousness by trying to understand its smallest most basic elements break consciousness up into it s smallest elements to try to understand it o Introspection of thoughts as well as physical objects o Structuralism applied the introspection method to thoughts as well as physical sensations William James o Functionalism Study the function of consciousness how the mind allows people to work play adapt to new circumstances one unbroken stream of consciousness I m experiencing the remote and every piece of it but now as I m telling you about what I perceived I m experiencing a new thing in telling you focus on the function of consciousness how does it allow us to achieve our goals not the pieces the function of it Stream of Conciousness o Functionalism is heavily influenced by the work of Charles Darwin Influenced by Darwin s theories of evolution functionalism founder William James speculated that thinking developed because it is adaptive He believed that useful behavioral traits in addition to physical traits could be passed from generation to generation o Functionalism was influenced by Darwin s ideas about natural selection o As the brain changes are continuous so do all these consciousnesses melt into each other like dissolving views Properly they are but one protracted consciousness one unbroken stream o The attempt at introspective analysis in these cases is in fact like seizing a spinning top to catch its motion o Gestalt Psychology o Reaction to structuralism in a different way we perceive things as one big How we experience the world o The whole is greater than the sum of its parts o Worked with patients whose complaints has no identifiable physical cause o Focused on the role of the unconscious Where unwanted urges and desires are pushed towards o Psychoanalysis Therapy based on Freud s ideas Focus on early childhood development psychosexual stages Dream interpretation The interpretation of dreams is the royal road to a knowledge of the unconscious activities of the mind Study of observable behavior o Behaviorism o Direct reaction to psychoanalysis o Focus on things we can see observable behavior of people or organisms Little Albert Study o Freud phobias are the result of unconscious conflicts o Watson tried to create a phobia using the conditioning technique discovered by Pavlov Classical Conditioning Max Wertheimer whole Sigmund Freud John Watson Pavlov and His Dogs o Interested in reflexes o Discovered that reflexes could be conditioned learned Food Saliva Natural response After pairing buzzer food get buzzer saliva The dogs were conditioned to produce saliva when they heard the buzzer Famous Female Psychologists o Mary Whiton Calkins Memory research o Mary Cover Jones Behavior therapy Famous Minority Psychologists o Francis Sumner o Geroge Sanchez Modern Perspectives 7 o Psychodynamic Studied effects of segregation in the educational system Studied IO testing and cultural bias Modern version of psychoanalysis More focused on the development of a sense of self and the discovery of other motivations behind a person s behavior The psychodynamic approach stressed the importance of early life experiences Psychodynamic psychotherapy idea focused on our development and our interactions with people finding out our motivations Attachment Theory infant o Behavioral Perspective type of bond formed b t caregiver and After a scandal Watson left his academic job and went into advertising Famous behaviorist who continued and expanded upon his work BF Skinner How to manipulate voluntary behavior by changing the consequences of behavior o Humanistic Perspective Operant conditioning test sticker for his kid s trial Emphasis in conscious and immediate experiences and the empowerment of the individual to become the best he she can be to self actualize Humanists held the view that people have free will the freedom to choose shape their own destiny Client centered therapy Carl Rodgers Abraham Maslow o Cognitive Perspective Grew in part out of gestalt psychology How people think remember and store information Language problem solving intelligence decision making relating the brain to cognitive processing Cognitive neuroscience o Sociocultural Perspective Combines social and cultural psychology Social psychology influences on behavior Cultural psychology standards of behavior study of groups relationships social study of cultural values and norms or Cross cultural studies o Biopsychosocial Pespective Mental processes can be explained by the interaction of biological social and psychological factors Psychological Professions o Psychologists psychology o Evolutionary Perspective Grew in part out of functionalism what is the function of consciousness what does it allow us to do Argues that human behavior is a result of psychological adaptations that help people successfully function and survive Snakes many people are afraid these people would say that people are afraid because it was good to learn to be afraid of them along the way Doctoral degree specialized training in one or more subfield of Clinical counseling school developmental cognitive social biological personality health industrial organizational Some psychologists do basic research others do applied research some do both Basic research example How do patients with Alzheimer s disease experience emotion

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LSU PSYC 2000 - Psychology and Its History

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