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Intro to Public Relations Exam 3 Material in exam 3 includes Public Relations Writing Chapter 15 16 and Crisis Management Ch 19 Class lecture notes verbally stated are in blue Book notes begin on page 6 and end on page 19 test yourself on page 20 Public relations writing 15 16 The Inverted Pyramid Inverted pyramid begins with the summary lead Adds facts in a descending order of importance Done so that the story may be edited to fit available space by cutting off the end of the story nothing of significance lost Active voice takes fewer words and paints picture in mind of listener more vivid The Summary Lead begin the first sentence w most important question usually what Who What Where When Why How Print versus Electronic Media Leads Hard lead print Simple sentences 22 25 words maximum Soft lead electronic Simple sentences Active voice 18 20 words maximum First 2 3 words are throw away Format for the News Release Spacing typed double standard page Paper Identification who you are contact info Release date embargo date Don t publish until Margins Length Paragraphs Slug line more or Suggested headlines Timing Using the internet Proofreading Spell it right Media Kits Bio straight narrative Backgrounder background info Feature Case History Memorandum Pitch letter Round up article By liner written by one person signed by another usually executive Fact sheet important statements of fact quick bullet points Position paper taking a side on an issue Standby statement prepared statement for upcoming problem Speech News Conferences Be mindful of media deadlines Hold for major events only Held where it best suits the media unless the location itself is what is newsworthy If you can get the information to the media in a quicker simpler way e g a news release do it Exclusives In general don t use exclusives An exception news of limited interest might get coverage if given as an exclusive If you do rotate the exclusives with the media don t play favorites Exclusives don t allow you to control the story Exclusives mean giving a story to one reporter only In general don t do it If you do it do it sparingly Talking off the Record In general don t talk off the record Basically you re always on the record when a reporter is in the room Offer the reporter something in return If you must Establish the rules Ch 19 Crisis management Managing the Crisis Do s Don t s of a PR Crisis Crisis Definition any situation that can affect the well being of an organization Crisis vs Emergency Crisis Timeframe Timeline Shock Anger Siege mentality Adjustment Adaptation Types of Crises Fire Explosions Product tampering Tylenol solved by goodwill produced from research Law suits Sue Money Sue people who have Environmental damage exxon valdez kept doing something worse Product defects examples are Ford Pinto gerber Terrorism shoe bomber Ramifications of a Crisis Stock devaluation stock down you sell and that makes the price go down further Decrease in consumer confidence Loss of the public trust selling pieces of eastern airlines Types of Crises Immediate Emerging Sustained example financial organizations in 2008 Nasa didn t have crisis plan Communicating during a Crisis Do not speculate on the cause of the crisis Make your point and repeat it often Establish yourself as the most authoritative source Stay on the record Characteristics of Today s Reporters Young Inexperienced Not well trained in journalism Don t understand organizations and government and how they work Skeptical of any public relations effort Talking to the Media Speak first and often Don t speculate Stay on the record Stay with the facts Be open and concerned not defensive Make your point and repeat it often Don t wage war with the media Establish yourself as the authority Stay calm and be truthful Never lie Textbook notes Basics of writing IDSA 1 The 2 Don t be afraid i dea must precede the expression think before writing Ideas must satisfy 4 criteria Must relate to reader must engage to reader s attention must concern the reader and must be in the reader s interest writer should prepare rough draft after deciding on idea and establishing purpose Necessary and foolproof method for avoiding mediocre half baked product Writing can be improved with a 2nd look Draft helps organize ideas and plot their development before you commit to them of the d raft 3 Si mplify clarify simpler the better The more people who understand the better the chances of stimulating action Avoid jargon writing clarity is often enhanced if you know where you will stop before you start Key to clarity is tightness each word paragraph must belong If word is unnecessary redundant then delete it Copy must always be reviewed with an eye toward cutting tailor message to reach that audience To win minds and hearts of specific audience one must be willing to sacrifice the understandings of certain others Writers like companies can t be all things to all people writer must have target group in mind and a particular a udience aimed at 4 Writing must be Rudolf Flesch anyone can become a writer People who write the way they talk can become better Simple was better than 25 cent words Flesch s 7 suggestions to improve writing 1 Use contractions like it s and doesn t Leave out the word that 2 3 Use pronouns I we they you 4 When referring back to a noun repeat the noun or use a pronoun Don t create eloquent substitutes Use brief clear sentences 5 6 Cover only one item per paragraph 7 Use language the reader understands Ylisela cornerstones of corporate writing what value is corporate mission if people don t understand it secret make the words count Make the words count be specific use more words find better verbs pursue active voice shouldn t write like a lawyer Subject verb object omits needless words embrace simplicity clarity tell good story find interesting voice take chances rewrite Inverted pyramid if readers lose interest early they re not likely to be around at the end of the story The climax and critical facts of a newspaper story comes at the beginning opposite of novel The first tier or lead of story is 1st one or two paragraphs which also include most important facts From there paragraphs written in descending order of importance thus inverted pyramid Lead is most critical element answering questions concerning who what where when why how Inverted pyramid style and organization of facts selection as opposed to exercise in creative writing News release granddaddy of PR writing vehicles

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