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Sociological concepts Structure who lives in the household Functions what are families good for We think it will give us psychological gratification Norms Roles Four Family Types Nuclear 1750 1965 Industrial Patriarchal 1000 1750 Agriculture Eurasia Clan Pre 1000 Horticulture Africa and where no state exists Hunters gatherers for 73 000 years Most were made up of clans from 20 200 Relaxed attitude about pre marital sex Post Nuclear 1965 now Service Sample exam question How would sociologists explain the crack epidemic A the brain chemistry of some people is predisposed to make them susceptible to addictions B people turn to crack because they have very little willpower and low levels of personal motivation C it is concentrated among the poor for whom the class system offers few chances for other forms of satisfaction D it is the result of the institution of religion in us society Which family system was worse for half orphans children who have lost one parent C the Eurasian one especially if there is a step mother involved Phase 1 Parents weren t sentimental towards children Phase 2 Working class kids in factories and mines Middle class kids special food games and nurseries Sample question According to ch 2 of marriage A history some native American tribes allowed C Marriage between same sex individuals Patriarchal era husbands and wives didn t love eachother Example o proverbs o Table dinners were about showing status men sit at head of the table Boys get more food than girls Wives were like servants o Terms of address bird pumpkin Roles women and men didn t have empathy In these peasant families everyone was working Divisions of labor by sex Women were in charge of the 3 Cs o Cooking cleaning children Productive labor o Gardens o Poultry o Dairy o Hoeing o Plowing o Sewing casting the seeds o Reaping harvesting o Threshing o Gleaning Women were low status in patriarchal era acces to tools part of religious life politics 1 5 ranking lowest to highest status Least complex hunter and gatherer 3 Clan 2 Patriarchal 1 Nuclear 4 Most complex post nuclear 5 Men were the head of the household were expected to beat their wives killing the head of the household was considered treason Men initiated sex no negotiation William bird of Virginia planter of 19th century Samuel peeps diary in 18th century William Love in patriarchal society Fiddler on the roof Do you love me o After 25 years why talk about love right now o My father and my mother said we d learn to love each o She thinks the do you love me question is silly o They first met each other when they got married other Courtship Wealth concurs all They date people for practical and prudent reasons Community controlled Point of courtship is to find a spouse o Arrangements and matches o Always listened to our family Courtships were business arrangements They courted ritualistically High control courtship o Older generation supervises or intervenes the courtship Often in a barn where the women do spinning Medium control and weaving o Peer controlled the courtship o his land is adjacent to her land Perfect match o same values as their parents o night courting Godfather part 1 courtship Father introduced the groom to the bride then gave the bride a present and the bride had the mother approve of her opening the present necklace Jimmy Soul If you want to be happy for the rest of your life 1730 s Benjamin Franklin was looking for a wife 1750 nuclear family things change we start to defy parents October 1st first week for exam 2 Nuclear era 1750 Capitalism is stating People make their own way in life Don t need parents approval Can move to the city and get a pay check Arrange their own relationships There s privacy and you can be alone with your lover You can get to know somebody Empathy and spontaneity Actually love and attracted to significant other Car invented and gave relationships privacy Change happened quickly among the wealthy and slower among pervert Dating is linked to marriage Picture of a HS yearbook 16 17 yr olds are looking for a spouse are likely to marry Asking to senior dance Comparing senior rings Plaid outfits Holly and Ralph rain as western couple Hoedown What she s got her eye on o Marrying him o His jacket success I got his jacket Junior senior banquet what you thinking about 1965 post nuclear Modern Day Courtship dating and marriage get delinked few people married the ones they dating in HS Want to get set up in career before getting engaged Dating recreationally As you get older you start to date more seriously We can choose whoever we want to marry Homogony we marry people who are socially similar to us within our characteristics class race and rage endogamy is similar Race Homogony People strongly marry within our race o 10 of white people marry outside their race o 17 of black people marry outside their race o 25 of Asians people marry outside their race o 25 Hispanic people marry outside their race Social class homogony measured by income education and occupation o People marry within their social class frequently Especially the wealthy Ex Kennedy marries Rockefeller Social Elite o Harvard Magazine personals looking for wealthy man slender athletic good looking Anglo Saxon w passionate Mediterranean soul tweedy but sophisticated etc Painted studied in Santa Fe Venice their social class Women looking for a certain type of man within Age homogony Religion homogony Jews non Jews o Most people marry within 2 5 years of their age o Jewish people 1965 11 of Jewish people married non o Today over 50 almost 60 of Jewish people married o 2 of the Jewish population is Jewish o Ectomorph s tend to marry ectomorphs skinny people Marry similar to body type body type homogony People date widely age difference race difference etc but Propinquity Proximity geographic closeness marry homogenously o Our society tends to be organized so we meet people of our same social characteristics Love Marry for love in nuclear era Love scripts love that you recognize Holding hands Courtly love patriarchal is ending o See only among the wealthy classes o Very emotional and intense o Always ends tragically o There s an ambivalence Love passionately Often are adulterous Conflict between arranged marriages and love Fualism is ending o These relationships were impossible o Film Dangerous liaisons disastrous passion I don t want your gratitude I ant something deeper You don t even have to speak to say you love me Woman freaks out over being in love

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