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Unit 3 Lecture New Deal Diplomacy Far East Japan Mukden Incident Kuomintang Nationalist Party In September 1931 the Japanese blew up their own railroad and blamed it on the Chinese They then used it as an excuse to sent their military to Manchuria China and take over They did it at this time because 1 Internally China was getting stronger and if Japan waited any longer they might not have been able to get away with it their leader was 2 The Western World including U S was preoccupied with the Great Depression Sun Yat Sen He realized after WWI that Europe wanted China to be weak so they could take advantage of them Sun Yat Sen invited communists from Russia to help China move forward In 1925 he dies Chiang Kai Shek took over as leader He lived and studied in Russia The U S called him the Red General He was a nationalist and leader of a nationalist party He wanted to remove all foreign interests from China Chiang Kai Shek takes an army and defeats the warlords so he becomes in control He starts a civil war Nationalist Chinese vs Communist Chinese Chiang Kai Shek is defeating the CCP He then put pressure on the foreign nations to leave China Shek Mao Tse Tung Communist Party leader the group against Nationalist Chinese and Chiang Kai Chinese Communist Party CCP The Nationalist Party lost the war and goes to Taiwan When Japan used aggression to take over China this upsets the U S and they investigate Henry L Stimson led the investigation Stimson tells President Hoover that Japan is guilty of aggression and the U S should impose economic sanctions to coarse Japan to get out of China But Hoover wants to get out of the Great Depression by increasing trade so Stimson s ideas are rejected because the U S needs trade with Japan Stimson Doctrine Lyton Commission a note that was sent to China and Japan by the U S and said The U S does not recognize Japan s actions in China Japan accepts Nonrecognition powerful policy by the U S to coarse nations in the right path the League of Nations investigation into Japan and China s problems The League of Nations finds Japan guilty Five months later Japan withdraws from the League of Nations and stays in Manchuria China former Manchuria Japan now has taken over this land Manchukuo Europe Italy Fascists Benito Mussolini Fascism sort of dictator led socialism partnership between big business and government where the government is the senior partner It allows partnership of private property Socialism an elected form of government whereby all the people share in the production distribution and problems It is cradle to grave care Italy is the first place totalitarian dictatorship took place Benito Mussolini elected fascist dictator He convinced people to vote for him He ruthlessly suppressed any opposition He restored the Italian economy by building up the military Under his fascism Italy s economy recovered By 1934 he threatened to use his modern military Adolf Hitler was the Nazi dictator He was a totalitarian dictator He climbs to power by telling Germans that there s 3 reasons why Germany isn t on top 1 The Versailles Treaty He then says that Germany will no longer follow it 2 The German Jewish Population 3 Blamed the Communists Communism a dictator led socialism the worker state does not allow the ownership of private property By 1934 the Status Quo is Europe was broken down The U S does not pay attention to this because they are too focused on the Great Depression Germany National Socialists Nazi New Deal Diplomacy Franklin D Roosevelt London Economic Conference Secretary of State Cordell Hull was S o S while Roosevelt was in office was it for the 64 Nations of the World came together to try to get elected 1932 on his promise of getting the U S out of the Great Depression with his New Deal Roosevelt was pragmatic exceptionally long time the world out of the Great Depression Roosevelt sends Hull on behalf of the U S During this Conference they say there are two ways to get out of the Great Depression 1 Reduce World Tariffs 2 Nations of the World adopt the Gold Standard Gold Standard comparison of money in relevance to gold However the U S is currently on the Silver Standard and Roosevelt does not want to change that so he had the U S delegation leave the conference He gave into Economic Nationalism the U S did not want communism in the U S so we did not recognize communist Russia between 1917 1933 However U S recognized them in November 1933 because they wanted to trade with them trade if the nation that we are trading with does it in return This was used to increase world trade gave the President the right to reduce a tariff for Reciprocal Trade Agreement ACTS Recognition of the Soviet Union World Aggression 1935 1939 Ethiopia 1935 Rhineland 1936 In October 1935 Italy invaded Ethiopia starting the rapid events of world aggression that would lead to WWII Italy led by Mussolini was using its modern army to recreate the glory days of the Roman Empire Italy easily defeated Ethiopia The League of Nations and the United States did nothing Italy gets away with aggression In March 1936 Hitler leader of Germany sees Italy in Ethiopia and the lack of a world response and decides now is the time to make his moves Hitler will Remilitarize the Rhineland the German side of the border area between Germany and France and Belgium and France the back door to Paris remember the German violation of Belgium neutrality in WWI under the terms of the Versailles Treaty this area was not to have German troops stationed there Hitler who ripped up the Treaty in 1934 sends troops into the area Again there is no response France complains loudly but does nothing neither does anyone else As a result of the German remilitarization of the Rhineland 1 Hitler believes he is always right and does not listen to his military generals The 2 generals had told him France would attack Germany over the Rhineland France did not so Hitler believed he knew better than his generals Italy Mussolini and Germany Hitler realize they have similar but not conflicting ideas and the two Fascist nations sign the Rome Berlin Axis agreement in October 1936 This pact says if a nation attacks either Germany or Italy the other will help collective security It is aimed at keeping France in place as Germany and Italy make their moves in Europe Also in Oct 1936 Italy withdraws from the League of Nations Germany had withdrawn in Oct 1933 Japan in March 1933 the League is useless In July 1936 the Spanish Civil War

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