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Chapter 6 Violence Abuse and Neglect in Families and Intimate relationships Child Maltreatment 64 1 experienced neglect Emotional abuse was the most frequent type of maltreatment Women were at a much greater risk of reporting victimization Partner Abuse compared to men Sibling Abuse physical fights between brothers and sisters are by far the most common form of family violence Witnessing Domestic Violence Researchers and clinicians report children who witness acts of domestic violence experience negative behavioral and developmental outcomes independent of any direct abuse or neglect that they may also experience from their caretakers Costs of Family Violence Wang and Holton have estimated that child abuse and neglect have cost those involved approximately 103 8billion Long term consequences of child abuse and neglect for individuals differ on the age at which neglect starts During childhood consequences include problematic school performance and lowered attention to social cues children whose parents are psychologically unavailable function poorly across a wide range of psychological cognitive and developmental areas Physical aggression antisocial behavior and juvenile delinquency are among the most consistently documented consequences in adolescence and adulthood for those abused as children Childhood maltreatment is linked to adulthood alcoholism victims of childhood sexual abuse are more likely to become prostitutes female domestic assault victims report high depression and anxiety as well as increased risk of suicide attempts Factors Associated with Family Violence most studies started using the Mental Illness Model problems with this model included 1 a limited number of cases biased 2 confuses cause with the consequence 3 ignores fact of societal factors that affect family violence Sex and Gender Differences mothers more likely to abuse or kill their children Boys are more violent siblings and offspring Mothers and sisters are more frequent targets of the young or adolescent boys family abuse Social Characteristics TWO conflicting positions 1 Violence cuts across all socioeconomic groups and is not a function of social class and poverty 2 violence is cause by low social class and poverty o WHY clinics or emergency rooms are the most likely source of medical aid for lower class battered women Intimate violence is higher in minority families highest for American Indian Women Violence towards children and between husbands and wives are highest among Hispanics compared to blacks and whites o WHY economic deprivation youthfulness and urban residence of Hispanics Career and life stressors have a medium effect on the likelihood Stress of intimate partner violence Social Isolation Intergenerational Transmission People who are socially isolated from neighbors and relatives are more likely to be violent in the home 30 children who witness parental verbal and psychological aggression related to later abusive behavior Cycle of violence is related to a complex set of social psychological and interpersonal processes Factors associated with Sexual Abuse of Children female children are at increased risk for sexual abuse THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES 1 Social Learning Theory behavior is learned through individuals experience and observation of their own and other behavior Those who experience violence are more likely to use violence a Family Violence is learned b Not only do people learn violence behavior they learn to justify it this will hurt me more than it will hurt you you are bad you deserve to be spanked 2 Ecological Theory parental abuse results out of a mismatch between parent and child or between the family and its neighborhood or community 3 Social Exchange Theory both partners abuse the child governed by a process of cost benefit a Use abuse when the reward is greater than the cost Gain is dominance and control over another power 4 Sociobiological Theory Evolutionary perspective Violence or non violence is a product of investment or noninvestment from the parent a Children who are not genetically related have mental problems to their parents are at high risk for abuse b Males use aggression to control female sexuality to males reproductive advantage 5 General Strain Theory anger may be related to frustration and anger that result an individual that was treated poorly in social relationships 6 Pro Feminist Theory Women are controlled by an oppressive patriarchal society Women are the victim of men s culturally sanctioned coercive control 7 Attachment Theory Association between a persons early attachment experiences and the pattern of affectionate bonds the individual makes throughout his or her lifetime a Strong and secure attachment good while ambivalent attachment bad Protection Children care 1 Remove children from their homes and place them in foster 2 provide victims families with social support such as counseling food stamps and day car services Problems still open to physical and emotional harm in new home most child protective service workers are overworked undertrained and underpaid Over half of all children whoa re killed by their caretakers in the US are killed after they have been reported to child welfare agencies Protecting Victims of Intimate Partner Violence Call the Police o Households that received arrest after family assault were less likely to relapse Go to a safe house or shelter Crucial factor to abuse ending was women showing determination and taking stand that violence had to stop CHAPTER 7 Bio psychosocial approach organizes the prediction of pathological alcohol involvement through consideration of biological contributions psychological factors and social influences Substance use both experimental and regular use Substance Abuse excessive consumption of a substance Distinction between the two is the level of use tolerance withdrawal dependency Children and Substance Abuse Problems research is focuses on age groups 8 11 Childhood Characteristics for males Early alcohol intake is correlated with conduct disorders higher children favorable views of alcohol at age 10 is associated with higher probability of drug and alcohol use in adulthood and dependency by 21 Emphasizing health concerns as a reason not to use alcohol is likely to be ineffective with children Factors associated with childhood substance abuse less competence more tolerance to deviance more deviant self image more susceptibility to peer pressure and greater reported peer use Parent Factors 5th

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FSU FAD 3432 - Chapter 6- Violence Abuse and Neglect in Families and Intimate relationships

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