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Discovering the Soul of Service HFT 3240 Study Guide Exam I will cover Raving Fans Chapters 1 7 Modules 1 7 Soul of Service Table 1 1 1 Know the principle business of the first 7 companies on page 6 Bergstrom Hotels Hotels The Charles Schwab Corporation Securities Brokerage and Other Financial Services Chick fil A Quick Service Restaurant The Container Store Specialty Retailer Custom Research Inc Marketing Research Dana Commercial Credit Leasing Dial A Mattress Bedding Retailer 2 Be familiar with the company profiles in Chapter 1 a Bergstrom Hotels a group of three full service hotels in northeastern Wisconsin The Paper Valley Hotel The Pioneer Inn and the Valley Inn b The Charles Schwab Corporation a securities brokerage and investment company that passionately and innovatively champions the investors cause c Chick fil A one of the worlds best quick service restaurant chains with an unwavering commitment to excellent food respectful customer service store operator success and teamwork d Custom Research Inc a highly progressive marketing research company that has built a strong business with Fortune 500 clients through team service delivery innovative practices competence and en emphasis on continuous improvement e Dana Commercial Credit an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Dana Corporation providing lease financing services with integrity quality and creativity f Dial A Mattress A company that sells bedding over the telephone 24 hours a day seven days a week and delivers orders as soon as customers wants them g Enterprise Rent A Car the fastest growing company in America which attracts talented entrepreneurial minded people to the organization and allows them to run their businesses h Midwest Express Airlines a jewel of an airline that began service in 1984 as part of Kimberly Clark Corporation Now an independent public company it takes great pride in offering the best care in the air j i Miller SQA a highly successful division of Herman Miller that is reinventing office furniture manufacturing and marketing by focusing on the process rather than the product SQA stands for simple quick and affordable Special Expeditions an environmentally conscious travel company that uses small ships and Zodiac landing craft to expose travelers to dramatic geology wildlife and native culture in remote places in the world St Paul Saints a minor league baseball team in St Paul that sells out every home game and has a season ticket waiting list of more than 1000 people k l Ukrops Super Markets a family owned chain in Richmond that in 1997 held an astonishing 37 6 percent share of the local grocery market m USAA a worldwide insurance and diversified financial services association that primarily serves member of the U S military and their families trough toll free telephone calls fax and mail 3 Midwest Airlines merged with Frontier Airlines What were some of their unique service ideas a no middle seats and served chocolate chip cookies frontiers spokes animals 4 How is good used in service companies a The word good is rarely used in the sample companies good isn t good enough The pride of achievement comes from striving for excellence Quotes Tegrity Simon Bailey Cheapness is the arch enemy of customer service Jane Handley Customers are not loyal Zig Ziglar Help enough people get what they what and you will get what you want 5 What Company has Pet Day Custom research inc can bring pets to work a pet parade occurs during the day with each pet winning an award 6 Be familiar with the St Paul Saints unique marketing ideas There dominant value is Fun is good a badn plays as fans enter the ballpark a machine at the front gate sprays fans with bubbles a pig is a teams mascot events are staged on the field between innings nuns circulate in the stands to give neck massages to fans 7 Be familiar with core values Excellence Joy Innovation Respect Teamwork Social Profit Integrity 8 Read common customer service complaints 9 How are promotions handled at Charles Schwab They promote from within and promote those whose behavior reflected the highest ethical practice 10 What is Ukrop s work schedule Closed on sundays 11 What are the roles of value driven leaders The primary way values driven leaders articulate the dream and define organizational success is through their own behavior 12 What is the first leadership value Articulating the Dream 13 Who is Mike Veeck Bill Veek Mike Veeck is part owner and president of the St Paul Saints Mike Veeck is the son of the late Bill Veeck a hall of fame baseball team owner known for his creative flair and keen marketing sense 14 Who have been all of the CEO s in USAA s history They have all been retired military officers 15 What is the difference in selling and customer service In customer service you should be listening to your customer and be able to relate to anything they say or do you should be able to help and understand the customer and know their needs In sales your job is to be able to pitch anything to anyone whether they like or need it 16 Why is location not important to Dial a Mattress Because everything van be done over the phone location doesn t matter when customers use 1 800 telephone number 17 One of Midwest s Airlines most popular services when they were in business was no middle seats and served chocolate chip cookies 18 Who was the pioneer of online trading charles schwab 19 What is different about Special Expeditions They want to conserve the worlds natural environment 20 Explain Patient hiring The sample firms practice patient hiring Hiring decisions are considered crucial to the perpetuation of the business and employment candidates typically must pass muster through several screening steps and with multiple interviewers 21 Saint Paul Saints employees have unique work hours Explain The office staff come to work at 8 30 am and finish after the game at 11 they work at their desks until 2 and then they take a break and come back at 5 to work the game 22 Do some companies grow too fast Yes many companies lose control of their future by growing too fast which is a particular problem for labor intensive service companies 23 What is considered by the Containers store the most important thing that they do Helping customers solve problems 24 Understand the importance of hiring Finding just the right person means identifying someone who not only has the capability to be successful in the company to rise in the organization and to make it a career but also

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